19,240 Commits over 3,898 Days - 0.21cph!
Icon positions for new skinnables
Satchel charge skinnable
Fixed workshop editor skipping some mesh downloads
Double Barrel Shotgun is skinnable
Fixed skinnables with multiple materials not editing properly
Spawn with rock skinned to previously chosen skin
Stack Steam Inventory resources (wood, metal, cloth)
Removed clientinfo attribute
Quickcraft uses last chosen skin
Icons in craft queue uses skin icon
Made hammer guide blue (red was making people think "disabled")
Stripped out ownership stuff
Player skull items display name of dead player
Fixed startup errors for 32bit windows users
Made player less hunchbacky when looking down slightly
Fixed toolcupboard context menu orders
Fixed convar text output somtimes being odd
Fixed pumpkin helmet getting culled too early
Fixed poncho material
Censorship cubes are culled
Got rid of skin0 etc tags (skins applied by replacing specific materials instead)
Removed SteamInventory debug
Skinnables replaced ItemType
Sped up player turn rate when moving
Fixed context menu options not being sorted
ConsoleSystem.Index.Dict is public, for modders
Fixed NRE in TerrainQuality.OnEnable on server
Fixed command line not running
Order stuff when generating code, to make it more deterministic
Ladder climb animation (rough)
Less feet slipping when running/jogging
Lower rotation follows upper, not the other way around
Feet rotation deadzone when not moving
Fixed model stutter when going from looking up to looking down
Store muzzle point on viewmodel/projectiles so we don't look it up by name every shot (!)
Player eye position hard coded, negates need for extra transform
Editor: Draw BLUE line where projectile weapon is pointing
Editor: Draw CYAN line where player eyes would be pointing if eyeball in end of weapon
Fixed aim angles not being broadcast if player standing still
Removed unused hand IK code
Valve fixed skin issue, this is a proper fix
Fixed errors on maps without terrain when placing beartrap
Added sky to TestPlane
When using GameSetup player spawns without having to wake
Fixed NREs
Updated Manifest
Added editor.select command
Renamed entity.create to entity.spawn
Entity.spawn can take partial name, will complain if partial could be more than one entity
Entity.spawn spawns where player is looking, rather than inside player's face
Ai.WantsToAttack returns 0-1 to allow better weighting
Ai considers water depth when idle wandering
Real temporary skin fix this time