3,556 Commits over 3,256 Days - 0.05cph!
Removed auto generated files to fix the "1 file failed to pass validation" on Steam
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▉▍▍▍▌▊▍ ▆▊▋▊ ▇▆▌▊ ▌▄▊▄▅█▄▊▊▆, ▋ ▋▊▋▅▄ ▇▊▇▉ ▄▆ ▌▉▄ ▄▌▄▍ ▄▅▇▆ + ▌▍██▊▉▊▉▇ ▆▋ ▅▍▆██▊▇ ▊▌▇▉ ▉▆▄▍▅▊▄▊ ▉▄██▌▋
* Disallowed removal or engine created panels ( You can still remove Lua created panels )
* Updated ~100 more spawnicons ( L4D spawnlist )
* More GitHub/lua changes
Fixed SWEPs not appearing in the weapon selection
Merged some baseentity features from upstream - modelscale keyvalue, SetModelScale input
Fixed Estonian language having Ethiopian flag.
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* Added PANEL:OnKeyCodeReleased
* Fixed timer library in menu state temporarily ceasing to work after starting a new map
* Aded CRecepientFilter support for net.Send
* RenderGroup of SENTs and SWEPs is now defaulted to engine default unless overridden ( instead of defaulting to RG_OPAQUE )
menu_cleanupgmas no longer crashes with -noworkshop
Weapon.GetPrintName is now shared
▍▆▋▌▋▍▄▊ ▅▋▇▇▌▄▍▆█/, ▊▇▄/ ▋▌▄ █▄▄▉█▌/ ▅▇▊▇▊▆▄█▇ ▅█▅▋▊
▆▄▉▋█▇ ▉▅▊ █▊▅▇▇▌▇ ▍▉▇▇ ▊▍▆
* Added "collisiongroup" to util.Trace* functions
* Added missing TF2 map icons
▊▉▋▌ ▅▌▆▅'█ ▍▇▇▄▄▇▌▆ ▊▊ █▆ ▋▌▍▉▍▊▇▇▊.
* Fixed a crash related to creating particle effects
* GitSYnc
* Fixed crash issues with npc_cscanner
* Fixed Nexbot NPCs being deleted on map spawn
* Partially fixed ents.FindInCone ( Still need to figure out the angle argument )
* Added File.__tostring
* Added ConVar.__tostring
* Fixed face poser not posing the last flex on some models (GitHub)
* Fixed npc_grenade_frag creating new effects when picked up by gravity gun without deleting the old ones
Removed unused html files
Fixed ents.FindInSphere clientside working as ents.FindInBox
Fixed the problem with DTextEntry
* Fixed checkboxes being fucked up for some people who improperly call PerformLayout
* Fixed SLAM sound being played on death
* Fixed Ceiling Turret playing Alert infinite sound after being removed
* Fixed the HL2:DM soundscapes being looked for in the wrong folder
Disallow Entity.Remove on players!
* Fixed firing "Kill" on players putting them into invalid inescapable state
* Updated like 100 more prerendered spawn icons
* Fixed S.L.A.M. not having it's sounds played ( You still need HL2:DM to hear them )
* Fixed removing rechargers while using them leaving behind infinite looping sound
* Fixed armor only networking 8 bits if its real value
* Fixed Health and Max Health not updating when changed on "anim" SENTs in singleplayer
▆▍▆▊▌▉ ▉▇▋▍ ▆▄▋▋▆ ▄▆▄▊ ▄▆▉
Fixed ents.FindByModel clientside
Fixed pointless TLK_PLAYER_ASK_FOR_BALL console error
Moved Zombie Torso model to fallbacks/
Updated 1000+ prerendered spawnicons
Moved Zombie Torso model to fallbacks/
* Updated search paths for Hammer ( Fixes a few bugs )
* Adjusted .res scheme files for Hammer changes
* Updated gameinfo.txt to include proper sourcengine/ paths just in case
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* Fixed crash issues with CTakeDamage and npc_zombie
* Merged some minor stuff from upstream
* Fixed possible crash/invalid output issues with Entity.GetFlexName() and Entity.GetFlexBounds()
* Fixed SetPos on prop_effect causing its angles to be reset
* GitSync
GitSync and "proper" fix for CRecipientFilter GetPlayers/GetCount
This was not meant to be committed
* CRecipientFilter.GetPlayers() will no longer return invalid players
* GitSync
* Added CGet->SteamGameServer()