
6,193 Commits over 3,867 Days - 0.07cph!

1 Year Ago
▄▅▍▌▄ ▉▄█▆▆█ ▌▇█▋▉▊▅ ▌▆▍▌ ▋▇█▅▌▇▆ ▊▌▊▌▇▌▅▊▆▍▄█
1 Year Ago
Do not call GM:EntityRemoved and ENT:OnRemove during full updates garrysmod-issues/issues/4675 Allow GM:OnPhysgunFreeze to be ran on non vphysics entities The 2nd argument ( physobj ) will be NULL world clicker panels FOV adjustment Now uses view setup FOV, not Player:GetFOV, affects gui.ScreenToVector as well
1 Year Ago
Make 2nd arg actually set the sound position of Global.EmitSound Also default the 3rd parameter (entityID) to 0. Remove unintended console message from crosshair panel Bump gui.OpenURL limit to 2000 Added new optional argument to render.ClearDepth bool stencil - also clear stencil buffer, defaults to true for backwards compatibility
1 Year Ago
sound.Play better optional argument handling New default crosshair + options Options > Multiplayer > Crosshair Customization
1 Year Ago
More killicon aliases for physics kills New Portal NPCs can be duplicated
1 Year Ago
Added OnCloseCaptionEmit hook Arguments are: string soundScript number duration bool fromPlayer string fullText - can be nil if token is not registered Added gui.AddCaption( text, duration, fromPlayer )
1 Year Ago
LuaMesh.BuildFromTriangles allows modifying the mesh This is only permitted when the vertex count matches between existing mesh, and the new mesh. EntityEmitSound blocks CSceneEntity close captions
1 Year Ago
Make sure SourceTV bot is treated as bot in game code Fixes garrysmod-issues/issues/5575 Added navmesh.CreateNavLadder Arguments are: Vec top, Vec bottom, float width, Vec2D dir, float maxHeightAboveTopArea = 0 Weapon:GetTracerOrigin is now called for 3rd person view as well
1 Year Ago
Fixed a regression with spawnmenu "no models" message Safeguards against malformed .gma files New VertexLitGeneric parameters `$AllowDiffuseModulation` and `$NoTint` - both allow disabling color tint per material Vector:Mul() now supports VMatrix
1 Year Ago
Remove OnPlayerLand hook (OnPlayerHitGround exists)
1 Year Ago
Enable connection reusage for HTTP Speeds up subsequent requests render.Push/PopRenderTarget overflow/underflow safeguards Also made certain render.Push* function overflowing not crash the game outright Adjust "Failed to find any models for this addon" error Mention what might be causing the issue Added OnPlayerLand/OnPlayerJump hooks Arguments are `Player, number`, where the number is the velocity/impulse of the landing/jump Should these 2 hooks be combined into 1?
1 Year Ago
▆▋▊▍ ▊▆▊▍▍▊▇▆▌ ▇▋▄▆▋_▊█▅▌▉▉▋▌_▆▄▋▆▄
1 Year Ago
Undo changes to input.GetCursorPos Causes issues with spawnicon editor, and probably other addons too. Delete serverplugin_empty.dll Fixed crashes when accessing out of bounds flex controllers This fixes crashes when rendering spawnicons of models that have more than 96 flex controllers. Probably fixes other cases as well.
1 Year Ago
Fixed Player:SprintEnable not working Also made Player:SprintEnable accept a bool optionally, and added Player.IsWalking minor changes
1 Year Ago
Merged Pull Requests * Improvements to DComboBox * Improvements to MatSelect Minor adjustments
1 Year Ago
SourceTV players are considered bots for player library Fix npc_rocket_turret spawn position
1 Year Ago
Experimental: input.GetCursorPos returns 0,0 when cursor is not visible This matches behavior of gui.MousePos() Added .dem and .vcd to file.Write whitelist Rework and deduplicate Lua enums Added COND.* enums Added render.ComputePixelDiameterOfSphere
1 Year Ago
▅▊▉▋▅▊▅▄▅ ▌▍▌▋▌█_▉▉▇▌ ▄▄▋█▉▇ ▊▅ ▋▍▋▅ ▋▄▅
1 Year Ago
Added SENT_AI:OnTaskFailed and others Added NPC:GetIdealYaw, NPC:GetArrivalDirection, NPC:SetUnforgettable Added CNavArea:MarkAsDamaging, CNavArea.IsDamaging
1 Year Ago
SourceTV fixes Player.IsBot now returns true for SourceTV master client Prevent tv_enable going beyond absolute max players
1 Year Ago
▍▋▉ ▆▇▆▉█▉▆▇ ▋▍▅▇▇▇ ▊▌▉ ▆▄▉ ▌▍▅▉▌▆▊▊▄▅ ▇▆█▅▊▇▌ ! ▋▍▉▆▉ ▊▊_▉▅▍▆▌▇ ▄▅▌▆▊▇▆▋▊, ▅▍▉ ▇▉▊ ▍▍▅▊ ▆▍▌▇█▇▆▇█▍▊ ▇█▌▊▅▆▇▆█ !▇▅▅▄▋ ▊▊▆▅▄▊▆▋▊ ▉▇▆ ▋▇▌▇ ▍▌▋▍▌█▊▊, █▇▊ ▋▊▆▄▌ ▋▉ ▌▊▄▆ ▇▇█▉▌▆
1 Year Ago
▇█▌▄▍ ▇▄▍█▌▊▍▆▊ ▊▋▌ ▍▌▅▅ ▋▇▉▌█▊▆▄, ▌▇▋ ▋▇▌▇▇ ▍▆ ▆▍▊▍ ▄▄▋▇▉▄
1 Year Ago
Added 6th optional argument to util.ScreenShake - AirShake defaults to false
1 Year Ago
▅▌▄▊▅ ▄▉_▇▍█▌▌▇ ▊▋▊▉▆▋▇▍▍, ▇▊▇ ▍█▉ ▋▌▌█ ▋▇▍▄▉▉▄▉▌▆▍ ▇█▍▅▇▉▊▅▊
1 Year Ago
SourceTV crash fixes I cannot promise it will function, but it at least doesn't crash Added 2 optional arguments to util.JSONToTable first - true to ignore the depth and breadth limits second - true to ignore string to number conversions
1 Year Ago
Fix networking of low bit small floats garrysmod-issues/issues/5552
1 Year Ago
Remove unintended debug print Add fallback sounds for EP2 vortigaunt attacks
1 Year Ago
Add fallback sounds for EP2 vortigaunt attacks
1 Year Ago
Port some thread pool changes from csgo, should fix linux srcds not having them Remove unintended debug print
1 Year Ago
▊▌▄▆▄▌▍▊ ██▍▍ ▌█▊▉▊▋▅▌ ▆▆▌▅ ▆▇▅▅ * ▄▋▋ █▇▄▉ ▆▇▌▆ ▄ ▋▇▌ ▇▇▌▍▆▉▄ ▋▋▍▄▌█ ▍▌▍▊ ▋ * ▌▊▋▊█▊▌▌ ▇▅▋▉ ▄▅▍█ ▉ ▌██▌▉▍▄▄█ ▆▅▅▇█ * ▍▉▇▌ ▋▄▊▌▅▄█ ▅▌▄▅▍▍▍ ▍█ ▄▉▆▌▇ ▊▋▉ ▄█▊▋▄ ▊▌▍▋ ▆▆ ▇▌ ▍▆███▄ ▄▍▉▇▆▅▍██▇ █▉▄▇▅▌▋ * █▊▅▅▅▆ ▅▋▋▊▉▄▆ ▋█▌ ▊▋▊ ▉▄█▉▅ ▆▇▊ ▇▊▅ ▍▋▅▉▍▋▆▌▌ ▋█▉█▉▇▇▅ ▉▍ ▊▇▊ █▆▊▍ ▅▍▍▌, ▊▋▅ ▉▊▌▍▋▋▊ ▊▌▍_▍▅▉▍▍▋▌ ▅▄▇▍▌▇▆ * ▌▌▄▊▆▌▍▄▊█▍ ▍▉█ █▋▆▄ ▉▊▉▅▅▄▅▆▄▊▉▇ ▆▋▆ ▊▄▌▋▄▇▍▍▌ █▄▄▄ ▆█ ▋▆▅▌ ▆▊▊▋▋ ▍█▄▌▇▉▆ ▆▆▊▌ █▉▄▆ ▋▊▋▋▊▄▄ ▅▍▉▍▇▆▇█▊▍ ▇▅▌▊ ▆▄ ▉▇▆▌▌█▇▄ ▅▆▌▄▊ ▌▍▄▊▍ ▇▅:▆ █▅▍▌▋ ▍▍▄█▅▉▉ ▉▆▇█▆▆▊ ▉▉▋ ▅▇▇▋▋▍▆ ▉▍▇▅▌▄▅ ▆▍▄██▍▊▄▇█▅ ▊▉▊▇▊▊▉ ▊▊▄▉ ▉▍▆ ▍▌▌▆ ▆█▊▅▆ `▅▇▅` ▆▄▉▄▄▄ ▌▊▄▇▊ ▆ ▆▊▉▅ ▇▅▊█▄▅▉ ▅▌▌▄▄ █▉▇█ ▍█▇█▅▊▍▉▊ ▆▅▉ ▆▊▍▉▍█▋▄▉▍▄ ▄▉█▆▆ ▍ ▌▆▉▄▅ ▆▋▆▄ ▄▋▅▄ ▋▋▍▄▌▆▌▉▅ ▍▋▆▌▄▇▇▍▊-▇▋▉▌▄▊/▉▄▇▆▆▌/█▍▍█ ▆▇▄▉▉.▄▇█▊▆▋▋▇▆▇▍ ▅██▇▉ ▌▋▇▉ ▌▌▊▆▆▉▌▇█ ▌▄▆█▄ ▇█▅▆▋▍▋ ▋▅▌▇ ▋▍▉▉▍▇▉▋▄▋ ▅▋▆█▋▌▇▍ █▆▋▋█▄▍▇ !▊▍█▋▅ ▋▌▍▉▉▇▋ ██▉▉▇▆▅▊ ▍▌▄▄▇ ▋▋▉▉ ▄▉ █▊▉▋▊ ▆▇▉ █▌▆▌ ▆▉▊█▍▋▆▇▅ !▍▆█▌▌█▇ ▇▍▆▇█▍▌ ▅▍▊▌▆▄▋▋▋ ▊▍▌█ ▋▇▋▋▇ ▋█▉▇ ▅▍ ▋▌▍▆█▊ ▍▇▆▋ ▉▉▆▍▍ ▆█▆▉ ▋▌▄▄▉ ▄▆▉▍ ▋█▇ ▌▋▋▅▇▄█▆ ▅▋▉▉▊▆▌█▌ █ █▄▇▌ ▇▄▊▌ █▆▆▅▄▊ ▋█▋▋▉▌▊ ! ▅▍▍▇▄ ▇▉▇▇▅▋_▊▉▇█▍▍▇▋█▉ ▊▆▍▄▊ ▍▋▆▉ ▄▍ ▄▋▆▅▇ █▇▋▅▉ ▄▄▉██▆▇ █▋ ▇▋█▄ ▉▋▄▇▇█▋▄▋ ▅▋▊ ▋▄▇▊█▄ ▄▆▍▊ ▅█▉▆▊▇▌ ▌▊▅ ▊▊▋█▇▅▍ ▆█▉▆▍ ▋▌▋▆▄.▋▆▆▋▅▅▌▉▉▋ ▅▋▇▅▍ █▉▄▄.▇▌▇▆▅▋ ▋█▇ ▆▋ ▋██▇.▄▉███ ▉▌▌ ▋█▌ ▉▅▇▆▉ ▅▌▋▌▅ █▍▅.▄█▊▉▆/▌▍▊▇▄▄█▍▅▉ ██▄ ▊▌▇▅:▊▅▄▋▉/▍▋▉▅▊▉▆▇▄▌ ▇▉▌▉ ▅▆▄▆▌▉ ▍▆▆ █▅▋▅▌▌ ▋▉█▉▇▍ ▌▋▌█▌▋, ▌▉▉ ▅█▋ ▆▅ ▍▉▌▆ ▅▉▋▉ ▅▄▌███:▆▇▌▄▉▉▆█▆() ▌▄▌ ▅▊▊▆▋▄▌ ▊▌▅ ▊▆█▋▆▇▊.▌▉▇▆▇▆▆▇█▅▋▍▉▇▄▆▇▇▄▍▌ ▆▌▉ ▌▉▅▊▉▉ ▌▆▌▌█▆ ▊▉▋█ ▇▍▇▍▅▊▇ ▌▊ ▄▄▇ ▆█▋▉▋▌█▌ ▅▊▋▌▇█▄▊ ▍▋▉ ▋▊▊▉▍▍ ▌█▅▅ ▇▄█ ▉█▄█ ▅▌▉▋ ▅▍ "▇▋▅█▉: ▊▊▊▌▌█'▇ ▋▉▍▋." ▊▌▇▆▊▋▉▆ ▇▍█▉▉▅ ▅▌▉▊ ▇▋▋█▇▌ █▉█▅▍▅▊▉ ▉▇▆ ▋ █▌▇▉▆▌▅, ▊▆▄▅▋▋▊▋▅▆▅ ▍▅██, ▌▄▇█▇▅▆ ▌▄▅▍█▇▊ ▆▌▉ ▍▆▊▊▇▇▊█ ▇▇▉▆▇▇ ▄▆▍ ▄▆▅▋▉▄█ ▇▄▍▌▇ ▇▅▌ ▇▊▄▌▌▌█ ▋▊▍▍▋ ▊▉▊▌ ▌▅█▉▍▊▋ ▇▆▆▆▇█▋▅▍▆▊ ▍▋▆▅█▄ ▊▉█▌ ▉▆▋▋█▅▄▅ * ▍▉▍▋▌ ▋▊▊▉▅▆▍▌▍ █▄▊▌▉▋▊▇▍▇▆ ▍▋▍ █▉▌▇▋▍.▄▋▊▅▍▉█ * ▌█▉▇▉▍▉▋ ▊▄▉▊▆█▉ ▉▉▉ ▌▍▋-▅▄▆▍▅▌▍ ▋▇▉▍▍▆▌▌ █▄ ▊▍▅▅▌▉▇▋▉█ █▆▅▊▄▉▋ * ▊█▆▇█ ▅▊▄▇▉▊▊▄▊▋▅ █▌▍▋▉▇▉ ▍▆▊▇ █▉▆▌▌▇▉ ▅█▅ ▋▅▋▉▄█▍ ▊▄ ▉▌▋▄▊▋▅▌▆▇▌▇▅▌ * ▋▅▉▄▋▋ ▆█▉▇▍▋ ▊▅ ▆█▌▉▆▅▄▉▋█ ▉▄▋.▉▆▋▉▌▊▇▄ ▇█ ▇▆▌▌▄.▇▇▄▍▅▍▊▋▉▇▄▍ ▋▆█ ▅▉▊▄▋▆▋ ▌▅▅▇▅
1 Year Ago
▅▉▇▄▊ ▍▉:▅ ▇▄▅▅▆ ▌▍▍▅▅▅█ ▄▄▋▌▅▋▆ █▋▍ █▅▍▄▅▆▉ ▅▄█▄▄▆▆ ▌▍▉▆█▍▊▆▆▌▊ ▅▌▉▌▌▋▄ ▇█▊▄ ▆▅▊ ▋▇▍▄ ▊█▄▋█ `▄▆▅` ▄▄▋▇▅▌ ▄▇▄█▄ ▇ ▆▋▍▊ ▌▉▌▊▇▉▋ ▉▊▅▊▇ ▊▇▇▉ ▊▊▋▍▊▅█▅▆ ▌▊▇ ▇▊▌▌▉█▍▍▅▉▋ █▇▆▊▍ ▆ ▋▋▋▄█ ▋▉▄▍ ▄▋▅▊ █▉▍█▅▍▆▋▌ ▆██▇▄▍▆▊▇-██▌▉▄▍/▆▌▌▇▌▉/▇▅▌▉ ▅▆▉▍▄ ▋▋█▌▉▆▊ ▅▋▊▋ ▆▊▇▊▌▍▉▄▅▆ ▅▍▍▆▌▆▊▌ ▍▊▋▋▇▋▋▇ !▊▉▊▊▋ ▅▋▄▆▊▌▅ ▊▆▋█▋▋▉▋ ▉▊▋▄▍ ▇▋▍▍ ▉▇ ▊▌█▆▍ █▉▉ ▍▅▌▍ ▅▇█▅▋▍▇▄▉ !▅▍▋▄▌▊▊ ▇▇▌▄▋▇▆ ▇▆▍▋▄▅▅▊▊ ▋▊▉▊ ▉▆▄▍▊ ▉▋█▌ ▊▅ ▅▋▍▆▉▆ ▋▆▋▅ ▅▍▋▆▆ ▌██▇ ▄█▆▍▄ ▅▇▍█ ▆▉▋ █▉▋▉▆▆▍▄ ▇▍▇▋▉█▇▆▊ █ ▊▇▍▉ ▊▋▍▌ ▌▄▆▇▇▄ ▅▇▊▇▍▋▍ ! ▊█▇▍▅ ▄▉█▊▌▄_▇▍▉▆▋▍▍▄▊█ ▇▌▌▄▊ ▇▉▅▋ ▍▇ ▌█▄▍▊ ▉█▊█▇ ▆▆▅▄██▍ ▉▊ █▍▅▉ ▇▉█▍█▋▍▆▌ ▌▋█ █▉▇▅██ ▇▆▄▄ ▊▋▄▆▍▊▊ ▅▉▇ ▋▍▋▇▅▉▍ ▍█▅▇▇ █▉▍▌.▊▇▅▍▊▍ █▆▍ ▋▍ ▆▌▆▉.▋▇█▊▉ ▌▍▄ ▍█▇ ▋▍▋▆▇ █▆▄ ▄▇▍▉▋▌█ ██▇ ▉▋▅▅▉▊▄.▍▌█▄▊▇▆▉▆▅▉▉▊█▉▄▋▆▆▋▋
1 Year Ago
Merged Pull Requests * Fixed duplicate definitions for Player.GetTool * Improved support for non-English messages in DTextEntry history * Fixed DNumberWang passing both strings and numbers to OnValueChanged * Change usages of deprecated gui.MousePos to input.GetCursorPos
1 Year Ago
▋▉█▄: ▍▌▇▌ ▌▋▊▄▄ ▌▍▆▅▅▄█ ▅▆▇██ ▆▆▉▆▅▄▊ ▉▆ ▌▋▆ ▍▇▇▌▇█▆▋ ▌▉▍▋▅▅▊▆▆▊▉ (▅▄▉▊▊▋)
1 Year Ago
Reduce NPC name translation duplication Fixed malformed HTML Reworked base kill feed Portal NPCs Only populated servers contribute to gamemode name This is experimental and may be rolled back Update ClientScheme.res This is for nav_generate UI More NPC class name translations
1 Year Ago
▄▌▆▄: ▌▄▆▇▊█▄ ▄▌▅▊▊▇▉ ▌▍ ▍▄▌▆▊ █▉▍▌▌▋ ▆▍▄▊▇▌▌ ▌▆▍▌▆▆ ▍▍█ ▋▍▍▅▉▋█▌ ▄▄▍█▇
1 Year Ago
Use doubles for physenv.GetLastSimulationTime Add portal scenes just because we can Particle precache for portal maps Add file path to "ERROR: couldn't open." warnings Ported some portal entities The 2 turrets, personality core, fizzler trigger and security camera RPG Missile stops its looping sound when removed prematurely
1 Year Ago
Added net.Write/ReadUInt64 and File:Write/ReadUInt64 They accept and return string values, and can be used with Player:SteamID64()
1 Year Ago
Added Angle.IsEqualTol Apply file.Exists fix to file.IsDir for Lua paths
1 Year Ago
Fix custom HTTP methods not working
1 Year Ago
▆▅▅▉█ ▇▇▅▇▇▆▄ ▊▆▅█▍▆▉▆ ▌▆▊▆▍ ▉▋▌▅ ▊▉ ▍▄▊▋▇ ▄▄▋ ▉▇▉▌ ▆▅█▆▆▇▄▍▉ !▅▍▋▄█▌▉ ▍▊▉▍▊▌▇ ▍▍█▌▇▌▉▄▌ ▆▇█▅ █▆██▅ ▋▍▌▅ ▍▊ ▍▆█▌▍▌ ▊▅▇▌ █▇▋▉▊ ▄▄▄▄ █▋▍▋▅ ▊▅▄▌ ▍▍█ ▌▄▌▌▅█▊▄ ▄▊▅▄▆▍▍▋▍ █ ▊▍▋▅ █▍▍▉ ▇▆▌▋▋▆ █▇▊▆▍▊▉ ! ▉█▄▍▌ ▉▍█▅▊▇_▅█▆▄▋▊▊▌▌▊ ▅▇▆▆▍ ▍▊▌▆ ▋▋ ▆▌▄█▋ ▆▊█▄▄ ▅▉█▊▆▍█ ▊▄ ▊▅▋▍ █▄▌▊▌▉▇▊▌
1 Year Ago
Panel.GetNumLines works with TextEntry Fixed crashes with filesystem printing warnings
1 Year Ago
Fixed HL:S skill configs setting HL2 convars Certain conflicting convars from HLS were given `hl1` prefix Fixed a self induced crash with KillFocus and OnLoseFocus Fixed a crash with text rendering garrysmod-issues/issues/5554
1 Year Ago
Fix malformed HTML in menu files Servers with more players contribute more to gamemode names
1 Year Ago
Reworked base gamemode kill feed * Now uses only 1 net message rather than 5 * Friendly NPCs have a different color * NPCs killing another of their own class name is no longer considered suicide * Custom Vehicle and NPC names are now displayed properly in the kill feed, for example npc_citizen reskins * Deduplicate NPC name translations
1 Year Ago
▆▆█▍▄▉.▄▉▋▇█▉█▉▄▊ ▊▇▉ ▆▇▆█▊▇▉ "▇▉█▋▌▊" █▊█▊▆▌ ▅▋▉▇█▋▌█ ▉▉ ▆ (▋▌▆▇_▄▅▄▌), ▋▉▉▅▉ ▅▄▉▋▄▌ ▅▇▇▋▆ ▋▋▄▋ ▋ ▋▍ ▍ ▌▆▋▍▉ ▆███▌▉▆▊:▉▍▆█▅▅▇▋▇( ▍▇▄ ) ▄▉▇▅▆▄:▍▊▉▇▇█▅▍█▊▇▋█▌█▉▅▋ ▋▇ ▊▊▉ ▆█▇█▍█ ▋▄▆▅▌▉▊▅ ▆▉▌▆▅▊ ▋▇▊██▉▉ █▉█ ▌█▇_▄▆▌▄* ▄▆▉▋▉▄▉▊▇▌█▍ !▅▍▄█▄ ▋▍▌▍▍ ▇▍▇
1 Year Ago
▋▍▋▋▉▊.▊▄▊▄▊▋▋▄▇▄ ▆▋▉ ▌▆▄▇▇▆▌ "█▌▅▍█▇" ▄▊▄▊█▅ ▍▆▋▅▍▉▇▉ ▅█ ▅ (▉▊▌▊_▌▍▋▊), ██▋▅▋ ▍▋▉▆▊▅ ▍▋▉▄▋ ▇▄▅▅ ▋ ▍▋ ▊ ▍▋▉▆▊ ▋▆▊▇▍▄▋▆:▄▍▅▅▄▄▌▄▉( █▍▊ ) !▄▇▋▌▊ ▍█▋▄▅ !▄▇█ ▍▉█▉▊▋▉ ! ▇█▆ ▄▍▍▊▌▌▊ █▆▊▉▉██▋▋▍▉▍ ▆▌▍▌▊▅:▉█▉▌▋█▇▊▄▊▌▊▆▉▍▇▋▋ ▋▍ ▇▄▍ ▋▍▋▍▇▆ █▅▅▆▉▇▇▅ ▉▉▅▆▍█ ▋▍▄▊▄▄▌ ▅▅▅ ▋▋█_█▋▍▍* █▄▇▊▉▋▇▋▆▉▆▅ !▆▉▊█▊ ▅▌▌▄▍ ▆▇▆ ▍▄▉▋▌ ▍▇▊▊▋▆ '▉▋▆▅' ▋▌▌▉ ▊▄▍▉▅▇▋▆▍▅
1 Year Ago
Minor style fix
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
▋█▇▆▊ ▍▋▄█▆ ▅▅▇
1 Year Ago
Clean ups Duplicator copies sub materials lua_find* access restriction adjustments