
7,083 Commits over 3,531 Days - 0.08cph!

41 Days Ago
Fix little mistake in FindInPhysics
42 Days Ago
Allow traces to ignore static/dynamic/keyframed bodies
42 Days Ago
Fix mesh trace fraction, causing incorrect best result when tracing render meshes and physics world at same time Fix scene mesh block tool not working on terrain, just ignore box drag when bounding box gizmo is pressed
43 Days Ago
Use is valid checks in rigidbody
43 Days Ago
Fix index out of range accessing backing data collision attributes
43 Days Ago
Apply aggregate tags in C# instead of this massive inline bind function
43 Days Ago
PhysicsGroupDescription grabs physics tags from aggregate backing data so they can be string token cached. This allows trace result tags to be valid because they'll be reversable by string token
43 Days Ago
Set collision attributes on map instance collision shapes, I missed this out when switching from native aggregate instances
45 Days Ago
Restore skeleton compile to how it used to be, we're missing optimizations by just keeping every bone no matter what
45 Days Ago
Fix bug in capsule tracing, fixes picker in modeldoc when using capsules
46 Days Ago
Switch player grabber back to physics body, just don't grab statics. Use IsValid checks because grabbed body can be deleted
46 Days Ago
Fix errors when first creating terrain, make sure it's all updated, don't render without storage Only recreate clipmap if we have to, this takes time to build
46 Days Ago
Wake touching when disabling a body, why would we not want to?
46 Days Ago
Some games rely on map having a collider
46 Days Ago
CollisionEventSystem has less reliance on Collider MapInstance uses SceneMap instead of Map so it can manage it's own collision. Build collision from physics group desc instead of using CreateAggregateInstance
46 Days Ago
Fix map collider destroying body when it shouldn't, causing a crash when map physics aggregate is destroyed
46 Days Ago
Fix text renderer scale
46 Days Ago
Don't allow zero quaternion in body transform, check against quat zero and use identity, if we find more invalid quaternions there's extra checks we can do
46 Days Ago
Use IsValid checks in AddShapeCollision, shape/body might have been removed from under us
46 Days Ago
Recreate mesh shape on update, this is the safe option until we get proper fixes
46 Days Ago
Clear triangle cache on mesh update to stop crashes until we get the proper fix
46 Days Ago
Range check UpdateMesh on the C# side instead so the user knows they fucked it
46 Days Ago
Do the same for UpdateMeshShape because this is likely where the crash is coming from (grubs)
46 Days Ago
Check BVH indexing outside of vertex list, if this is still getting hit then something else is at fault
46 Days Ago
Assert and bail when trying to set physics body to invalid transform
47 Days Ago
Don't allow mesh shapes to generate contacts on sensors
47 Days Ago
Oops, delta needs to be transformed by the rotation not the transform
47 Days Ago
Fix CastShapeAgainstShape for AABB
48 Days Ago
Fix physics builder stomping physics tags with material tags, they should just append
48 Days Ago
Support terrain collision holes (Use I8 instead of A8 image format for hole map), still need to refresh contacts on dirty though
49 Days Ago
Hull collider can be updated without recreating the physics shape Use MakeDirty for model collider
49 Days Ago
Sphere collider can be resized without recreating the physics shape
49 Days Ago
Capsule collider can be resized without recreating the physics shape
49 Days Ago
Add internal functions for updating spheres, capsules and hulls
49 Days Ago
Plane collider can be resized without recreating the physics shape
49 Days Ago
Move this internal resize attribute to collider so I can make use of it for all the other colliders
49 Days Ago
Rebuild or update collider if they're a child of the rigidbody object and their local transform changed
49 Days Ago
Fix hitbox adding box shape twice the size
50 Days Ago
Improve flatten tool, first stroke saves a plane to trace against to get flatten height and uv
50 Days Ago
Update dirty collider region for heightfield materials
50 Days Ago
Don't cause a rebuild for mesh component when transform chances when scene is not editor
50 Days Ago
Remove hack from mesh component that is stopping hulls from being kinematic
51 Days Ago
No need to pin this memory anymore, height shape makes a copy of it
51 Days Ago
Update height collision region
51 Days Ago
Update height field without recreating the shape
51 Days Ago
Don't keep setting terrain collider to static if it's already static, this is causing an on dirty, don't dirty collider on heightmap region dirty, we should be able to update this faster
51 Days Ago
Add shapeless heightfield cast for Terrain.RayIntersects
51 Days Ago
Box collider rescales without rebuilding the shape
52 Days Ago
Wake connected here too for good measure Don't dirty box collider on size change, update the hull instead - fixes trigger enter/leave when resizing
52 Days Ago
Add internal UpdateBoxShape, box collider will use it