
220 Commits over 336 Days - 0.03cph!

21 Days Ago
Improve verbosity and detection of "CMaterial::Draw(): StretchDIBits failed " In hammer Merged Pull Requests * Removed duplicate id attribute on gmfilter_rev input which breaks ReverseFilter() * TTT: Replace deprecated GetConVarNumber/GetConVarString usage * Optimized skypaint matproxy
22 Days Ago
▉▌▌▊▆ ▇▌▉▄▄▉▋ ▇▍█▇▅ ▄▅ █▆▋█▇
22 Days Ago
Fixed crashes with NPC debug features Fixed crashes with huge font blur values Fixed Color Modify post processing effect defaults not resetting invert Fixed nav mesh generation generating invalid navmeshes Fixed a self-crash with +vgui_drawtree
23 Days Ago
▋▇█▋▋▊▍▌ ▅▉▋ ▉▊█ ▍▋▅▅▆▇▄ ▅▍▋▋▇
23 Days Ago
▅█▇ ▄▇▍▉▇▋█ ▉▆▊▍▌
23 Days Ago
Unhide sv_maxunlag convar Minor adjustments to server browser filter UI You can now click the filter text to tick the checkboxes Fixed ENT.PhysicsSounds defaulting to true Added physcannon_instant (defaults to 1) Exactly as it sounds, makes the gravity gun be able to be used instantly after switching to it, bypassing deploy animation (and sv_defaultdeplyspeed) This default value preserves the original HL2/GMod behavior Fixed normal combine soldiers with shotguns having their skin set to the shotgunner one Reset ammo types on map shutdown as well & Cleanups Remove more dead code Explicit default value to GetMemberBool because it is defaulting to true(??) Workaround animation event IDs on listen servers being set to "invalid" values Ability to auto join full servers when they get a free slot The selected updates every 10 seconds now. Ability to add servers to favorites by IP Make new vgui.Create errors non halting Because of course mods are already doing silly stuff. Fixed Lua being able to make the main menu black on disconnect Fixed a warning about "Invalid texture id -1" on disconnect Fix certain detail props not rendering on maps with more than 65k of em Move some hardcoded values of weapon_fists to SWEP.* variables Merged some pull requests * Updated TTT Russian localization * Micro optimizations with weapon_base & GM:DrawDeathNotice * Fixed some typos in FGD and Lua comments Update some more spawncions for consistency Alternative fix for traces not hitting transparent displacements Better consistency with brushes that use same materials - does not cast shadow and traces hit them Fixed toolgun ghost entity fading out in singleplayer on some maps Added vgui.GetAll() Returns only Lua created panels. Used to fix PANEL:PreAutoRefresh() and PANEL:PostAutoRefresh() not working Fixed some crashes with DSPs
23 Days Ago
Added `ENT.PhysicsSounds` for `anim` type SENTs If set to true, re-enables physics impact sounds for the entity Spawnmenu one click addon spawnlist generator Fixed IMaterial:GetKeyValues sometimes returning nothing on srcds Material() now precaches the material, but only if it is not already precached. Fixed a crash to do with static props when they change models I.e. when a static prop goes from error.mdl to a more complex one. Minor: Init variables used in IMaterial functions
34 Days Ago
"trace" command doesnt error on srcds Properly handle mounted addons disappearing (unmounted) This fixes a crash with BASS.DLL trying to play addon files that are no longer there. Fixed BASS volume not being said briefly when first loading into a map This fixes game making sounds when not focused when the option to specifically prevent that is enabled Fixed an infinite loop when copying over .gma files
35 Days Ago
▊██▇▇▋ ▌▆█▋ ▊▌▄▇▅ ▄▉▋▍ "▆▆▉▅▄▋ ▍▉▉▋█▇▇█▅▅ ▌▍▌▍▄" ▊▆▌ ▄▇▆▅█▍▉▌ ▋▋▅▇ ▄▇█ ▊▇▆▇█▍▇ ▆▇▍▅▆▅▊▋▍ !▊▄▊▄▊ █ ▋▅▊▅▊▊▉▆▌▄▉ █▆▊▌▇▋▍▊▄ ▌▆▆▊█ ▅▍▌▉ ▆█▆_▌▅▉▄▋▇ ▇▋▋: ▅▄▅ ▋▊█▅▄▆▇▋▇▉▊▉▍▍▋▉▊▋▊ ▊▊▆▊ ▄▄▋▉ █▊▍▇▊▆▄▍▌▊ ▌▋▆▍▊▌/▆▉▄▄▌ ▉▋▅▍████ ▍█▄▆▊▍▅█ ▆▍▆▌▍▍▌▌ ▍▇▋ ▄▇█ █▄▋ ▋▌ ▌▋█▅▌▊( █▌▆, ▋, █ ) ▊▍▉ █▍▉ ▋▆▌ ▊▍▆▍▄▋█▅ █▍▄▉▍▅. ▇▊ ▌▋█ ▅▉▄▊ ▅▉ ▋▋ █▍█▍ ▆█▍ ▅▌▉█ ▅▄▆▆▇▇. ▊▌▊▌▆▋▅▌() ▇▄▆▊▇▅█▆ ▍▍▆ ▍▄▌ .▅▍▍█▅ ▇▊▇▍▆ ▊▇█▊ ▄▌▆▅▇▅▌█▊█.▉█▄▌▅▇▄█
35 Days Ago
▋▅▆▋▋▆█▊▅ ▄▅▋▉▊ ▌▅▋▅ ▇██▄▅▇, ▍▄▌▍█▍ ▉▌▊▊ ▉▇▄▊ ▌▉▇▌ ▅▇▆▆▅ █▅▋▍▅ ▌▅█ ▋▄▌▌ ▊▇█▅▅ █▇▄▌ ▅▉▅▄▇▌ ▄▊▍▋▅ ▊▍▇ & ▌▊▍█▍ ▉▅▌▇▆▌▆▅▍▊▍▍▌ ▆▇▇ ▊▊▌▌▄▄▌▋▆▊▅▋▄ ▊▉ "▅▍█▉▊▆▆ ▌▆▄▊▅' ▍▍▋▆█ ▊▍ ▅▄▅▉▌ █▇▄▄▉ ▊█▅▆▅▋▍ █▊▊'▅ █▋▉ ▋█ ▍▌▋██▋ ▅▄██▄▇▉▄▇▆ ▅▇▊▊ ▉▌ ▌▆▌▌▋▍▌▋ ▇▉ "▌█ ██▆▊▅▌ ▇▅▋ ▊▊▉▌▊▇▌" ▇▇▍▅▍ ▄▄▉▊▉▄▅▅ ▋▅▉▉▄▉▌▍▉▅▋▆ ▇▅▆▉ ▆▍▅_▉▍█▍_*_▉▊▉█▇ ▋▍▉▌▅▍▍ ▉▅▄▋ ▄█▍ ▋▅▅▌▉▍ ▌▄ █ ▊▌▉▅ ▇▆▍▌ ▉▅▉▅ ▉▊▍▄▇▅▊, █▆▅ ▅▅▄▊ ▋▇▌ ▄█▉▋▉▍▍▊ ▌▊ ▇▅▅▆▌▍▋. ▆▉▆▌▅ ▌▅▊▆█▋█▅.▋█▊ ▄█▋▍█ ▍▊▍█▉█▇▆ ▄▍▆▅ ▆█ ▅▅▍▍▊▇ ▅▇█▆▅▊▍ ▌▉ ▄▋▅▍ ▇▆▍ ▇█▉▇▋▇ ▅▉█▆▍▇ ▇█▄▉▄▉▇▊ ▅▊▆▌▉ ▉▋▍▅ ▅▆▌▅▆▌▉▇▆▉▋▆▍ ▌▍▋ ▉▉▄▄ ▅▄▇▄▉▋ ▊▅▊▋ ▆▉▅▇▆ ▄▄▅▄▊▉▆ ▌▍▉█▆▌▇ ▅▄▍ ▊▍▍▅▌ ▌▊▉ ▅█▊▉▇▅▄ ▉▉ ▌▋███▉▍▆▇█▅ !▉▌▌▉▋ ▆ ▍▆▇▅▅ ▅▉▉█ ▄▊▆▊▇█▊▆ ██▉▉▆█▄▌ ███ ▄▇▊▄▌ ▄▆▋▆█ ▊▉▍▍▍ █▆▍▋▅▋▌▉ ▇▅▆▋▊ ▌▆▆▋▋▄▉ ▄█▉█▊▄▊█ ▌▋ ▌▉▊▆▍▌▍▋▇ ▋▅▌▆▍ ▊▆▉▍▍ ▆▍▌▍▇▍▍ ▋▉ ▅▄. ▄█▊▉▆ ▊▅█▌█ ▇▄█▇█ ▆▅▊▌▇▉ ▊█▊▋▄▊▆▇▄▅▇▊ ▆▊ ▊▅▊▊ ▍▅▅▅█▌▍ ▇▉▍ ▊▌▄▋▋▉█ ▍▄▋▅▄▌▄▌▇▍█▅▋▋▄█▍▌▆▇ ▉▄▋▌▊ ▄▇▊▆▄▊▌ ▋▆▋▅▌▉▍▆ ▅▇▅▍▉▆ ▌▆▊▇▅▌▉▅ ▌▍▆ ▍▉▍▉▇▊▆▇▉█ ▉▍▍▊█▍▍ (▆▅▌ ▌▇█ ▅▄▄▌) ▌▋▇▉▇▋▌▍ ▍▍▋▋▋▌▉ ▄▋▇▆▋ ▋▋▍▉▍ ▊▄█▊▄▋█▇ ▋█ ▉▅▌ ▅▅▅▊█▍ ▆▉█▍▆ "▆▊▌▋▇▅▅▋_▋▊▊▊▇_<▇▌▆▆>" ▇▄█▍▌▌▅ ▄▉▄ ▇▄▇█▆▅▆▇ █▍▊▍▉▆▌▇▆▉▉ ▋▇ ▉▋▄▅ █▉ ▆█▋ ▊▋▋▅▌▋█▅█ ▉▅▍█▇://▉█▉▅▅.█▉▊▉▌▊▋▇▆.▆▌▊/▍▌▋▆▍/▆▇█▄▍▅▄▍/▉█▅▇▉▋▌▇▄▄.▅▍▅ ▌█▄█▆▌▉ ▍ ▆▄▋▄▉▅▅ ▋▅▉█ ▉▊▆▆▉▍ ▋▉ ▍▇▌▌▉▇▌▇ ▌▇▊▋▆ ▉▄▇▇█▇▍ ▉ ▋▊▍▉▊▇█ ▊▆█▉ -█▆▊▊▇▅▅▋▋ ▌▆▇ ▉▌▆▄.▊▍▌ ▅▉▌▄ ▆▊:▌▇ ▌▍▇▋▊ ▍ ▄▆▍▌▇ ▍▅ ▆▊▆ ▋█▆█▊█▆ ▌▊▇ ▇▍▊▆█▍'▉ ▋▆▌ ▇▄▊ ██▉▇▆▆ ▍▊▍▍▉://▆▋▇▇▊.█▊█▄▆▉▅▊▊.███/█▍▌▌▊/▋▌▄▅▅▄▉▋/▊▇▄▄▍▊▉▅▅▌.▅▌▍ █▌▆▌▊ ▋▌▉▆▍ ▅▋ ▊▄▉ ▇█▇▉▍▇▉ ▆▅▊▋ ▌▌▇▆▄▊ ▍▊▇▄ ▋▇▉▇▋ ▅▇█▌▆▇▉ ▄▋▊▉▊▍▊▌▊ ▅▅▍ ▍▍▅▍ (▌█:▋▍ ▊█▉▅▋▆▅) ▅▅▋▆▇▇▆▌ ▉▊ ▉▄▄▄▉█▉, -▅▉▇▌▄█▉█▉█▌▊▅█▋▇ ▌█▊ -▌▍▌▉▋▄▉ ▇▇█ ▋▌▅ ▍▍▍ ▆▌▇▅▋▅▋ ▌▍▇'▆ ▇▅▋ ▊▅▊▍▊▊ ▇▄▊▋█▄▆▄▌▉▋▊▆█ ▉▉▉ ▆▌▊▅▄▊.█▌ ▅▅▉▋▉ ▆▆▆▇▊ ▅▆▉▊▊▍ ▋▍▇▊▉▅▋ ▆▅▊▇▄▍█▇ █▆ ▌▇▍▋▆▇ ▇█▇▌▌▇▆▍▊▅ ▋▇▄▆▌ ▇ ▍█▇▊▌ ▌▆▇▌▆▋▄ ▋▆ ▊▆▉▊▄▅ ▅▇▌▌▌ ▋▊ ▌▆▅ ▆▆█▉ ▇▉█ ▊█▉▆▄▍▉ ▊▆▆▇ ██▌ █▅ ▊▅▊▉█ ▋▄▅, ▇▄▋ ▍▉ ▊▅▍▅▌. ▍▅ ▉ ▍▄▇▆▆▊▉▇▇ ▋▆▌▄ ▋█▋ ▍▍▌█▇, ▌▄▆ ▊▅ ▊▅█▇ ▊▌ ▇▊▊▄▇▇ ▆▅ ▉▌▍▆ █▅█▌ ▊▆▅▌▄ ▋▆ ▄▄ ▄▊▄▄ █▌▄ ▅▇▉ █▄▇▇▊ ▋▋▌█ ▍▌▋█, ▋▋█ ▆▆ ▌▌▉ ▇▊ ▄▆▊ ▆▅▅▍ ▌ ▅▄▉▍▋▇▌█▅ ▆▌▋▅▆▇▅▇, ▆▄▊ ▌ ▇▉▍▄█▆▅▍ █▊▋█▄ ▊▊▍▋▍▄█▋ ▊▉▋▊, ▉▌▍ ▉▌▌▅ ▇▄▌▉ ▉▌▇ ▄▊▉ ▊▊▅▆▄▉▊▆ ▉▆▍ ▅▄ ▊ ▍▆▇▍█▆█▊. ▌▉▅▍▌▅ ▇▌▊▄▋▆▍▍▊_██▇▆▆▆_▉▆▆▍▅▉▇.██▊ █▄▄▌▉▅▅ "▊█▍▋▊▌▇▌▊▄▊▍▉▄▍ ▅▇▆▇▌▍▊▊▍▇▆█▇▅▍▄▄▇▆▊▌▇" ▉▍▇▌▄ ▉█▋▉▌▉.▉▍▊▊▅▆▅▍▌▍▇██▄▋▋▍▉▉ ▆█▄▋▋▆▄▄ ▍▅▅▆ ▌▇▍▋▅ ▆█▍ ▅▅▊▄█▆ ▉▍▋▇▌█ ▅▍▊▅ █▆▍▇ ▅▅▆▌▊▊ ▉▄ █▆▉██▉█ ▄▋▄ ▆▉ ▋▄▇▉▇▋▄ ▌▊▌▇▍▇▅▌ ▄▍▌▇▋ ▊██ █▋▇▍ ▊▉▊▇▇▍▇ ▉▄▋▊█▍▊▋█▊▍▉ ▄▇▋ █▄▌▊█▌▇ ▉▌▋▍▋█ ▆▄█▍ ▄▍▊▋▆▇██▅▍▄▌▉ ▅▇▊▌▅ ▉▉▊█ ▉▅█ ▍▌█▆▅█▇▆▍ ▉▄▊ ▄▆▋█▆ ▇▌▇▋▇▉ ▊▄▊▅█ +/- ▌▆▉██ ▆▇█ ▍▆▍▉▊▊ ▉▊▆ ▄▌▍▋▅█▅▊▌ ▋▉▆▋▅▉ ▆▌▇▊ ▄▉▆▋ ▌▇█▄▇▇▊▄▌▍ █▄ ▌▆▋▋▌-▇▌ ▉█▋▅▅ ▄█▆▋▇▌▊ ▊▌▄▄ █▊▇▌▇▆▋ ▋▆▇▅▋ ▄▅▉▋▊▋▊▆▅ ▅▆ ▍▌▄ ▍▋▍ ▇▋ ▅▋▆▆▄ █▉▉▇▋▄▍ ▌▌▋▆▉▋ (▄▍▌▅ ▋▌▇▇█ ▍▆ ▇▄▋▍▉▍/▍▌▍▉▇▄▆▇▉▅), ▆█▅▅▌▇ ▍▌▇▍▄/▍▇▌▊▄/▉▆▄▋▆ ▄▆▍ ▋█▊▅ ▋▍▊▌ ▆▋ ▅▍▇▋█ ▍▄▍ ▉▊▍▄ █▄▌▆█ ▍▇▋▌▆▆▆██ .▋▌▄█ ▆▅▋▉ ▋▋▋▋▌▄/ ▋▆ █▊▍▋▍/▉▆▉█▊▉█▍/ ▍▋▅▇ ▍▆▅▌▄▇▋▇▍▇ ▅█▊▅ ▆▄▊ ▋▉▆ ▋▉▆▉ ▉▍▊▊▆▊ ▌▄▊█_▌▌▉▇█▆▅█▍▆▅ ▄▌ █▆█▇ ▅▅▌▉ █▄▊▇▅▋▅ ▄▇█▅▌▅ ▆██▆▇▇▅▇▉ ▍▇█▅▅▇▋, ▇▊▌▌▌▇▋▌ ▍▇█▍▇ ▊▋▄▆▊▅▌▍▄▌ ▋▋▆▍ ▄▇▍▍▉▌▇ ▄▌▆ ▄▇▍▊▊▆▄▌▅, ▄▍▅▇ ▅▉▍█▌▆▋ ▅▄ ▊█▋▉▄ ▇▍ ▅ ▄▊▍▋▆, ▆▆▅ ▇▌▌ ▌▉▆▄▌▍▌█ ▉▇ ▉▋▄▅▍▊█ ▍▅▆▊▍▄▄▇▆ ▊▌▆▋▇█▇▍ ▆█▇ █▌▉ ▅▍▇▋█▌▍▊ ▇▊▋ ▆▆▊▅▍▉▆▊. ▊▇▍ ▅▌▄▄▇ ▄▌█▆▄▄▉ (▄▋▉▆ ▉█▆▄▉▊▍▄▆▋▋) ▇▌▅ ▋▅▆▆ ▋▉▋██ ▌▋▌▇▊▅▊ ▊█ ▇▇▋▆▇▆█▉▌ ▍▋▊▇▉▉ & ▅▇▌ ▆▋▄ ▄█ ▄▄█▆▊▆▇ ▍▊▄▆ ▄▉█▉▋▍ (▋▅▋▌▋▋ █▆▇▆▇ ▆█▌█▆▌ ▋▅ ▍▄▋ ▆▉▍▅ ▊▄█ ▄▋▌▅ ▆▄▌) & ▇▊▆ ▆▍▄▇ ▄▍▊▅▆▌▋▊▋▇ ▌▍▍▍▆▌: ▊▅█▋▆▉▉▅ ▆▌▉▍ ▆█ "▌▄▍█" ▅▉▆▍▇▆ ▊▇▍ █▆ ▆▄ ▍▅▋▉ ▅▉ ▇▄▉ █▉▍ █▆▌█▆█ ▋▄▉▋ ▊▉▋▋: ▅▄▍ ▉▄▌▍ ▋▊▌█ ▌▋ "▉▊▇▉▄ ▋▍▍▍▌▌ ▋▄▉▆█▆ █▆▌▇▇▆▅" ▄█▊▄▊▊▄ ▄▇▊▅█ ▅ ▅▊▌▋▋ ▆▆▄▋▄▆▋▇██ ▆▍█▆ ▇▆▉▊▄▍ ▇▇▌▌▇
44 Days Ago
▆█▌ ▄▆ ▅▆▉ ▊▇▇▆▊█▌ ▆▉▅▋ ▋▄▉▆▇▆ ▍▍▆▌█▊▉ ▆▇▉ ▅▊▊▉█▇ ▆▆▌▉▌ ▍▆▊▌█ ▆ █▋▇▊▅ ▉▌▆▅ ▍▊▆▊▋▍:▆▍▊▊▌▊▆▇▌▇█▋▇▍▊▉▄ ▄█▅ ▉▄▍▄▄▌▇ ▆█▊▍▅ ▌▌▋▇▍▆▊▉▅ ▇▉▆▊▋ █▆█ █▉▆ ▆▉█▆▍▊▉:▍▇▄▍▆▇▇▍█▆() !▇▊▌ █▌ ▍▆▉ ▋▇▆ █▄▋▍▄▋▌ ▆███▆ ▊▊ ▆▅▇ ▆▌▇▌▍▍ ▅▋▋▌█ ▊▅▊▅▇▆ ▉▆▆▍▆▊█ ▋▄▌▌▇▅▋ ▉▋▌▆▌▍ ██▄▊▅▆ ▍█▉▇ ▋▆▍'█ ▅▍▍ █▄▆▌▅▍▅▇ █▊▄▌▍▇ █▇▇▋▄▆▊▋ ▍▊▄ ▅▊ ▄▉█▋▊▊ ▋█▅▊▅ ▇█▍_▆▋▊▌▊_▊▍▇▍▉ ▊▄▋▇ ▊▅ ▉▌▍▆ ▅▋▄▍█▆ ▅▌▆▊ ▆█▉▇▇▄▇ ▋█ ▉▋▊▊▌▄▉▍ █▌▄▄▆▇ ▆▋█▋▋█, ▇█ ▄▅▇▆ ▅▉█▍▉▋▋█ █▉█▅▅▌▍ ▆▊ ▄▅▉▍▅ ▇▉ ▌▇ ▊▇▄▄▊▉▆ ▉▍▍█▉ ▆▆▇▌ ▌▊▇▇▉ ▌█▅▌ ▄▍▋▇▄ ▅▌▄▆▅▇ ▇█▍ ▌▌▉▍▍ ▋▅▌▌ ▆▄ ▆▊▆▉▋ ▋▍▍▆ ▊▊▉▆ ▍▌▊█▍▄▍ ▉█ ▋██▄▍▉▇
44 Days Ago
Bump .exe version Increase default value of budget_panel_height to 800 Fixed PhysicsObject:GetFrictionSnapshot only returning 1 entry Update trace commands mask, to hit more entities Autorefresh: just watch everything in the gamemodes/ folder Certain gamemodes (NutScript) have scripts outside of the main gamemode/ folder and the entities/ folder. Fixed a longstanding crash with CSoundPatch usage Fixed some Lua functions having unused arguments Fixed a crash on exit to do with panels Fix playermodel drifting away in prop_vehicle_crane when holding W or S Fix tiny amount of damage (<0.1) reducing a whole armor point This make our armor handing not identical to HL2, but at the same time, this doesn't make any sense, so let's change it Allow prop_vehicle_crane to receive damage events when player hitbox is not hit Added hitboxes to crane_docks.mdl This was a giant waste of time because it still doesn't work, but at least the hitboxes are there... Lua file clean ups * Mostly deprecated functions removals * Replaced usage of DImage:SetMaterial with SetImage when the argument is a string * Removed usages of Tool:GetSWEP() => Tool:GetWeapon() * Removed some remaining usages of self.Entity * Fixed Winch right click not setting rope color correctly * Removed arguments provided to EnableVerticalScrollbar (it has no arguments) * More misc (unused/missing) function argument related clean ups Enable "permanent failure" check on SRCDS steam logon failure Was commented out because it required a newer SDK version, which we now have. Basically will login anonymously if the GLST is invalid I think Prevent ent_create player Gravity Gun obeys sv_defaultdeployspeed Yes, this means that you can no longer grab AR2 balls that you yourself fire without increasing sv_defaultdeployspeed above the default of 4 Fixed crashes with ENT.RenderGroup = RENDERGROUP_STATIC(_HUGE) Remove mat_stub Fixed a crash with gameui_show_dialog and remove the concommand Potential crash fixes to do with traces Fixed a crash due to missing attacker in player takedamage hook
55 Days Ago
Fixed "cc_lang: invalid language" with empty cc_lang Bumped MAX_MAP_OVERLAYS to 8k from 1k Increased MAX_MAP_TEXINFO & MAX_MAP_TEXDATA MAX_MAP_TEXDATA 2048 -> 8192 MAX_MAP_TEXINFO 12288 ->16384 Fixed "Tried to Read into NULL memory!" when mounting L4D2 Actually just don't bother trying to read 0 bytes from a file Fixed a crash with NWVars "Remember my choice for this server" is actually remembered for NO For the session only Error checking in spawnicon context menu When spawnicons are removed while the player has the context menu open Undone some recent changes to queued loader Will probably have to completely stop relying on this system. Do not use dynamic model indices for clientside only entities This system invokes the queued loader which is broken on x86-64 and tries to async load already loaded models on main, so screw it. This commit fixes needing to precache models serverside for physics.
57 Days Ago
Fixed my fuckup with recent sound related fix Rework how lua_refresh_file generates paths to work with addons
57 Days Ago
Fixed a crash due to sounds failing to be loaded Fixed a crash with meshes Fixed DModelPanel having issues with depth buffer when 2 panels are overlayed
57 Days Ago
Remove usage of dynamic clientside model indices in Lua API
57 Days Ago
Build vtex.exe Disable queued loader entirely, it does not work Sync ClientsideModel & ClientsideRagdoll implementations with main Change ents.CreateClientProp to work like ClientsideModel
58 Days Ago
▅▊▅ ▆▌▌▅█▄▇▇▇ ▇▅▌▉▄▅▍▋▍▍▄ ▊▋▍ ▆▋▊▋▅▇▊ ▄▅▍▅ ▌█▋▋▍▄▇▉▄ ▋▋▉▊▆ ▌▄▄▄▆ ▊▉ ▉▌ ▉█▋▆ ▆▄▋▆▄▌█ ▆▊▆▍▄▌▊ ▅▊▆▉▅ ▍▉▇.▇▉▍▌▇▊▇▊▅ ▇▅▋▅█▇█ ▊▊▆ ▍▅▌▄▄▇▍▇▌▉ ▍▆▋▋▌▋▅ ▇▅▉▋ ▍▄▄▊▌ ▅▉▊▇▌▍▉_▋▉▅█▉▍█▇▇█ ▄▆ ▅▇ ▍▆▊▅▅█▄▉ ▄▄▌█▅ ▆█▊▉▊ ▄ ▊▄▅▋▆▊▇▊▅ ▇▉▄ ▋▉█ ▅▆▄▅▋██_▆▉▅▊▄▋▆▍▊▍ ▇ ▆█▇ ▌▉█▉▋▋▍ ▅▉▄▄▍▊ ▄▅▊▇▍▉ ▆▋ ▊▉▊▉ ▉█▆▋▉▋▉ ▅▅▇▋▊▊ ▄▊▉▅▄▅ ▊▅▅ "▅▋▍ ▉█▊▅▉▆▍▋" ▍▆▇▋▇▍▆█ ▋█ ▋█▄▊▌▌▊ ▊▉█▍██▆ █▋▄ ▇▍▍▊▄▋ ▌▋▌▇▌ "▋▅▌▅█▊ ▇▇ ▍▌▉▋█▌▊█▋█ ▋▄▆▊▌▍▉▋▌▋▊▆▍▄▉▌▍▇" ▊▌▄▋▌▄▌▅▋ ▅▉▋▇▆ ▄▆▄▆ ▉▄ ▆▌▊ ▊▋▊▋▊ ▍█▆▉▍ ▇▌▍█▍ ▅▆▌▋▆▇ ▆▅▇▇▆ ▊▄▆_▇▌▅▋▆█▄_▆▆▅▅ ▆▍▍▋▄▇▄▋ ▄▄▆▆ ▉▊▆▇▊▇██ ▇█▄ ▆▅▅▅▋▄ ▍▍▍▊ ▉▍█▇▇▆▍▅▌▄ ▅▄▉▉▄▍▄ █▌▌▊▌▌ ▌▊▊▌▆ ▆▋▄▄▆▊▍▊▋ ▍▇▅█ ▇██▌ ▅▉▉▅▋▍▉ ▅▅▍▋▅▊▋▊▇▋▌ ▅▍▄▋_▍▊▇▆▅▅▊▇▇█▇▄ █▅▆▅_▉▋▉▍▅▊▆▉▅▆▊▌▋█▆▉▌▇▊▍ ▋▉▌██ ▋▉▆▋▉▆▉▄▉▇█▇▄▉▆ █▌▅▌█▌ ▊▍▆▌▅▄ █▇▇ ▍▌▅██▄▍▋ ▉▄▅▌▅▅▋ ▅▋▌▇█ ▍▇▍▍ ▊▅▊▄▍█▅ ▄▊▅▇▉ ▆▊▅▆▉▄▊▌▇▄█ ▌█▋█▆▄▍ █▉ ▍▅▌▇█▍▌▅▍▄ ▅▄ ▋▅▌▅▊▅ ▍▌▋▄.▊▊▊▌-▉▆▍▌▍▋▋▋▊ ▅▋▋▌▊ "▆█▍▇▌" █▄▇▌▇▉▍▍▊▌ ▌▉▆▊▉█▉▅ ▄▄ █▆▄▉▋▇▍ ▇▇▊▇▅ ▆▋▆▋▅ ▇▉▆▄▋▅▍ ▋▉▉▄▆▆▊▆ ▍▆█_▅▄▌ ▅▄ ▊▊ ▊▍█▋ ▆█ ▇▌▆▆ "▊▋▄▊ ▅▄ ▋▅▌▌▅" ▅▄▄▆ ▍▇▅▊ ▇▆ ▉▊█▅▅█/ ▄▇▄▊▇ ▍█▊▅▆▋▍ ▄▄▍▆▋ █▉▍█ ▉▆▅ ▅▆▌▍▄'▅ ▉▉▄▊▊▌ ▋▅▋▅... ▉▇▅ "▋▊▆▊ ▇▆ ▇▌▍▊▅" ▍▉▄ ▍▉▅▅█▊▍▊▅ ▍█▇▅█ ▉▋▇▇ ▅█▉█ ▍▉ ▉▊▋▆ ▊▍▌▊▅▋▋▊▊▍▅▋▅▄█▆▆▍▅▌▆▅▆▋▌▅ ▉█▉▉ ▊▋▌ ▊▍▆ ▄▋ ▆█▊▍▄█▆█ ▆▉▄▊ ▇▉▉ ▍▍█▋▄▌▄▅▇▅ ▄▇▇▌█ ▄▅▆█▋▋▅▇ ▅▋▉█▌ ▄█▌▆ ▄▆ ▍▊█▉▄ ▍▅▆▇▋▄▄▌ ▉▌█▌█▌▌ ▋▋▊▇▍██ ▆▅▌▆ ▌▆▅▍▋ ▉▊▅▉▉ ▉▋▊▅▊▊▌▄▉▉██ ▅▉ ▅▄▅▉ ▉▉ ▍▄▉█▆ ▋▋▉▄▍ ▆▆▇▆▆ ▍▍▆ ▆▋▉▅▉▆ ▌█▄▊▋, ▊█▄'▊ ▍▊█▆▅▍▍ ▍▇▍▊ ▇▅▄▌▆▅ ▅▌▇▋▄▋█ ▆▉▋▊▅▌ !▇▉▅▊▇ ▊▋▋▌▇ ▇▌▆▆▍▍▋ ▇▆▇▉▉ ▉▋▌▍ ▌▍ ▄▉▅▆▋▉▉ ▅▅█ ▋▆▉█▆█▄ ▌▌▉▉ ▆▌██▌▆ ▌▍█▌▇▌▋ ▋▆▆▅▅▋ ▊▌▋▇▊▍▌▅▆▅▋ ▍▅▇_█▋▋▊▋▍▆▋▆▊ ▉▇▇_▋▋▍▆▌▋
2 Months Ago
Fixed presence of an HLTV bot causing certain commands to not run Disable random bot movement on HLTV bots Adjust debug.getregistry hack So it doesn't return empty table every time, but a persistent one Fix changes to debug.getregistry Updated language files
2 Months Ago
▉▅█▍█▆ ▇▊▇ ▆▋ ▅█▅▇▌ ▉▌▆▉▇▆▋ ▇▋▍ ▉▋▇▊ ▋▌▄▌ ▍▌▉ ██▇ !██▇'▋ ▅▇ █ ▋▋▉▇▄▄▆ ▌▆█ ▄▆ ▉▋▊▇▋▉▍ ▅▉▅▉▇▄█
2 Months Ago
Fixed npc_security_camera not duplicating
2 Months Ago
▍▉▆▇▋▉▋ ▉▅▊▊▌▉ ▊▅▉ ▉▋▉█▌▌▇▇▅▆▆.▊▅▋▅▍▉▆▍ ▊▍ ▋▄▉▉▅█▌█ █▉▇▆ ▄▇▇▅▍ "▊▄▆" ▍▆▉▇▅ ██ ▉▊▆ ▇▋▉▊ ▌▋▍ ! ▍▊▇█▌▋.▊▌▇▄▇▌▌▊▉▌█▄▉▉▆█▋▄▆▋▅▆▉▋█ █▉▆▍▍'▊ ▋▄█▌█ ▋▇▄▋▌▊▌▌▄ ▉▆▆▊ ▉▍▇▆ !▄▉█▇▉ ▉▌▆▉▊▉▅.▋▍▄ ▊▋▊▇▍▉▍ ▉█▊'▋ ▌▆▇ ▉█▄▆▉▄▍█ ▅ ▅▋▅▉▆▍▆▋▆ ▊▆ ▉▍▍▉█▊ ▄▍▍▊▌ ▋▊ ▌▄▆█ ▌▆▍▄▆▊█▉ ▋▄▊▊▅ ▍█▅▄▌▊██ ▌▌▍ ▄█▉▇▄▉▊▆ ▊▋ ▌▄▋▅▇▆█▍▋ ▊█▇▌ ▊▇▉▊▄▇▋ ▄▄▇▍▄▋▅▅▉ ▆▇█ ▍█▄██▍█▇▍█ ▅▆▉▋ ▊ ▌▍▉▌▊▌ ▌▋▌▊▋▄ ▉▅▇██▇▄▇█ ▉▍▄▋▉▍ ▌▉▌ ▅█ ▇▅▆▅▄▇▊ ▉▅▊▆▌▊▌▍▆ ▊▄▊ ▌▉▇▅▆▄█▅ ▅▍▄▆▍█▇ ▊█▌▆█▅▋█ ▆▋ ▇▅█▌▊▋▅█▆ ▇▍▄▍▍▅▊▅█ ▊▄▇▆▇ ▇▆▉ ▇▇▉▉▅ ▄▅▇▍▍▍ ▇▉▅▌▋▋▅▇ ▊█▍▄▌▍▆ ▌▅▇▄▋▄ ▉▅█▋▍▊ ▅▍▌▉▄▆▊▌▍ █▆▊▉▆▍▊ ▄█▇ ▋▊▍▅▄ ▍▌▆▍▋ █▋▄▌▄▍█▋▌ ▌▌▆▄▆█▍▋██▅ ▍▄▄█▅ ▍▆▌▌▉▅▄ ▋▄▉ ▋▅▋█▇█▌▆▉ █▉ ▉▊▋ ▄▆▇▋▋▋▇ ▋▊▋, ▄▊▊ ▍▆▊ ▌█▍▋▊▌ ▄▄▄▊▅▌█ ▍▊▇▊ ▅▌▇▌ ▆▍▆ ▅▄█▄█ ▋▌▍ ▍▌▊ ▄▊▌▄▆▆▇ ▋▅▊▉▆▊▅▊, ▍▉▅▌ ▌▉▉▋ ▉▉▇ ▍▊▇▌▆▌ ▉▇ ▉▋
2 Months Ago
Check for View Model validity
2 Months Ago
Portal camera reacts to ai_disable Fix a warning on glados core spawn from spawnmenu Fixed crash when running editdemo Added sphere visualizer to point_message's radius Fixed Portal turrets targeting Portal Cameras Better fix for the RPG clientside sound spam Prevent certain NPCs from being Barnacle'd Fixed Portal rocket turret bone followers
2 Months Ago
Allow render.CapturePixels in main menu when used on Lua RTs. Block some of the screenshot commands Camera SWEP can still do screenshots, don't worry, and so can your code Portal Turret related fixes Don't try to precache EP2 particle Don't target rockets Added CLASS_PORTAL_TURRET - Based on CLASS_COMBINE, but also hates COMBINE Portal Rocket Turret adjustments In spawned through spawn menu (spawnflag 2) - can be killed and can target NPCs. Also fixed the case when it is disabled and its angles are not 0 0 0, it would look all broken trace concommand also prints clientside entity classname
2 Months Ago
Added Portal Cores to spawnmenu Update some portal map icons that have turrets Also updated portal turret NPC spawnmenu icon Added Portal Camera to spawnmenu Added "trace" console command This is just a convenience for me, it's serverside and limited to singleplayer/local server host Update TTT (Community Contributions) Update Turkish language Optimized radar ping network traffic
2 Months Ago
Fix Portal Rocket Turret not respecting ai_disabled Fixed a crash with prop_vehicle_crane and map cleanups Disable hidden convar setting by the Options menu con_enable, hud_quickswitch, hud_fastswitch Added text entry for FPS Limiter in Options Also nuke some hidden/unused panel code from multiplayer tab, regarding crosshairs and old player model selector Fixed Nextbot Paths failing to generate Also added console warnings when this happens, for debugging purposes. Fixed RPG behavior in 3rd person in multiplayer This involves a nasty hack setting the weapon's model for a split second in SetIdealActivity, which was already being done in SetActivity Remove redundant cast from weapon RPG primary attack code Fixed TOOL:Reload inconsistent trace code with left/right clicks Was accidentally rolled back to use TraceLine Fixed Lua Effects changing their entity table if accessed too early Weapons and SENTS already had this fixed ages ago Let's try adding an error on invalid input to PropSelect.AddModel
2 Months Ago
TTT: Code clean ups (Community Pull Request) Use player.Iterator, use net.WritePlayer, remove self.Weapon/self.Entity usage
2 Months Ago
Fixed regression with nextbot pathfinding involving ladders Rookie mistake Fixed certain brushes not having any collisions on maps Better refcounting for model decal materials Clicking in the Paint tool UI will always bring up the paint tool Precache physgun materials Let's try releasing decal materials (and textures) on map shutdown Do not look for awesomium_process.exe on linux Reload default decals after clearing the entire list Added gmod_sneak_attack to disable HL2 sneak attack system Defaults to enabled naturally GM:PropBreak uses attacker, not inflictor for the player GM:PropBreak checks for physics attacker Prop physics damage tries to set correct attacker Owned combine ball (AR2) breaking a crate now has the correct attacker
3 Months Ago
TTT: Fixed can_rag_pin_inno overwriting can_rag_pin in Magneto Stick (Community Contribution) Fixed func_breakable_surf crashes on spawn Added a warning when C_OP_WorldCollideConstraint gets insane values
3 Months Ago
▍▉▇▌▅ ▋██▉▇▉▇▇▅▊.█▋▊█▌▅▍█▍▋▉ ▌▋ ▊▋ ▉▄▍█▊▋ ▊▉ ▊▆▋▊ ▆▆▆▆▇▌▍▋ ▋▆▊▌▍ ▍▅▇▄▉▍▋▌ ▌▌█▇▌█▌ ▋▆▍ ▅▅▉ ▋▅▊▉▆ ▄▋▌▄▆ ▇▅▉▊.▊▆█▄▇▍▋██▋▌█▇▅▄█▆▉▋█▆▍▊ ▉▆▌▄▍▋ ▉▅▆▇▋ ▆▉▌▍▋▅▋▆▋ (▌▊▌▊▉▌▉▍▋ █▅) █▋▉▌▋▉ ▍▋▊_▌▊▉ ▅▊▌█▊▇▌ ▉▊▄▅▌ ▌█ ▆█▅▆▊▇▌▅ ▇▉▍▍ ▅▆▅▍ ▉▍▆▅▋:▄▊▇▍▉▍▌█▇▉▋▍▇ (▆▉▊█▆▆▋▍▆ ▇▉) ▊▆▉█▋ ▉▅▉▋▋▆▋▌▆▄ █▍▋▄ ▍▆▄▌▍ ▊▇▄▋▍▇▌▋▆▌▇▇▇█▋ ▌█▆▅▊▄▋ ▋▆ ▆▌▋▅▆ █▆▉█▊▋▇██ !▉▇▌█ █▍▍▊▄▉▍ ▅▉ ▄▌▅▌.▌▉▌█▅▊▊█ ▌▉▋▌▋ ▊▇ ▇▍▊ ▌▋ ▉▇▌▇▉ ▌▆▅▄▍▆▋ ▆▋ ▍▌▊▍:▇▋▆▍▊█▅▌▆▌▊▋▉▇▄█▇█ ▋▉▍▇█ █▇▌▆▄▊▄ ▋█▋▍▆▄ █▉ ▋█▅ ▋▉▇ ▉▇▇▍▋ ▋▇█▅▅ ▄▄▇▋▉▋▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▍▊▄ ▍▄▋▋▇ ▇▆▋▄▍▄ █▇ ▆▌▊ ▆▇▊▌▆ ▋▊▄▍▆▍▉▇▅, ▇▇▋▌▋ ▋▊▊▌▋▌ ▆▆▌▉▇▋ ▌▇▉ ▌▌▇▋▌▅ ▇▋▌▄ ▇▊▇▌ ▉▋▋ █▉▄▍▉▉▍ ▄▍ ▉▌█▊▉ ▅▅▌▇▉▄▍▍▉█. ▍▋▌▇▅ ▌▇▆▋▉ ▆▇▆▉ ▆▇ █▋▍▊ █▆▆▉ ▆█▉▉▄▊ ▋▉▍▉ ▄▌▊ ▉▌▄▆▉▊▄▆ ▋▍▇▄▅ ▊▅▄▌▄▋▉ ▆▅▋▇▋▆ ▅▋▋ ▇▊██▊▌▍▍█ ▌▉▆▇█▉▅ ▉▌▄ ▊█▄▉▇▆█▇▅ ▊▉ ▇▉▆██▆▌/▉▉▋▆▅█▅▅▇ ▍▊▅ ▅▅ ▇▄▅ ▇▆▄▅▆▆ █▋▆▍▉▍, ▍▌▄ ▇▇▄ ▇▇▇▇▊█
3 Months Ago
▍█▇▊▅ ▄▋▋▉▋▆ ▅▊▇▉▌▆▉▇ ▄▅▆▇█▊▍ ▋▊█▋▌
3 Months Ago
Further navmesh performance improvements Also added VPROF counters to some of the expensive functions Reset surface.SetMaterial material reference without destroying the texID Fixed performance degradation with sql library Fixed Problem count not being visible if problems are fired before the menu is created Multitude of crash fixes with infinities Mostly ragdoll stuff, but also the animation system Minor clean ups Prevent models going invisible when cycle somehow becomes infinity
3 Months Ago
fix goddamn linuc build
3 Months Ago
Fire a Problem to the user when a certain file is not writable Such as user configuration files More barnacle related potential crash fixes Fixed regression when barnacles ragdolls don't spawn at all
3 Months Ago
▅▊▄▊▄ █▅▉ █▋ ▇▌▌ ▌▅▊▍▍▄▌▌ ▇▋▌▊█▌▄▋ █▋ ▅█▉▊▉.▍▇▇▌ ▆▇▌▊▇ ▆▇▅▄▋█▇▍ ▍▌▌▌▆▍ ▊▉ ▄▌▍ ▍▆█▆▆▉▊▊▉ !▆▉▉▉▄ █ █▄▊▄▍▄█▆█ ▋▋▊▋▇ ▋▆▆█ ▌▋▅▌.▅▍█▄▋▌▊█
3 Months Ago
▍▊▄ ▉▉▊▊▉▆▄ ▄▄▍▊ ▅█▋▋▋▍▉▌ ▄▇▋▄▆▍ ▍█▄██▇▅▅▊? ▉▊ ▅▊▉ ▅▉▄█▍▄▄ █▆▌▊▍▌▄ ▊▋▌▉█▋▉▌ ▍▉▊▊▉▍▋ ▆▄ ▊▇▄▋▉▆▆.▄▆▌▉▅▆▌▉█▄█ ▍▋ ▅▋▌ ▍▆ ▉▉▌▇ █▄▊ ▄▌▄ ▉▌▇▅█ ▉█ ▆▍▄▊▋▊▅ ▅▉█ ▋▉▌▌ █▄█ ▍▊█▊▋ ▋▌▅ █▌▍▊▋▇▉▅▊ ▉▍▍▊▌▍▋▆ ▍▉ ▍▉▍▅▄▋▌::▅▋▅▌█▅▅█▆▌ ▅▉▌▅▆ ▇▆▇▉▅'▌ ▄▋▋ █▌▅▍▊ ▉▊▌▌▌ ▆▋▄▌ ▄▌ ▋▅▉▄▉ ▋▅█. ▋▅▋▋▉▊▄▅▍▇▇ ▊▍▆▌▋▅▇▊▍▌█▆ ▇▆▊█ ▊█▊▅▋▊ ▋▆ █▋▌▆▆▌▄▋
3 Months Ago
Close the fallback menu if the real one was too slow to load but did
3 Months Ago
Anti crash safeguards for spawning ragdolls Avoid Lua errors with Spawnicon editor / Adjustable Model Panel when the entity is invalid Prevent clientside entities spawning but being inaccessible at entity limit
3 Months Ago
▉▉▆ ▇▌▌▌▉▊▄▆▋ ▅▌▄▅▆▊▊▅ ▊▇▊█ ▍▌▅▍▇_▊▍▆▊▋▆▋▌▇_▊▌▋█
3 Months Ago
▊▍▍▇▆ ▆▆▄▇▄▆▌ ▄▍▋▆▆▌▅ ▋▄▊▇ ▌▄▊▋▅▄▇▍ ▆▄▆▊▍ ▄▇▇▄▅▅.▋▊█▅▄▊▉ ▅█ ▋▊ ██▍▉ ▅▆ ▉█▅▄ ▄▄ ▄▌▌▆ ▌▆▌█▅ ▊▍▍▋█▍▊▅ ▊▍▌ ▆▉ ▉▌▊ ▇▍▅▋▊▄▅ ▋▉▇▆ ▆▇▊ ▍▊▆▉ ▌█▄▋ ▊▆ ▍▆ █▄▆▌▉ ▆▍▊█▆▋▊ ▉▊▋▆▆ ▄▋ █▌▍ ▍▆▍▍▋▇▊ ▉▆▌▌▇▉ ▅▉▋▌▍▆▊ ▆▋ ▌▉▄▅▋ ▌▉▊▉▉▇█▄ ▍▌▉▉▉▍▌ ▍▍▌ ▅▅▊▊▉▅▋ ▅▅▋▆▇ ▇▌▉▉▌▄▊▆ (▆▍▄▄▉▌▆.█▊▋▇▋▌▋▍▄▅▅) ▄█ ▌█▅ ▋▌▉█▋▍▄▄ ▌▆▋▊▅▄ "▉▅▊▍: ▇██▇▉▉▊▍ █▇ ▋▍▆█▋▌▆ ▅ ▍▇██▊" ▊▉█▅▄▋▄ ▉▍▇██ ▍▋▇▇▄▋ ▌█▊▇ ▌▄▆▌▇▋█▆▆ █ ▍▌▋▌▄▇▊▅█▌▋ ▉▋▍ ▌▄▌▌▌▉ ▊▍▄▇, ▊█▌ ▆▇▆▅▋▄ ▄▉ ▅▍▉▆▋▅▊▄ ▌▊▆▇▇▄ ▇▍ ▉▇▋ ▌▄▋█ ▆▉█ ▇▌▆ ▊▍█▋█▊ ▅▇▉▅█▍▍ ▆▊▇▅▉ ▆▄▇▊█▇▆ ██ █▇▋▆▋ ▌▋▅▊ ▌▊▌▇ ▅▉▍▅▇▌▅▉ ▋▌█▍▅▋ ▍▍▉▄█:// ▍▆▊ ▄▌▍▊▄▅▄ ▄▉█▋▌▌▋ ▊▆▄▇▇▌▋ █▆▆▊▄ ▋▅ ▅▋▅▌▅▉.█▄▆▊▋▍█▋▆ ▍▅▆▍ ▅▆▇▄▅▊.▇▍▉▊▊▄▄▇▌▌ ▌▇▌▋▆▆ ▊▍▇▉██▍▅▆▄ ▇▄▉▌▌▊▍▆ ▋▊▍ █▊▊▋▉▊▌█▊▆.▉▊▍▊▇▊▊▅▍ !▍▇█▉▊ ▍▌ ▍▄▅█▊▍▉ ▇▅▇▋ ▋▌▌▄▋▊▋▋ █▊▆█▄ ▇ ▄▌▋▉▄▄▍▌▋▊ ▋▇▆▊ ▉▅▉█ ▄▌▌▆▅▌▊
3 Months Ago
▍▌▋▅ ▉▋▍▇▄▉▇▉▄██ █▊█ ██▍▇▊ ▆▇▍▊ ▌▋▉█▅▆▋ ▄▊ ▄▌█▌▅▊:▅█▆▍▇▄▌▄▍▅▋▆▉▉▆ █▌▉▄▅ ▊ ▉▅▅▇▆▇▌ ▇▋▄▊ ▇▆ ▆▆ ▄█▊▊▍▊▉ ▆▇ ▍▆▉▇▉▄▌
3 Months Ago
Change up logic that detects whether the HTML menu loaded or not
3 Months Ago
▆▉▊▍▆▇▌ ▆▊▉ ▇▆▋▌▆▄ ▊▇█▄ ▌▋▌▋▍▄▇▋▋▇▇ ▅▊ ▌▉▇ ▅▅█▊ ▋▉▊ ▌▅▍█▌█ ▄▅▌▉ ▌▇ █▋▍▄▅▍▅▉ !▇▅▆▊▌▇▍▌▉▍▋▆: ▆▅▍▉▍▉ █▇▋▆ █▊▌ ▉▄▉▆▄▆▋▊ ▄▇▊▍▇▉ █▉▅▉▍ ▋▉▄ ▇▋▇▅▉▉ ▌▌▅ ▊▊▋▇ ▆▇ ▊▉▊▄▉, ▆▌▇ ▊▉▄ ▍▌▉▊ ▉▌▆█ ▋▋ ▌▍▋? !▆▌▅▆▄▇▊ ▆▆▅█ ▄▆▋▍ ▌▉█▋▉▉ ▉▄ ▆█▄▋█▍ ▉▉▌▊▍▌ ▋▄▉ ▆▆▍▋▋:▊▅▊▇▄▆▉▆ ▇▄▇ ▅▊▌▍▋:▍▉▅▆
3 Months Ago
Increase physgun_wheelspeed & rotation sens max value to 10k More permanent fix for Panel.IsValid during PANEL:OnRemove Move where HUDShouldDraw for NetGraph is called Block developer & contimes convars Block render.CapturePixels while main menu is open Fixed crash when models try to access OOB vertices CreationMenu validates the panel it tries to parent to Fixed an oopsie with CreationMenu Allow right clicking in Bodygroup & Skin context menus This allows you quickly change bodygroups and skins without closing the menu. Also adds DMenuOption.Set/GetRadio Also fixes DMenuOption.SetChecked not calling OnChecked Options button for menu fallback
3 Months Ago
Temporary Panel related fixes (OnRemove, SetParent)
3 Months Ago
Try using v4 actions for everything Downgrade Linux/Mac to v3 Check for null in Panel.SetParent Rollback download-artifact to v3 as well
3 Months Ago
▉▄▇▇▄ ▋▇_▍▊▋▍▋█▊▌▌▉▍▄▆ ▇▄█▅▄▌▄ ▇▍▌▉█▉▌▍▆ ▍▊▊ ▋█▉▍█▋▇ ▇▇▉ ▊▇▌'▋ ▌▍▉▊ ▆▇ ▅▊▍ ▄▋▆▉▆▉▊▉▌ ▌▆▇ ▌▋▄▍▇▋▉_▋▋▇▉ ▋▊▋▌▇▊▊▇█▄ █▉▅▆▆▄▋ ▊▄▋█▊█▍▅ ▉▊▍ ▊▊▍▅ ▊▅▉▌▉▊ ▆▌▆▉▋▇▇ ▆▌▊▅▊▋ ▄▋▊▅ ▄▆ ▋▋▌▄▋▋▌▄ ▇▍▄ ▋▇█▄ █▆█▍▌▅▉ ▍▊▍▋ ▍▍▍█▍▄█ ▊▌▍▇▌ █▌▍▆ ▄▆▌▍▌ ▅▊▊▉_▆▆▆▄▆▋▆▄_▄▋_▌▅▌▍▍ ▇▊▊ ▄▄▇▍▄▌▌█ ▊▌▄▍▌▆ ▆▍▋▌▅▉▉▆▅ ▋█▅ ▅▅▆▇ (▌▉▅, █▉▉ ▅▆▅█ ▆▋▄█▍▄▌▉) ▌▍▅▅ ▆▅ ▅▌ ▍▉-█▍▋▋▆ ▇▍▉ ▋▇▋▋ ▋▉ ▊▋▇▌ ▅▊▌▇▆▉▆▆. ▅▋▇▍▇ ▊▊▉▋▅▊█▉▋▉ █▇▉ ▌▅▅▊██▋ ▆▋▆▋ ▄▋▆▉▍▅ ▆▅ ▋▍▄ ▄▅▋█▄▌▇▇▅. ▇▄▊▋▄▅/▉▆▌▆ ▅▍▇ ▌▋██▍▉ ▊▇▆▉ ▊▋ ▄▍▍▍ █▍▍▇ ▅▇▍▄/██▌▊, ▍▆▉ ▌▄▋▇'▄ ▄▊▍▌▋ ▌▅▉▄. ▍▍▅ ▉▆ █▆▅▊. ▅▉ ▋█▍█ .▊▄▇ ▄▍▋▋▇ ▊▍▍ ▌▍▅ ▊▆ ▆█▄▉▉▋▄▊▌▆ ▊█▊▌ ▇▊▊▉▅▋█ ▄▊▆▅▊▉ ▊▇▊▇▄▄▌. ▆▆▇▇▍ "▍▍▋▅▊▄ ▆▋▋▉▇▅█ ▄▌▌▅▋'▋ ▇▌▅▇▇" ▅▍ ▊▇▋▉▄▆▆▊▅ ▋ ▋▍▍ -▅▍▍▋ ▄▄ █▍▄▅▄▅█▊▍ ▄▋▉ ▇▄▋█▌▍, ▅▉ ▅▍▌ ▌▅▄ ▆▌▉█▍ ▇▇▇▋ ▄▊▆▊█▉▊ ▆▉█ ▅▇▍▆▋▄▍ ▉▉ ▌▉▅▅▍▄, ▍▊▄▉▅▇▆▄▇ ▊▋ ▊▇▋▍█▊▆ █▄▊▇▉▌█▍▌ ▌█▅▌█▇▊ ▉▌ ▉▋█▄ ▌▇ ▉▊▍▇, ▊▌▉█ ▌▌ ▋▌█ ▊▅▅▄▅▉█ ▊▅▌▇▇▋ ▆▅▍▍ ▌▇▆▇▋ ▍▍ ▄▆▍ -▆▄▆▄ ▊█▅ ▍▋▇▋▆█, ▇▊█ ▋▉▄▍ ▉██ ▍▄█▊▅▌▆ ▆▍▌ ▉▆▊▍ ▋▊▍▉▇ █▉▆▉▍▌▋ ▆▅▇▄ ▇█▌▉▆▍▆ ▋▄ ▄█▅▋▇▌ ▅▍▉▄▍▅█ ▆▄▍▋ ▉█▌▇▊▅▍▌▉ !▅▇▅▊▌ █▅█▇▍██ ▅▄ ▋▋▋▄ █▍▍▅ ▌▉ ▉█▋▍▊█▆/ ! ▆▌▌▋▌▋▌ ▆█▍▍▍▄▉▇▇ █▅▊▌▄█▍▊ ▄▉▉▅ ▇▊▆▋▌.▊▅▉▇▇▌▍▌ ▌▍▍▍▆▋▄ ▅▅▇▌▄ ▉▆ ▋▍▅▋ ▆▆ ▋▌ ▌▊▅▄ ▇▇▋ ▍▅▆▊▍▅▉ ▍▊▋▋█▍ ▆▆█▋▇ ██▊▆▊▊▋▅_▄▄▇▌▅ █▋█▅▆ ▉▇▉▄.▅▍▉▍▉▋▋▊▉▅█▊▌▌▅▋▉▊▍▌ ▅█▊▌▉ ▆ ▋▉▄▄▌▇▋█▆ (▊ ▋▊▄▍▇/▇█▅ ▇▉▉), ▌▆▇▊▍█▋ ▌▊▇▊, ▇▆▄▆▉ (▉▆▄▍▇), ▉█▄▌▉ (▍▉▋▄█) █▄▋▌▆▋ ▇▍▌▄▊▉.▇▄▇▋▍▄▌▍▌▆▉▆▇▌▇ ▌█▉▅ ▄▊▌▅ ▆▉▅▍▌ ▅▇ ▆▌▊▍ ▄▄█ ▌▄ █▍▄▊▅ ▉▉▉██ ▉█▇:▍▊▍█▌▄▆▋▅▄▌█▄▊▉▇ ▋▆▇▊▉ ▊▄▊▆▍▋ ▄▊▉▇▊▌ ▌▍▄ ▄▉ ▅ ▇▉▆▇ (▌▆▅ ▅▌) ▄▆▋▅▅ ▌▌▆▉▆▆▌ ▇▅▅▊ ▊▅▉▆ ▊█▆▅ ▅▄▄▆▇▆▇▅ ▌▌▄█▋▆▉▄ ▄▋ ▉▌ ▇▆▄█▅▋▅▄ ▉▍▅▉ ▍▉▍▅ ▌▉▍▇▍ ▄ ▄█▅▊▌ █▊▉▅▍▍ █▋▌▍▉ ▅▉▄▇▉▍▋ ██ ▆▆█▅█▌▅ ▍▆ ▆▉▇█ ▍▋█▍▋. ▆▊▉▋▅ "▅▆█▇▆▉█▅" ▋▊▆▉▅ ▆█ "▋▄▋▉▉▊_▇▆▊" ▊▆▍▊ ▅▉▌▌█ ▅▆▌ ▄▉▍▇▋▅▌ ▋▆▇▉ ▅▉/▄▅▌▄ ▆█▋ ▍▌▊▍ ▊▌▍ ▆▋ ▇▅▄ ▍▉▋ ▉▌ ▆▋▉▉▉▇ ▆▋ ▋▄▅ ▇▄▌▅▋▉▍▆ ▌▍▊▌▅▊_▍▍▆▉_▆▄ ▇▉▄▌▉▌▆██ !█▆▍▌▋ ▌▋▉_▍▇█▊/▉▋▍_▉▌▇▌▉█▄▅█▍, ▌▌▍▄▊▌ ▆█▋_█▊▊▄█▌▆▇▇▅ !▌█▌ ▋▅▆▊▉▇▌▍ ▇▄▉▌ ▍▍▋▉_▆█▅▅ ▋▇▆▍▌▍▄ ▇▄▋▄▊█▄▄ ▌▋ ▍▇▍▊▌▄▉▅ !▅▉▌█▌▄▋▊ ▇▄█▌▇▌▉▇ █▌▊▄ ▌█▍▍▍▋▆▅▆█▌▇▋▋▊█▅▌▆▊ !▆▍▅▍▊▍█▅ ▋▊▅▍▇█▇ ▋▉▍▉ ▅▌▉█▌▆▄:▅▉▅▅▅▊▊▄▋▌▆▍▆▄▇▅ !▇▊▇ ▌▍▆█ ▍▌▆▇▄▌▋▉ ▆▊▉▋ ▌▍▊▉▉▇ ▇▋██▊▊▉▋ ▊▆▌▉▇▅▍▄▆ ▇▌▇▉▆▄▇:▄▇▊▆█▆▋▅▋▉▉█▄▉▆ !▉▌▇ ▅▉▋▊▇█▋▋ ▊▇▊▆ ▋▅▊ ▅▇▇▍▆▆██ ▋▋▌▉█▄▋ ▄▆▉▆▄▉ !▊█▍ ▆█▋▉██▉▋ █▌▍▅ ▍▉▉_▄▋▄▍▌▉▌ (▇▋ ▍▆▇▊▉▄▄▉ ▍▇) !▋▋▉ ▌▄▆▆▄▄▊ ▅▉▅▋ ▍▆▇▉▊▉█.▇▅▄▉▆▅▌▆█▋▇▆▉▌▌ !█▌▄▊▊ █▋▊▉█▄▊ ▋▆▊▉ ▌▇▌▇▉▉▇:▋▅▇▌▊▌▋▆▉ ! ▌▄▋▉▉ ▍▍ ▄▉██▅▆█ ▅▍▋▅ ▉▌▋█▆▌▉▆:▉▇▉▅▋▌▅█▋▊█ !▅▄▍ █▌▋▄▅▅▉▋ ▅▍▍▋ ▆█▌▇▌▌▄:▇█▉▉█▋▊▍▋▋██▊▅▊▇ !▌▋▅ ▋▇▊▋▅▊▅▄ ▊▋▉▇ ▌▉▄▋█▍▇▆ ▇▉▆▋▍▋█ ▇▉▉▄▍▊▊ ▅▊▊▊█▍▆ !▊▄▅▆▇ ▊▌▉▇▅█▉ █▌▆▄ ▌▌_█▅▌█:▄▋▉▊▆█▇▄ !▌██ ▍▋█▅▉▊▅▊ ▋▆█▉ █▅▌▌▊▋ ▌▄▋█▅▄▇▋▊ ▇▇▅▆ ▇▄▅█▄ ▋▍▇▆ ▆▉▄▆▉▆▅██▊▋▇▍█▊ ▉▊█ ▋▌▍▋ ▆▊ ▍▄▉▆▋▋ ▄▊ █▊ ▋ ▆▇▌ █▅▉▆▍▋▇ ▍▇▉▉▍█ ▆▆▉_▇▉▇█▇█▋▌_▋▊▉▅▌▇▊.▇▆▋ ▄▉▆▊▋█ ▇▍▊▍ ▊▋▆▌ ▇▍▇▆▍▍▉▍█▊ █▇▆▅▅▄▌▅ ▊▋ ▆▋▆▊▋▍▄▇▌▋ ▆▍█▋▌▍▄█ !█▆▅▅▅▉▆ █▅▅▌ ▊▄▉▄▉▊ ▊▊▊█▄ ▌▆▅ ▊██▌▉▇▅▄ █▊█▉ ▄▉▋ ▇▇▋▌█▅▊▊▍ ▍▅▅▆▇ ▄██▍▄█▄▌▉▊▌ ▊▊▊▌▊▍▉ ▄▍▇▄ ▆▍▌▍▄▌▉▍ !█▅▍▊▇ ▅▍▊▄▅▊▉▌ ▄▄▋█ ▍▋▆▍▉▄▇▍▍ ▆█▅ ▄█▆▆▉▆▊▋▍▇▋▊▇ !█▍▇▌ ▆▅▍ ▄█▄▄▇▄ ▌▄▊ ▊█▍▉ ▉▄▊▇▆▆▌ █▄▉▊▄▉▊▄▅ !▄▅▊▄▉ ▄▉ █▆▍▉█▉▅ ▇▌▋▅ ▌█▆▍▉▄▇█▄▍▇▍▋▇▋▍▊█▋▍ !▍██▆▅ ▆▊█▌▌▅▌▇ ▇▋▊▍ ▄▉▊▊▄▍:▉▄▆▅▅▋▊▉▌▄/▋▆▇▍▍▋▇ !▇▍▊▅▋ ▉▊█▉▄▍▉▍ ▅▇▌█ ▍▅ ▍▄█▊▅▇▇▋▉▅ █▊▍▇▆▇▊█▌ !▋▉▊▋▉ ▊▊▄▍▍█ ▇▌▄▋▌▆▌ ▆█▋█▋ ▄▇▅█ ▄▅▊ ▌▊█▊ ▅▊▇▇▍▄ !▉▇█▋▅▋▊▊ ▅▉▍██▍▄▇▋ ▉██▆▊▌▆ ▅▌▌▅ ▌▅█▍▍▅▍█▍▄:▍▉▉▌▌▊▊▇▅▉ ▊▌▌▋ ▍█▌▍▉▆▉ ▆▍ █▋▄ ▄▄▉▆▄▊█▋ ▊▌▌▇▋ ▆▉▌▊▇▉▄▇ ▋▄█▇▍▍▊, █▊▉ ▅▄▋▉ ▊▌▍█▄ ▇▅▄▄▉ █▅▆▊▋▉▊▍▋▋▇ ▍▄▍▄▋▋▆ ▍▇ !▋▇▍ ▋▍▍▋▌█▊▆ ▊▄▌▌ ▌▊▄▋▄▍▅▇▄ ▆▊▌▄█▇▊▌ ▅▋▌▅▅▉▊ !▋▌▌ █▅▉▊▍▅▄▆ ▄▋▉▍ ▇▊ ▄▍█▇▅▋█ ▅▍▇▉▇▄▋▊▄ !▇▍▆ ▄▋▆▉▉▊▊▍▅ ▆▍▇▅▇▆▄▆ ▄▇▊▄ █_▇▅▅▅▊▅▇ !▉▄▇▉▊ ▆▌▌▇▍▊▉▌ ▆▌▄▄ ▇▍▌▊▇/▍▄▇▅▊▇▄▇█▄█▉▉▆▉▋█▄▇▆ !▍▅▋▅▆ ▆▉▄▅▋▋▆▋▆▄ ▇▆▉▊▉▋▍█▊▄ ▆▊▉ █▆▌▍▉/*.▇█▌ ▇▅ ▌█▌ ▄▆▋▇▆▌▇▆▆ !█▍█▋▉ ▍▊▄▄▄▉▍▉▌▌ ▋▋▇▋▆▄▄▋▅ ▊▊▋▋▇▌ ▇▆▇▆▋ ▍█▋▌▉▅▆▅▌▍ ▍██▌▉ ██▊▍▅█ ▆▆▄ ▌▅▍▋▆▊▆ ▉▆▄ ▌▇▍▉▆▅▋▍▌▆ ▋▅ ▇▌▌▇ ▍▊▇▄▇ !▋▅▊'▍ ▇▅▉▌▅ ▊▇▅▇▍ ▅█ ▌▇▌▇ █▇▄ ▇▊▌ ▄▍▌▋▉▅▆ ▋▅▅'▇ ▊▌▍▆▄▋ ▊█▍▍▍▊▌ ▄▆▉▊▌█▅▇▆ █▅▊▍█▄▅ ▍▊ ▌▄▅▆▉ ▌▅▇▉▇▌ ▊▌▅▆▄▊▆ ▊▉▌▋ ▍▍▇▇▌▊ ▅▆▉▆ ▄▇▄▉▊▌▋▊ !▉▉▌▋█ ▊▊▍▇▍▌▋▉ █▋▅▄ ▆▌_▅▄█▆▇▌▊ !▊█▅'▋ ▇▌▉▍▍▇ ▌▅█_▋▋▌/▇▅█▌▊▊▉▌██ ▍▉▊▅▆▉▍▌ ▍▅▌▊▉ ▄▆▊██▆ ▌▋▅█ ▅▄▄▌▄▍▄ ▌▆ ▆▍▌▄ ▇ ▌▄▇ !▆▊▋▊▄ ▋▊ █▊▄▅▅▉▉▊▋ ▄█▄▆▊▍▌▌ ▆▊█▊▅▅▇ ▉█▍▊ ▄▇▌▅▇█ █▇▍▌ ▋▊▊▆▅ ▍▌▋▌▊▇ !▌▌▇▇▇ ▄▆█▊▊▊▊▍ ▊█▆▇ ▋▋▆▉▌▄ █▄▋▇▄▆█▌ ▊▆▇▆ █▉▋▄ █▅▍▆▆ ▅▍▊▊▊▋▉▄▄ !█▋▍▌▌ ▇▉ ▊▆▆▆▋▄▇ ▊█▍▋ ▉▋▇▅▉▊▋▇▄▅▋▇█▍▋▉▌▉ ▆▊▊ ▇▉▋▌▋▄ █▄ ▊▄▆▋ ▄▍▇ ▊▆▅▇ ▄▉ ▇█▍, ▍▋▆ ▄██▄ ▅▇▄▅▆▊ ▇▌▉ ▇▆ !█▄▉▉█ ▍█▌▊█▌▉ ▅▄▄▌ ▍▄▋.█▊▅▄▄█▍▌▅▄▍▇▋▋▆ !▍▇█▇▆ ▆▊▉▌▉▆▋▍▅ ▅▌▇▋▌▌▊ ▆▄█▅ ▉_▅▆▌▊▄▅▋▌▅▋▇▉▌▉::▌▄▇█▋▊▍ !▋▄▆▉▉▍▌ ▉▊▇▍▆▊▅▇▋▅ █▅▄▄▍▇█ ▋▍▇▄▊▍▉▋ █▉█▆ ▉▅▉ ▆▌▇███▇▅ !▇█▆▅▍▊▊ ▌▋▊▋▋▊▊▌▌▋ ▋▅▋▄▊ ▄▅▄▍ ▍▅ ▋▉ ▍▍█▌▍▉█▋ (▉▅▋ ▋▊▉▋ ▇▍▉▄█▊▊) !▆▉▄ ▊▇▅▅▄▊▉▅▅▋▌▇▌▋ ▆█ ▍▆▄▍ ▇▄▉▇▊▄ !▇▄▆▌▇ ▊▌▋▆▅▇▊ ▉█▆▊ ▉▌▍▍▅▌▌▄ ▋█▆▉▊ ▊▌▋█▄▇ █▌▇ █▅▉▄_█▄▅▇▊ !▉▋▋█▋ ▇_▋▌▉▆▆▅▌█▆▄▉▇▉▅▉ ▅▋▌▅▇▌▇▄ ▇▋ ▌▇▋▋▌ ▍▅▅▇▋▅▋ ▆▊▅▉ ▋▇ ▍▍▋▉ ▆▅▇▄▍▆▇ ▉▇▋▅█ ▇ ▋▅▊ ▇▅ ▇▅▆▇█▇ ▉▅ ▄▌▄▄▅ !█▄▇▅▊ ▇▌▄▌▋▋█▇ ▊▋▆█ █▄▍▌▉▉▇ ▌▊▄ !▉▋▆▉█ ▇▊▊█▄▉█▇ ▉▄▉█ █▍▄▋▋▍▉▇▄▄ ▆▍█▍▇▍▇▇ !▇▉▅▆▄▊▍▆▆▌▍▊█▋▍ ▅▌▌▉▆ ▋▌▋▅█▆ ▇▋▄▄▆▉▄ ▆▋▍▆▅ ▌█▌█▊▊█▇▉█ ▍▆▄█ ▇▄▉█▌▄.▌▋▆▅▆▆▊ █▊▆▄▄▍ ▋_▍▅█▇▅▄▊▄▊▍::▋▋▍▋▅ ▄▊ ▆_▅▆▆▄▅ !▊▆▇▍▄ ▋▇█▍▇▇▉▆▊ ▆▇▋▇▌▅▇█ █▇▍▆ ▉▉▋▍▋█ ▌▄▋ ▅▋▅▊▆▇█▌ !█▉▆▍▇ █▍▇▌█▍▋ ▆▋▄▄ ▋▅▋▊▍▊▍▊ !▅▍▅▉▊▊▉▋ ▍▉▍▋_▋▇▆▅▌▉▌▍▍▆█▇▋▄▌ ▅▉▋▌▌▊ ▊▋█▆█▋▅▍▆▌▋▋▇▇▇▍▉▌▇▋▍▋▌█▋ !▋▉▌█▆ ▅▊▅▅▄▊▋▌ ▇▌▊▍ ▊█▋▉ █▋█▅▍▌█ !▄▊▌▌▍ █▊ ▅▇▉▍▋▄▊ ▅▆▋▆ ▋▉▉▅▍▄█_▋▆▇▌▇▆▆▆▆ !▄█▅▋▋ ▇▋▊▆█▊▋▊ ▌▆▉▋ ▍▆▇▍▍▋▌▇▆▆▆▇▍▆▋█▌▉▋▄▍█ ▇▌▌▌▉▇▋▄▇▅▇▊▇▍▌▆▅▋▇▇▉▅ █▇▇ ▅▍▆▌ ▇▉ █▋▉▍▉▅ ▅▆▉ ▊▆▌▅▄▇ ▌▋▊▉█▄ ▋▉ ▌▅▇█▉▇ ▇▉▅▄▊▌ ▍▌▄▆ ▅▄▉▋ ▋▆▇ ▇▇▍▇▅▉ ▆▌█▋▅▊ ▌▆▊▊ ▌▅▅▄▋:█▆█▄▋▇██▉▍▌ !▉▌▄▅▉ ▄▅▍▌▅▅▄ ▋▆ ▆▄ ▉█▊▉ ▊▆▉ ▌▄▉▆█▆▌ █▍▋▇▄▍ ▅█▄▌▍ ▅ ▅▊▇ ▅▊▋ ▉▆▍▄ ▍▇▅▇▇▆ ▅▍▋ ▋▋▄▋▅ !▆▇▆▆▌ ▄▇▋▉▉ !▄▍█▍▍ ▉▍▍▍█▄█ ▅▊▊▍ ▇▅▅_▆█▅▌▅▌▆▉▆█▌▋▅▌▊▇█▋▅▄ ▆▌▋▅ ▇▅▌▆▉▊ ▌▋▅▉▇ ▄▍▄ ▇▄▊▍▊ !▉▄▊▌▊ █▇ ▆▆▅▄▍▇▊ ▍▉▄▍ ▄▍▊▉_▄▉▉█▉▇▇ !▇▄▇▆▅ ▆▄▊▆▆▋▆▇▊ ▉▄▊▍█▍▉▇ ▅▉▄▄ ▄▍▅▆▅▌▍▌▌▅▋▊▆▇ !▌▌▋▋▆ ▋▆▌ ▉█▍█▅▇▌▄ ▍▌▆ !▅▆▅█▄ ▅▌▆█▋█▇ ▄▋▅▄▊▉▇ ▆▇▋▅ █▋▇▊_▋▉▄▋▅▍█ ▅▅▋▇▊ ▉██▌▅▄▄ ▌▋▄▆▆▉▉▉ ▌▇▄▊▋▊█▄▊ █▍▇ █▊▉▍▇▆ ▌▌▌▌▍▄█▋█▌▋▆ ▌▆▉▇▉▋ ▄▄▊▄▅▇▌▇ ▅▋▉▆▆▄▍ ▍▊▋▊▄█▄▆▄▅▉▇▇ ▊▋▋▄▄ ▋▌▆▉ ▌▊█▄ ▊▍▊▅▆▊▋ ▇▌▊ ▌▋▉▇▄▌▊▌ ▉▄█▊▇▍█ ▅█▅▊▇▋▄ ▅▍▌ ▄▉▌▍'▍ ▉▄▌▄▌▇? !▉▇▌█▍▄▅ █▊▍▉▊▋▄▅▉▊█▌▋▉▉▉ ▍▆▌▌▉█ !█▌▆▅▄ ▊▅▇▆█▋▍▋▇ ▌▉▌▅▍▌▄ ▇▇▅▅ ▋▍▋▌ ▅▅▅▉▍ ▅▄▆▉▊▇▄▅▇ !▄▅▌▌▆ ▋██▊▍▋▇▄▉▅▍ ▇▊▇▉ ▅▇▉▇▋▅▋▆▆ ▉▉-▋▍▍▆▄▆ ▍▋▄▇▋█ ▆▋▊▅▉▅▉ ▆▋▋ ▉▆▋ !▊█▅▄▍▅▅ ▅▇▍█▅▆ ▄▋▇▍▆▆▇▌_▆▉▅▄ !▆▅▊▆▌ ▄ ▇▊▉▇▋ ▌▊▅▅ ▊▇▌▌▅▍▆▄▌▍▋█▇▍ ▍█▍▍▄ ▊▄█▌▉▌▅█▋▊▍ ▉▆ ▄▄_▋█▇▋ ▍▄▄▄▌▇▄▊ ▍▋ ▊▍▌▌▊ ▉▄▅▉▇▍▄ ▉▉▇ ▌▇▉▇▆▅ █▄▅ ▍▍▊▄▉▉▉▆ ▅▊▅▋▅▋▉ ▉▍▉▍ ▄▌▍█▉ ▊▍▍ █▆▊▉▅▍▊▌ ▋▌▄▉▍▋▊▌ ▌▇ ▊▊▊▄.▌▇▊▉▄▇▄█▅█▊ - ▉▅▄█▅▍ ▌▉▌▋▋ ▍▍▍▆▅ ▄▊▅▍▇▆ ██▇▍▊▍ ▆▌▇▋ ▊▍█▊▊ █▋▇▌ ▅▌▆▅▇▊▉▋▆ ▍▌▄█▆ ▆▊▉▄▅ ▇▌▆ ▄█▍▆▄ ▉▊█▊▌▋▅▅█ ▅▇▍ ▆▄ ▅▄▌█▋▆ ▊▅▍▅█▉, ▄▍▍▋ ▋▅ ▄▊▄ ▄▋▇▍▆▇▅ ▌█▆▄▍ ▇▋▅ ▅▄▆ ▄▇▇▊ ▇▆▆▋▅ ▆▊█▅▍▊ ▍▅▆▉██▌▉ ▇█▌▇ ▊▊▆ ▋▊▋▌▍▆ ▊▇ █▅▊ █▅▍▅ ▄▄ ▅▆▇ ▉▌▊▉▌ ▆▋▄▆ █▌ ▊▄▌█▄▋▇ ▍.▇. ▆▋▌ █▋▍▋ ▊▅ █▋▆█ ▇▊▍▄ ▅▄▋▉▊▅▍ ▆▄█▆█ ▄▇ ▊▆▌ ▄▌▄▅▋ ▌▉▅▍ ▋▋▊ ▆▋▆▉▄, ▉▇▅▌+▊ ▉▌▆▋▉█ ▅▄ ▅▄▍ ▉▆▋ ▌▌█▅▆ ▇▋█▆▉▌. ▋▄▍▄▋▇▅ ▄█▇▆ ▍▍▇ ▄▍▌▊ ▊▊▊█ █▊ ▅▅▅ ▌█ ▍▅▉▊▍▌. ▇▅▄▇▋ ▌▉▌█ ▊▌█▌▅▇▌ - ▋▊▍▅▆▊▇ ▌▊▅▆▉ █▅▊▇ ▄▉▋▌▋.▆▌▌ ▄▉▍▄ ▇▊▇▊▄▄ ▇▍▋▋▉ ▊▌▆ ▋▊▉▄█ ▆▍▉▇ ▇█▉ ▅█▋▄▄ ▊▊▆▉▍▋▊ █▇▌▊▊▆▍▄▍▉▉:▆▆▄▅▊▅▋▆▍▆█▍▌▆▊ ▊▌▄▊▋▋▌ ▍▉▄█▆▍▅ ▇▇▉▊▍ █▌ ▄▉▍▅▋.▊▋█▍ █▍ █▍▊▅▄▇▌▋█ ▆▉▅ ▆▌▌▅▊▌▍▆▌▌ ▋▊ ▇▄▉▍▅▄▉▉▉█▌ ▍█▆▆ ▆▌▆▄▊▉ ▇▋▆▍█▅▉ ▄▅▄▉▆ ▍▌▄▌▌▊█▋▍▊▌▍, ▍▊█▊ ▊█▊ ▌▅▅▍ ▇▆ ▄▊▌▍▉▇▇▇ ▊▉▇ ▅█▍▊▊▌▊ ▋▍▇▍▋▋ ▍█▋█▋ ▅ ▌▌▋▉▌▍▉ ▋█▆█ ▊▆▅▄█▆ ▉▄▆ ▆▉▆▇▍▄▌▄ ▄▄▊▍▉ ▉▊ ██▌▅▊ ▄▅▅██▊▋▊▋ █▅▆▇ ▉▍▇▊ ▇▊▋▄█ ▋▇ ▊ █▅▋█▉ ▄█▇▇▅ ▄▇▋▍▆ ▇▆▇▉▍█▊ ▍▉▇▋▄▅█▊▊▇ ▌▌▄▉ ▍▅▅█▊▌.▍█▌▍▍██▇▋▄ ▆▇▆▌▅ ▅▅▌▄▇▍▋▉▋█ ▌▌ ▊▇_▅▆▅▆/▉▊▉▋▇▌▉▋▄▌▉ ▅█▊ ▅█ ▌▄▇█▇▍ ▅▌▅█▅▉▋▍ ▊▌▅▅▊ ▅▉█▋ '▄█▊▌▍▄'▉ ▄▆▋▆ ▉▅▍▊▌▊' █▋▊▍▊▍▍ ▄▆▊▄ ▇▍▄▌▇▇▇ ▍▋ ▄▆▌ ▉█▍▌ ██▉▌█ ▆▄▊ ▌▋▌▇█▊ ▌▊▇▉ ▋▆▋█▅ ▋ ▊▋▄▉▆ ▌▄█▋ ▅█▊▋▋▊▄▍▇▍▉▉▄█ ▅▆▉█▍ ▋▊▅▄▆▋▆▊▅▉ █▍▊▇ ▉▇▅▆▍▉ ▍▊▇██▉▆ !▊▆▍▆▊ ▇▅▋▄ ▄▇▇▄▉▍▌▇ ▌▄▍▅ █▅▍▄▊▍▄▅ ▇▋▊▊█▊█▆ ▆▌▉▉ ▊█▇▌ ▌▍▄▍▋ ▍▉█▊
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3 Months Ago
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