3,556 Commits over 3,256 Days - 0.05cph!
Don't bother with checking .gma timestamps if SteamUGC tells us we need updating
Separate console message for Workshop subscriptions that failed to download
Include addon title/id in more error messages, better checking for bad filenames in addons
Apply FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE to stopsound, not stopsounds
Added CSGO map icons from the new operation
from main: language files, dtvar callback perf, shader crash fix
WorkshopDL: Even more warnings and messages on failure, dont delete files when failing to mount them, changed the loading screen statuses to be more consistent, changed cache to use workshopFileID, not internal file ID
Workshop downloads will properly trigger the loading screen's DownloadingFile function
Reenable monster_flyer sounds
Entity arguments now properly error on type mismatch
-allowlocalhttp launch option for servers
More console messages for WorkshopDL on failure
Reset runspeed every frame like we used to, even if we are sprinting/walking
gmad: Print out new filename when failing to write a file
A different approach of handing failed extractions in gmad
Willox's Clientside DTVar callbacks optimizations
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Limited Light tool brightness to 20 (from 255)
Fixed Sandbox control panel sliders with invalid convars making errors
Added Default preset value for gmod_suit in server settings
Updates to the ISteamUGC support for subscriptions
Merge from Nov2019 update
Updated de_cache icon to match the updated version of the map
Bouncy ball no longer tries to rebuild physics on client
Fixed level transitions with flashlight turned on and gmod_suit 0 making the flashlight unusable
Increased player's nickname character limit to 128 (from 32)
Steam.inf updated
SetShadowsFromLocalLightsEnabled/enableshadowsfromlocallights for shadowcontrol entity
Fixed clip1 and clip2 only networking first 8 bits, "limitiing" the value in multiplayer to 255
Fixed script_intro entity in multiplayer after long curtime
Fixed a few crashes with NULL physics objects in multiphysics entities, disabled PhysicsInit/Destroy on ragdolls
Prevent usage of PhysicsInit and PhysicsDestroy functions on the world entity to avoid crashes
Readded point_flesh_effect_target
Tighten IsEntityPositionReasonable bounds to avoid crashes
Don't read LUMP_DISP_LIGHTMAP_ALPHAS since its data is not used
Increased maxiumum Engine Hunk Size to 128MB, from 48MB
Floating addons do not show rate and install buttons and cannot be disabled
Increased displacement limit to 16k
Added missing map icons for CS:GO and TF2 maps
Added Player.Set/GetSuitPower
Restore the sprinting logiic to what it was before, but edited
Improvements to NPCs using the HL2 crossbow
Do not automatically unsubscribe from banned workshop addons in case they will become unbanned a day later, but still dont mout them ( auto ban false positives )
Reset player's speed every frame because addons
CSS shell sounds
█▄▆▅ ▌▇▅▋▅ ▍▋▋▍ ▅▇ ▆▅▋▆▅▍▆▌▍▍ █▆▄▆
FIxed stopping walking resetting the speed to HL2 default, not gmod's default
You can now sprint without HEV suit with gmod_suit 0.