8,347 Commits over 3,957 Days - 0.09cph!
Sleeping player lootpanel
Playercorpses have a proper loot panel
Fixed missing graphics in some of the loot panels.
Added generic 4 and 8 slot loot panels.
Added a physical spell school.
Removed that helmet overlay code that we don't want and was erroring.
NPC tuning.
Fixed missing sounds on Beetles.
Tweaked fireball stats and made the radius inline with the vfx.
NPC tuning.
NPC stats from the spreadsheet.
LOD tweaks.
Baked yet another navmesh.
Fixed the error spam while unarmed.
Proximity to a fireball projectile doesn't make you crouch anymore.
Spellcasting fx script stuff
New spell channeling bar & cooldown timers on the hud slots
And don't play it on startup.
fullscreen fx for statuses
Zombies don't moan on startup.
Unarmed improvements.
Organized the files a bit.
DeathFX for all our NPCs because it makes them more enjoyable to murder.
Stamina bar turns red when low.
Redid the crafting category widgets so that the damn click sound doesn't play at 100db every single time you run the game.