6,561 Commits over 2,983 Days - 0.09cph!
Fix Bootil not building on OS X
* GitSync
* Updated Bootil to latest version once again
Rollback Changes.cpp for now
* GitSync
* Updated Bootil to latest version:
** Fixes autorefresh not working with symbolic links
** Fixes GMad on Linux and OSX.
* Added CLuaLocomotion.GetMaxYawRate() & CLuaLocomotion.SetMaxYawRate( float )
* Added Entity.CollisionRulesChanged()
* Added PhysObj.RecheckCollisionFilter()
* Added CLuaEmitter.Is3D() & CLuaEmitter.GetPos()
* Added navmesh.GetNearestNavArea( pos, anyZ = false, distance =
10000, checkLOS = false, checkGround = true, team = -2 )
* Added CNavArea.GetRandomPoint() & CNavArea.GetCenter()
* Added CNavArea.GetAttributes() & CNavArea.HasAttributes( int )
* Added CNavArea.GetAdjacentCount( NavDirType ) & CNavArea.GetAdjacentArea( NavDirType, int ) & CNavArea.GetRandomAdjacentArea( NavDirType )
* Added CNavArea.GetAdjacentAreas( NavDirType ) & CNavArea.GetAllAdjacentAreas()
* Added CNavArea.IsConnected( CNavArea ) & CNavArea.IsOverlappingArea( CNavArea )
* Added CNavArea.ComputeGroundHeightChange( CNavArea ) & CNavArea.ComputeDirection( Vector )
* Fixed Combine Helicopter, Floor Turret, Dropship & Gunship bleeding in multiplayer
* Increased env_projectedtexture max distance to
32768 in MP
* Fixed Stalkers leaving their beams after they are removed and not bleeding
Trying to fix some weird build error on the Linux dedicated server
* Increased MaxDistance of env_projectedtexture from 1500 to
10240 in Multi Player
* Added 'ent' argument to Nextbot:OnLeaveGround & Nextbot:OnLandOnGround
* Added 'victim' and 'damageinfo' arguments to Nextbot:OnOtherKilled
* Added Nextbot:OnContact( ent )
* Added Nextbot:OnIgnite()
* Added Nextbot:OnNavAreaChanged( old, new )
* Added some sort of error to HTTP Download errors
* Fixed SetHullDuck not working properly