8,345 Commits over 3,957 Days - 0.09cph!
Spider LOD test for collision performance
Wolf headdress placed with other attire, instead of having its own directory path and structure (wat)
Recategorized unprocessed attire to stop it from cluttering the in-game lists.
Silk clothing, silk strands and rolls, plus new icons.
Armor & attire overhaul wip
Better hover outline on slots.
Refactored the item categories from Rust, even though "Item" is clearly the best item category ever made.
UI Shader stuff
Talents screen
Amplify shader editor
Cleaver big, Guitar, Medical syringe, Mace, Machete, Longsword, Water bucket - Updated to latest rig, added new arms, clean export, rebuilt prefabs
Forgot to unhide some UI stuff
Stopped some hard-coded animations from messing up the UI buttons
Clean navbar with a new sound script
1 hour of debugging because of 2 checkboxes
Crafting information all hooked up
Fixed crafting list going out of bounds with lots of recipes
Better icon quality
Removed unneeded stuff from BlueprintCategoryButton
Toggle group instead of buttons on crafting screen.
mad scientist reverse engineering backup