userJarryd Campicancel

591 Commits over 184 Days - 0.13cph!

4 Years Ago
▊▌▊▆▆▉▊ ▅▉▋▅▇ ▋▅ ▄▌▍▌▅▇█ ▄▆▍▉▋▅▉▇▅ ▋▍ ▆▍▌▄▊ ▆▆ ▇▋▍▅██▇▆▌▇ ▅▅▄▍▆▅ ▉_▊▋▋▉█▄▌ ▇▍ ▆_▅▌▇▄▆▊▉▋▉▉ ▌▌█▅▉▇ ▆▆ ▍▋▍▍▋▆ ▇▌▉▋▍▊▅▌█ ▅▆▇█▇▌▉█▆▊
4 Years Ago
Compile fix
4 Years Ago
Exposed instruments audio slider in options menu
4 Years Ago
Reapply HUD changes
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
▋▇▊'▌ ▌██▉▋ ▉▋▅█▇ ▍██▋█▍ ▄▉▉▌▇▆▍▉ ▍█▉▇▌▇ ▌▆ █▇█▊ ██▅▆
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
▉▊█▉▅▆▋▉ ▍▇▇█▇▆▋▋ ▍▄▆▊▆ ▄▉ ▋▋▇ ▌▌▇▊▆▋ █▆▋▄█▆█ ▅▌▋▊ ▊▄▉▋▋▊▍
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
██▊▊▇ ▋▍▉█ ▌█▇▉▅ ▍▆▆▉▅ ▄▋▅▌█▇▋▇▇ ▆▇▌ "▊▌▅▇" ▌▅▉▋▍▋ ▊▇▅▍▄▇▊▆█▋▅ ▍▇ ▉▇▉▆▇▉▇▊▇▄ ▄▋█ █▌▅▅▋▌▆▇▅▋ ▋█▆█'▋ ▅▋▊▊▋ █▉▍▆▍▅▆▉▅
4 Years Ago
▇▆▌▌▉▆▅ ▉▍▇█ ▆▌▅▅▋ ▉▅▄▉▆▅
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Fix upper body bone scaling not working on remote players
4 Years Ago
inventory.copyto now copies skins
4 Years Ago
Fix one off note instruments (drum kit) never resetting to not playing Increased max notes on drum kit
4 Years Ago
Fix instrument camera freaking out when parented to an entity(cargo ship/transport heli)
4 Years Ago
Fix misaligned tuba world lod
4 Years Ago
Fixed perspective changes while holding instruments not working on non-admin players
4 Years Ago
Fixed bass notes missing animation slots
4 Years Ago
▍▄▋'▄ ▊▌▄▊ ▌▊▅▆▆▅▌▍▉
4 Years Ago
█▋▄▌▅▍ ▊▅▋▆ ▇█▉▊▅ ▇▄▋ ▄▇▍ ▅▄▅▇▋ ▋▉▇▍▅
4 Years Ago
Change bass default octaves to 2/3
4 Years Ago
Don't allow notes on guitars until the deploy animation is finished
4 Years Ago
Added a start sound field to every note Fixed tuba not marked as looping
4 Years Ago
▇▍▌▉ █▋▍ ▅▄▄▍▋█▉ ▍▊▉▍ ▍▄▅▊▄
4 Years Ago
Trumpet and tuba animation slot hookups Got rid of placeholder Trumpet and Tuba sound assets Disabled some mount/deploy sounds that were misleading and sounded like full notes Added a loop option for Tuba and Trumpet to loop sounds forever
4 Years Ago
▆▇█▅▉ ▄▄▅▋▆█▅▄ █▉▇▋▋▌▆ ▍▅▊ ▇▊▉▍▊▅▉ ▅▉▉▆▇▋▍
4 Years Ago
Hacky fix for mountable instruments not knowing what player is mounted to them when a demo starts and the player is already mounted to them (should work retroactively)
4 Years Ago
Fixed sharp notes not being stopped properly on remote clients
4 Years Ago
Only scale from Spine_4 up when equipping an instrument Reset scale of instrument to one on deploy Realigned guitars
4 Years Ago
▉▄▅▍▄▍▆▇ █▍▊▌ ▉▅▆▅█▉▄▉▉. ▌█▇▊▋█▌ ▋▄ ▇▆█▊▉▄▅ █▇█ ▊▄▅▅▊ ▆▉▋▍ ▅▋ ▌█▊█▋▉▋, ▇▆▉ █▉█ ▉▇█▌ ▊▅▄▄▅▉ ▍█▊▆: ▋▇▆▊▌▉▇█▌▋▆.▌█▇▄▄▍▅█▋▊ ▇▌ ▊#▅ ▋▅ ▊▊▌ ▊▍▄▇▄▄ ▍▌ ▉▍▄▅ █#▊
4 Years Ago
Doubled minimum note fade out time (0.05s - 0.1s)
4 Years Ago
Refactored note bindings to be a binding per regular and sharp note, rather than combining both into a single binding. Fixes some issues when quickly playing something like C -> C#
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
Assign some max concurrent notes Fix culling distance on held tuba Fixed a case where notes wouldn't end on remote clients
4 Years Ago
Potentially fixed one off note instruments not recycling their notes and failing to play new notes (cowbell bug)
4 Years Ago
Don't voice limit cowbells
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Clamp the players perspective in third person to a more sensible range, fixes instrument clipping through the legs when looking straight down
4 Years Ago
Exposed sharp keybinds to options menu
4 Years Ago
Added an audio.instruments volume convar (not exposed in settings yet)
4 Years Ago
Still allow notes to be stopped if the player has separated from the instrument (might fix notes continuing to play forever)
4 Years Ago
Removed the allow simultaneous notes flag and just set the flute to only play one note at a time
4 Years Ago
Enable update while offscreen on the players body meshes while they are in third person (only if local player) Fixes the hand/arm meshes disappearing for a frame or two when quickly looking up/down
4 Years Ago
Exception checking in UpdateHeldProps
4 Years Ago
Added a max concurrent notes field, set to 3 Stops the oldest note playing if a new note is played that exceeds this value
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
Can no longer research instruments