549 Commits over 215 Days - 0.11cph!
Added a "make_pregnant" console command
New group coherence consideration
Added group coherence as a consideration on Breeding module
Fixed PregnancyInfo accessor not being assigned (now gets the info from data)
Filled in text templates for pregnancy notifications
Attempting to fix the buildings pushing units underground bug:
-Building placement now grabs a list of nav mesh obstacles and does box overlap checks to find any units that are in the affected space of a building
-Once the building is placed the affected units are then moved away from the building until they are in unaffected space
-Also added a position_unit console command that positions the selected unit at the current cursor position
Fix reference to MaterialRequirements in Building editor
Fix basic shack requiring 40 sticks
Fix items getting duplicated when getting picked up from a stockpile and put into a container
Fix NRE on stockpile influence debug view
Fixed Required By Blackboard Building filter option not checking resources
Fixed spit requiring construction
Fixed shonky hut requiring 27 grass to construct a turf roof
Fixed building upgrades triggering the building complete activity
Fixed time not unpausing when exiting a tabbed window
Tweaked some curves to try and prevent the basket pick up/drop loop
Fixed a container nre in TargetFilterUtility
Added Units to the player building placement collision mask - spawning buildings on top of units is pushing the units down onto lower ground layers
Item Spawner now positions items above the ground, should fix some spawners spawning items clipping into the ground and falling below it
Moved a rock spawner closer to the camp
Possession component persistance
Added an IgnoreEmptyDispensers option to target filters
Switched the cook module filters back to first candidate mode and made them ignore empty dispensers
Switched a few cooking dispenser filters to all candidate mode, needs to evaluate multiple dispensers because the first dispenser could be empty
Possessions now stores a list of current possessions
Added actions/abilities and conditions for adding/removing and querying the current possessions
Item Management will no longer drop items that are in the possessions list
Fixed sleep time speed not triggering
Fixed sleep speed not triggering if a unit in the group is dead
Fixed ActiveRole not getting updated after disabling a role
Fixed role widget not updating correctly after clearing a unit's role
Added cook module to cook role
Typo fix
Fixed active role field not being set properly on a load, also fixes role UI not being correct after load
Fixed activity notifications on low severity lingering forever
Fixed NRE in decay panel
Fixed sticks coming from a sapling not getting a view prefab data assigned and failing to be picked up (TreeParameters now has a ViewPrefabData that gets assigned to trunk view)
Added a Chop Trunks into Logs plan to woodcutter module
Added a Go Home method to GameCamera
Triggers via H key, has an exposed method on GameCamera to get hooked up to UI
Looks for first building in players group, falls back to unit average position if no buildings are built
Can toggle build menu with B key
A tribe member being attacked now triggers the correct activity which pauses the game (restricted it to only fire when the unit is at full health to prevent spam)
Merging objective unlock display
Objectives widget now shows the requirements for the next 2 unlocks as objectives
Implemented in a kinda hacky way, I make a fake Objective based on the unlock definition (can be disabled by toggling off showUnlocks on the objective widget)
Added world layer to camera occlusion highlighting
Can close build panel by clicking on build button again
Fixed unlocks not unlocking for building placement if the building was placed in one session and finished being built in another session
Made eat a berry interaction positional and non-exclusive so more than one unit can eat from a berry bush at once
Tripled input values for all campfire inputs - should make campfires last longer and make units less likely to spend all of their time tending to the fire
Advanced Crafting now unlocks after building a crafting table
Set "Craft Item for find desires" goal to the crafting role
Disabled raids, units aren't good enough to survive right now
Fixed crafters not crafting items for other people if the item to be crafted had 0 required roles assigned to it
Fixed the game failing to load if an unlock that was unlocked in a save game has been deleted or is no longer available
Added a last hunt time to Roles data, stores the last time a unit went on a hunt
Added a Time Since Last Hunt consideration, trying to push hunters to go hunting every 1-2 days instead of waiting until tribe is hungry (cooks collecting berries is preventing that from happening)
Added some hunting area hints on Island_01
ItemFilter can now ignore specific weapon types, used this to make sure hunters don't go hunting with improvised weapons (sticks)
Hopefully fixed an issue where multiple recommended item craft desires were created if a unit doesn't craft the recommended item fast enough (should fix people making 4 hand axes lol)
Added a 10 second fallback to InStationaryState on the Animation component, units are sometimes getting stuck in this state
Fixed a bad target on the find to container to fill filter, should make units be a bit less aggressive with the constant berry harvesting
Before crafting a recommended item, a unit will check that the number of identical items in the group is less than the number of units with the same role (this prevents cooks filling up a basket, placing it and then making a new basket because they no longer have a basket over and over again)
Renamed Bows unlock to hunting - triggers after crafting a spear or wooden club and unlocks bows, arrows and the hunter role
Fixed unlock definitions marked as not game valid appearing in ui
Fixed roles not getting correctly unlocked via unlock definitions
Fixed roles unlocked during gameplay not becoming clickable in the role selection foldout
ItemContainer now shows what's in the container on the tooltip (not currently visible, tooltip text is being truncated)
Added another rock spawner to the outcrop on the left of the starting camp
Disabled physics on the rock spawners, stops rocks ending up underground
Fixed eat from dispenser filter not looking for resources (was ignoring berry bushes)
Crafting Table now gets unlocked after building the basic hut
Bow and arrow now gets unlocked after crafting a wooden club or spear (was tied to whittling skill)
Stone Axe and Rabbit Trap now get unlocked after building a crafting table
Removed gatherer role requirement for fire management
Switched fill containers goal from gatherers to cooks
Removed basket recommended item from gatherer
Added basket and hand axe to recommended items for the Cook role
Added a minimum move speed to the Navigation component, defaults to 0.5
Fixes units getting encumbered to the point they can't move
Fixed decay values on clothing getting set in non-normalized space (was setting decay to 80 when a unit got hit, which made all of the unit's clothing invisible)
Added a slider to the Decay component inspector to manually test durability changes
Baskets now get placed instead of dropped by AI gatherers, fixes baskets full of food rolling down hills and falling into the ocean
If an item is recommended by a role definition, keep desires will now treat that item as required (fixes gatherers dropping their baskets at weird times)
Added a container capacity consideration
Restricted baskets to only carry food
Gatherers with baskets will now pick up baskets, fill them up with food and drop them by a campfire
Can now check if an item is in a container with an item filter
Still kinda WIP, there's some dithering where units repeatedly drop/pick up the baskets but they eventually get the job done
Added a recommended items to role definition, craft desires will be generated for each item when a role is assigned
Builder has hand axe, gatherer has hand axe and basket (equipping axes helps fend off early dangerous animals)
Checks if a unit already has the item and that the item is unlocked, rechecks every in-game hour to account for missing items, new unlocks
Fixed a dumb copy+paste error
renamed female damage renderer (needs to be have damage in the name, was called human_female_overlay)