
8,345 Commits over 3,957 Days - 0.09cph!

7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
File candidates for nature tweaks.
7 Years Ago
Terrain texture stuff wip.
7 Years Ago
Gathering improvements.
7 Years Ago
Feathers, arrows, chicken loot and stats. Manifest.
7 Years Ago
NPC performance
7 Years Ago
Zombie performance fix.
7 Years Ago
Unfucked the zombie stats & look from the merge.
7 Years Ago
Unfucked the bear stats.
7 Years Ago
Same for the broken wolf stats.
7 Years Ago
Fixed the boar stats that got fucked during the Rust merge.
7 Years Ago
NPC stats. Animal corpse loot. Cleanup. Minor HUD healthbar tweak.
7 Years Ago
Removed skinnables.
7 Years Ago
Non-laggy hit detection for the rest of the NPCs. Cleanup. Removed horse spawns.
7 Years Ago
Fixed the blueprint errors.
7 Years Ago
Scene walls don't glitch out from batching anymore. Placeholder tree tweak.
7 Years Ago
Maples into common bundle.
7 Years Ago
Scene wip
7 Years Ago
Scene backup
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
No land dragon.
7 Years Ago
Scene stuff Climate & sky
7 Years Ago
Scene backup. Less ridiculous helmet overlays.
7 Years Ago
Remaining attire materials.
7 Years Ago
Materials for the different attires.
7 Years Ago
Mushroom crash fix. Stamina recharge tweaks. Health tweaks. Manifest.
7 Years Ago
Part 2
7 Years Ago
Inconsistent plastic fix crap.
7 Years Ago
Limited the island to a playtest proper size, part 1
7 Years Ago
Light tests
7 Years Ago
Fixed recipe bugs.
7 Years Ago
Fixed buttons. Deer skull doesn't need to be a consumable anymore.
7 Years Ago
Manifest Cleaned up some stuff.
7 Years Ago
Food & Recipes
7 Years Ago
Fixed cooking chance math bug. More food stuff.
7 Years Ago
Food stuffs. Manifest.
7 Years Ago
More of the consumables. Cleaned up some old Rust ones.
7 Years Ago
Mana is mana, and not temp. Consumable stuff Cleanup
7 Years Ago
Consumable sound profiles.
7 Years Ago
Manifest Lotsa audio files Random other stuff
7 Years Ago
Food & drink & recipe wip
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Going through more UI stuff
7 Years Ago
More various UI
7 Years Ago
UI stuff
7 Years Ago
Smelting has a success chance. Smelting stats for the different ores. Coal fueled blast furnace for higher end smelting (hotter temperature) Fuel fixes.
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Fixed broken switch triggers.
7 Years Ago
NRE fix for lootpanels.