6,096 Commits over 3,744 Days - 0.07cph!
branch consumes branch out power, no longer adds children of branch out socket to drain calculation
batteries now store energy in rustWattHours instead of a static output amount and time
less drain on batteries results in less energy usage so they last longer
disabled majority of halloween content
circuit recomputation logic
circuits recompute when wires are cleared/added
removed OR switch short circuit detection
short circuit detection on OR switch improved
circuit changed signal sent to root entities
battery getdrain improvements
fixed every item showing candy vision
fixed cursed cauldron being able to be placed too close to walls
▄▄▍▋▌ ▍▍▍█▅ ▇▍▍▆▇▇ ▅▇ ▄█▄█ ▊▉ ▆▆█▇ ▄▇▌▆▄▅▍█
█▌▊▍▌▉▆ ▅▌▌▅ ▅▅▌▉▄▅▌
▊▉███▉▉ ▉▍▅▇ ▄▍▋▆ ▌▍▆ ▊▅▊█
▆█▊█▅ ▆▆▅▋▋▅▅██▄▍
massive manifest/bundle assignment commit, revert me if I screw up
halloween bundle assignments
▄▊▍▆█▍▊ ▇▋▍▍▋
▊▉▆▍▊▇ ▇▄▊▄▍ ▉▅▋▆▆
▉▇▆▄▍▄▆ ▌▉▉▆ ▄▍▍▉▇, ▆▊▇▊▉ ▋▌▅ ▄▅█▊▇▌▆█▆, ▉▊▋█▆ ▋▉▋ ▋▉▍▅█▇▅ ▌▇▅▆
▊▌▌▋▉▄▄ ▌▊▉▉ ▋▇▋▋▇
▉▋▌▊▄ ▆▇▌▇▌▋█▉ ▍▅▅█
█▇▍▆▆██ ▌▌▊█
▌▊▊▉▇▋▍▅ ▄▇▌▅██ ▌▆▋▄▊ ▉▄▄▋▌ ▅▅▉▄██ ▍▌:▊▍▇▇▋██▆
▇▆▆▌█ ▉▅▅▇▅ ▊▍▇▄ █▉▉ █▄▄▅▊ ▄▆▍▄▊
▍▋▉▊█ ▊▉▍ █▌▍▋▌▌▊ ▉▌▍▆▌▇
▄█▌▋▅ ▆▄▊▍ █▊▍▌▇▌▇ ▉▌▊█▋▋▆ █▉▅ ▊▋▇▋▌▊
▊▇▌▆ ▋▌▇█▉ ▇▉█▇▋▄▉
▇▊▇▆█▅▍▊▇ ▆▆▉▍▇ ██ ▊▊▋ ▉▆▍▇▅▋▅▋▅▅
▍▅▉▌▅▆▋ █▄▇▊▇▌▅ ▅▆▍▇ █▊▄▅ ▉▉▉▆▇▆
▌▇▍▍▌ ▊▍▍▉ ▌▄▉▇/▋▄▉█▍ ▍▋▆▅▄▄▍
█▉▇▊ ▆▌▊▇█ ▄█▇▊▉▇▄█
▋▌▇▉▆ █▋▄▌▋▌▄
▇▉▆▆▉▇▄ ▊▍▊▅▅▍▋▅▉ ▆▌▆▄▊█▋
improved leaderboard
candy projectile work and effects
trick or treat fixes
basket viewmodel improvements
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▅▍▋▆▇▊▍ ▄▊▊▊▍▋ ▆▋▊▄▋
ammo info fix for thrown melee weapons
fixed bradley sometimes not moving
skin approval
double door PropRenders