
929 Commits over 821 Days - 0.05cph!

8 Years Ago
Fixed surface colour
8 Years Ago
Broadcast mask with other decal data Mask works in game
8 Years Ago
Added masking for truck painting
8 Years Ago
Updated truck painting, no longer uses pixel arrays because they are lame
8 Years Ago
Debug stuff in network
8 Years Ago
Added new paint test project
8 Years Ago
Fixed line issue with reporter
8 Years Ago
Fixed speed trap reset issue
8 Years Ago
Latest scene
8 Years Ago
Missions handled disconnection on client Fixed quit Fixed text chat
8 Years Ago
fixed minimap to create icon if minimap startup is delayed
8 Years Ago
Changed paint mode return text Fixed dispatcher order Removed Debug option
8 Years Ago
Added cone prefab Sets TOD immediately
8 Years Ago
renamed erroneous "objects" in hub to proper names and added to scene
8 Years Ago
removed old cones on under_construction barrier and hub. added separate cone prop. reexported barrier and hub. Removed helpers from hub.
8 Years Ago
remade tiremark material, reexported central hub with rotated points and separated cones
8 Years Ago
Removed mesh renderer
8 Years Ago
Switched scene to use new layout, added hub entrance, moved mission points
8 Years Ago
Broadcast TOD in playerlist
8 Years Ago
Broadcasting truck defs when changed, preserves player network when changing scenes, player and truck now two entities
8 Years Ago
Missed a file
8 Years Ago
More truck / player refactoring
8 Years Ago
Started Xbox networking Refactoring truck/player
8 Years Ago
Unity update 5.3.6p2
8 Years Ago
Fixed menu
8 Years Ago
Started to refactor the Gamemanager and networking
8 Years Ago
Split gamemanager into two parts
8 Years Ago
rotated hub so it fits road. deleted buildings clipping bridge
8 Years Ago
added new parts to city 2 scene including new hub and added new roads
8 Years Ago
Balanced audio effects Tweeked truck headlights Network++
8 Years Ago
upped brightness on skydome nighttime
8 Years Ago
brightend up nightime intensity added central hub to meshes folder
8 Years Ago
Bomb mission fix
8 Years Ago
Updated bomb mission to show on map who has bomb, who has been eliminated
8 Years Ago
Synced TOD Added truck lights Fixed Minimap lamp culling
8 Years Ago
added emission textures for simple town buildings. Tweaked TOD settings and camera settings. Added AO to camera. Added lights to street light prefab.
8 Years Ago
Modified the decal surface to allow position change before painting
8 Years Ago
tweaked materials on hex blocks and truck to not be light at night. Tweaked TOD lighting settings somewhat, fair way to go
8 Years Ago
Switched scene 2
8 Years Ago
Updated scenes, stoped decal allocation on server
8 Years Ago
Changed mission list to show large or small icons Disabled stunts Disabled TOD
8 Years Ago
WIP on drafting
8 Years Ago
Can set the port number from command line
8 Years Ago
added scene
8 Years Ago
Updated models
8 Years Ago
Updated the speed traps to have time limit Added jump and temp stunts
8 Years Ago
added collision to side and rear of jump ramps
8 Years Ago
Flipped numpad camera X input axis to match gamepad controls
8 Years Ago
Fixed ignore file
8 Years Ago
Moved prefab