8,347 Commits over 3,957 Days - 0.09cph!
Lightning tweaks (WIP)
Start inventory changes.
Rings & icons.
Proper UI sounds for the items.
Catacombs aren't missing.
Shield bash doesn't stun rocks.
Heal fix.
Loot table tweak.
Better mana gear in the editor
Healing spell setup.
Added one to the editor starting gear.
AI reacts to aggression beyond its aggro range.
Broken talent icon fix.
Heal fx fix.
Slight item tooltip spacing improvements
Item tooltip doesn't go crazy when it's on the far right side of the screen
Fixed the connect and disconnect buttons
Default graphic level isn't potato
Fixed hud targeting and missing status effect widgets
Ruined my wrist by painting field topo masks.
Scene stuff
Project settings & proper icon
Text strings for statuses.
Scene stuff.
What's new shouldn't start open
Reworked the main menu so that you can access the options screen while connected to a server. Nextest-gen.
New energized status category.
Made the functional elixirs be functional.
Small bunch of functional potions and elixirs.
Consumable sound improvements.
Improved targeting icon.
Tuned the soft targeting to work a bit better in a crowd.