branchGarrys Mod/maincancel

3,055 Commits over 2,983 Days - 0.04cph!

5 Years Ago
Added LuaLocomotion:Set/GetGravity()
5 Years Ago
Treesway for unlitgeneric, because we can
5 Years Ago
Shared DTVars for testing
5 Years Ago
Updated TTT to its latest version
5 Years Ago
Entity.PhysicsDestroy on ragdolls no longer crashes the game
5 Years Ago
Restored func_traintrain's control HUD (Can be disabled by gamemodes via HUDShouldDraw) (Added gmods own scripts/hud_textures.txt)
5 Years Ago
Fixed CSS ladders and Physgun's +use allowing you to fly into air indefinitely
5 Years Ago
Fixed some weapons (RPG, AR2, HL1 357, Glock, Shotgun) spamming sounds underwater while holding RMB
5 Years Ago
Disable hull trace surface prop fix, it causes crashing issues Fixed Entity.Activate on a SetModelScaled ragdolls causing a crash (It still won't scale ragdolls)
5 Years Ago
Added ITexture.IsErrorTexture
5 Years Ago
Fixed Player.Give's second argument soft-breaking non clip using weapons such as build in frag nades
5 Years Ago
Restore non HDR depth buffer range to 192 from 8192 for now
5 Years Ago
Fixed CTransitionTable::OverrideBlendSeparateAlpha and mat_fillrate
5 Years Ago
Icon editor loads bodygroups from picked models
5 Years Ago
Do the same for tools themselves (Faceposer, material)
5 Years Ago
Disable pattern searching for tools (and props/entities) in spawnmenu
5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
Fix filtered out entities (on map cleanup) not increasing internal counter for MapCreationID()
5 Years Ago
Clientside only physics scrape sounds (for example from prop gibs) play properly at the entity location, not at world origin
5 Years Ago
Restore SWEP networking fix
5 Years Ago
Temporarily undo changeset 6235
5 Years Ago
Fixed a memory leak in engine traces
5 Years Ago
GitHub Pull Requests: TTT: Optimized type checks (#1596) Weapon inheritance doesn't error when baseclass weapon has non table values (#1586) Some very minor code cleanups (PRs #1606 #1603 #1602 #1504) Some Derma functions no longer pollute global table (#1598) Moved GM:PlayerShouldTakeDamage definition to init.lua from shared.lua (#1600) Changed default bidning for Alt from "Last Weapon" to "Slow walk" (#1559) Default SWEP:ShootBullet now has 3 optional arguments - ammo_type, force, tracer
5 Years Ago
breaks sweps again for now
5 Years Ago
DListView_Column.SetFixedWidth with negative values doesn't freeze the game
5 Years Ago
Fix NPC driven vehicles not driving
5 Years Ago
Fixed Entity.MapCreatedID() and Entity.CreatedByMap() being set a bit too late for GM:EntityKeyValue
5 Years Ago
Enable BASS_CONFIG_DEV_DEFAULT to switch output device on device loss
5 Years Ago
Add FCVAR_CHEAT flag to host_timescale
5 Years Ago
Improve display of Floating Addons in Addons menu (and don't error) Fixed certain addons in Addons menu displaying [unknown] author after successfully getting the correct author on initial sighting
5 Years Ago
Also get rid of the channels stuff
5 Years Ago
Disable BASS device changing for now
5 Years Ago
Global var getters and setters use exactly the same logic to determine if its a global var or not
5 Years Ago
Do not reinit bass if we are on the fake no sound device
5 Years Ago
Update language files once more
5 Years Ago
Better handle complete loss of ALL sound output devices with BASS.DLL
5 Years Ago
Fixed Bodygroups tab in Playermodel editor being invisible in certain cases Fixed potential errors with Spawnicon editor
5 Years Ago
render.Draw(Wireframe)Sphere will fallback to 24 longitude/latitude steps if we are about to crash
5 Years Ago
hud_quickinfo makes no sounds when it is disabled
5 Years Ago
Use -tickrate paramter when resetting the tickratre
5 Years Ago
Fixed an uncommon RPG reload animation bug on client in multiplayer
5 Years Ago
Move the "env_sprite is rendering bad material" to developer 1 because it's annoying and the crash is very rare
5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
Added "dontcreate" option to "settings" section of <gamemodename>.txt, used for gmod_maxammo in sandbox.txt
5 Years Ago
Don't reset NET_IsMultiplayer, just use IsInGame() for SHIFT+F2
5 Years Ago
Updated language files
5 Years Ago
gmod_maxammo slider in Utilities menu and Sandbox's new game menu
5 Years Ago
merge the panel fix from prerelease (goddamit)
5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago