
929 Commits over 821 Days - 0.05cph!

8 Years Ago
Added AI player icon
8 Years Ago
AI trucks no longer show in the player list
8 Years Ago
Switched on 3D overlays
8 Years Ago
Can remove multiple trucks Remove AI after mission
8 Years Ago
Fixed AI driving for AI race mission
8 Years Ago
Race mission AI
8 Years Ago
Started work on AI Missions
8 Years Ago
Ditched network dispatcher Fixed missions for Raknet
8 Years Ago
Fixed mission dispatch for Raknet
8 Years Ago
Raknet updates, ignore dodgy packets
8 Years Ago
Switched speed trap network message
8 Years Ago
Fixed text chat
8 Years Ago
Fixed entity tick
8 Years Ago
Raknet switch WIP
8 Years Ago
Updated Raknet test, connects, spawns players
8 Years Ago
Adding Raknet Test
8 Years Ago
Updated cops mission
8 Years Ago
Updated cops mission - End round / swap sides Updated build settings
8 Years Ago
Updated Cops mission
8 Years Ago
Cops mission WIP
8 Years Ago
Updated scene / prefab Fixed analytics in wrong build
8 Years Ago
unflipped city_hex_20 prefab (-1 to 1 in scale) and flipped road, mm road and ground elements inside, repositioned buildings and trees etc.
8 Years Ago
added swag sack model to city scene with material
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
added swag sack model
8 Years Ago
Fixed pathing Put culling back on hexes, removed collision
8 Years Ago
Fixed path issue on hex 4 Mini map scales with speed
8 Years Ago
Added gps to package pickup Testing pathing calc change
8 Years Ago
Updated Race / Package missions with destination tracking
8 Years Ago
Added GPS line
8 Years Ago
added _MM road parts to all prefabs that didn't have any. Hid buildings in hexes that obscured bridges and bridge roads
8 Years Ago
added new prefabs in to city 2 scene, rebuilt city and added correct materials etc added new tunnel signs. fixed missing MM meshes visibility on road pieces. Many prefabs seem to be missing MM pieces.
8 Years Ago
saved out hex max scene
8 Years Ago
removed erroneous naming on hex prefabs (7c changed to 7 etc) created new prefabs for ones that were missing, 4, 19, 20.. and added startpoints to all for pathfinding split bridge road and road side on hex 10, 11, 12, 13 and re-exported created new prefabs for 10, 11, 12, 13 Saved over city 2 with city 1 ready to build city out of prefabs
8 Years Ago
Fixed sensor issue Added tunnel prefabs
8 Years Ago
Separated out sensors Sensors track both environment and vehicles
8 Years Ago
Updated bridge prefabs Fixed no path issue AI can boost Refactored target pos
8 Years Ago
Made bridge prefabs Added inclines to AI
8 Years Ago
Updated hex pieces Added control point gizmo and removed debug sphere
8 Years Ago
AI trucks have ghost mats
8 Years Ago
Merged ghost truck
8 Years Ago
Removed pathfinding asset
8 Years Ago
Updated AI - can slow to target Handles short paths correctly
8 Years Ago
Added start / end points to path
8 Years Ago
Added separate path class Removed debug junk
8 Years Ago
AI can attempt to dodge close objects
8 Years Ago
Fixed AI Look ahead Added quick top down camera
8 Years Ago
Updated AI
8 Years Ago
Added line of sight checks for AI
8 Years Ago
Trucks can now (slowly) drive to targets