13,600 Commits over 2,710 Days - 0.21cph!
Fix passengers geting left on ship after a route change
Fixed wander + more fixes
Sparks effect when maintenance repairs a prop
Fix for NRE when deleting a prop that's in use
Fixed passenger disembark not triggering UI update
Better conditions on fit out contract
Added a pulse to the contract button
Contracts UI tweaks
Multiline notifications
Fixed soft lock on cancelling route edit
In progress text updates for contracts
Crowd SFX fix
Don't dispose steam
Pasengers walk to their interaction point
Maybe better wandering logic?
Fixed whats new scrollbar
Ship upgrade contract
Delete UI tweaks
Time fixes
Fleet expansion contract
Added some highlights to buttons needed for contracts
New prop - Bar
What's new
Better wall placement snapping
UI tweaks + more entitlements
Entitlement system
Tweaked map camera settings
Moved Power and Weight displays
Display some suggested terminals when making a route
Fixed Required By Blackboard Building filter option not checking resources
Fixed spit requiring construction
Fixed shonky hut requiring 27 grass to construct a turf roof
Fixed building upgrades triggering the building complete activity
Fixed time not unpausing when exiting a tabbed window
Balance tweaks and tightening up intial route creation
Front facing contract stuff
More contract stuff
Staff contract
Reworking satisfaction calc
WIP Contract/tutorial system
Typo fix
WIP new wall/build system
Quick save/load funcitonality with f6/f7
Tweaked some curves to try and prevent the basket pick up/drop loop
Fixed a container nre in TargetFilterUtility
Added Units to the player building placement collision mask - spawning buildings on top of units is pushing the units down onto lower ground layers
Item Spawner now positions items above the ground, should fix some spawners spawning items clipping into the ground and falling below it
Moved a rock spawner closer to the camp
Possession component persistance
Facepunch key + passenger ai load balancing
Balance tweaks
More staff stuff and fixes
Can now build while a ship is travelling
Added an IgnoreEmptyDispensers option to target filters
Switched the cook module filters back to first candidate mode and made them ignore empty dispensers
Switched a few cooking dispenser filters to all candidate mode, needs to evaluate multiple dispensers because the first dispenser could be empty
Possessions now stores a list of current possessions
Added actions/abilities and conditions for adding/removing and querying the current possessions
Item Management will no longer drop items that are in the possessions list
Staff names + more tooltip stuff
Nearby rubbish hurts Luxury
Some UI tweaks
Passenger status tooltip
Staff tooltip
Fixed sleep time speed not triggering
Fixed sleep speed not triggering if a unit in the group is dead
Fixed ActiveRole not getting updated after disabling a role
Fixed role widget not updating correctly after clearing a unit's role
Added cook module to cook role
Typo fix
Fixed active role field not being set properly on a load, also fixes role UI not being correct after load
Fixed activity notifications on low severity lingering forever
Big entity tracking change + job priorities
Maintenance staff now repair props
Particle effect if prop destroyed
More fire stuff
Electrical props can now start fires if their durability < 30%
Fires spread and damage other props
Maintenace staff can put out fires
Fixed NRE in decay panel
Fixed sticks coming from a sapling not getting a view prefab data assigned and failing to be picked up (TreeParameters now has a ViewPrefabData that gets assigned to trunk view)
Added a Chop Trunks into Logs plan to woodcutter module
Added a Go Home method to GameCamera
Triggers via H key, has an exposed method on GameCamera to get hooked up to UI
Looks for first building in players group, falls back to unit average position if no buildings are built