
16 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

9 Months Ago
Attempt #3 to get the monument of a collider, keeping in mind that client builds split the monument into a flat hierarchy so we can't just look for the MonumentInfo in the parent - fast path is see if the `prevent_building` collider is already tagged - slow path is using a physics cast to search for `prevent_building` - caches to avoid falling back on the slow path every time
9 Months Ago
Merge from main -> allow_barricade_monuments
9 Months Ago
Merge from main -> allow_barricades_monuments
9 Months Ago
Cache if a collider is part of a monument with `MonumentColliderTag` component(so it works in standalone builds)
9 Months Ago
merge from main -> allow_barricades_monuments
9 Months Ago
Apply same treatment to stone, concrete & sandbag barricades (can't place on monument concrete, can place on the terrain)
9 Months Ago
Wooden barricade only buildable on the terrain parts of a monument, block it on all the concrete parts of a monument
9 Months Ago
merge from main -> allow_barricades_monuments
9 Months Ago
Fix wooden barricade missing default layer check when placing - add new default volume check and ignore other wooden barricades
9 Months Ago
Manually fix bounds of wood double barricade being too small in X direction
9 Months Ago
Allow barricades to decay the same speed indoors or outdoors - barricades still won't decay when inside building privledge
9 Months Ago
Can override deploy tickrate for entities with faster decay rates - set decay tickrate of barricades from 10min -> 1min
9 Months Ago
Change decay of all 4 barricades to 15 minutes
9 Months Ago
Use existing `PreventBuildingMonumentTag` to detect what `prevent_building` volumes are attached to monuments & convert them to flags that DeployVolume understands - manually search for `MonumentInfo` in the editor since the prefab scenes don't have components added by S2P
9 Months Ago
Stone barricade protection value didn't save
9 Months Ago
Allow barricades to be placed anywhere in monuments - melee damaged increase against barricades: same damage as normal deployables - bullet & explosive damage against barricades stays the same as before - split building volumes of barricades and bypass "prevent_building" tagged with monument