1,646 Commits over 638 Days - 0.11cph!
Upgrade to 2017.3.0p2
Less crashes!
Camera tilts + Skybox
Removed all implict fields in serialised data
Shrunk chair overlap box for better palcement
New stove prop, produces meals
Diner booth prop, seats 6 and needs meals (still WIP)
More diner + stove stuff
Added ship control buttons to the map screen
Bootstrapper, settings file and menu, adjustable ui scale
Better eyedropper cursor + paint mode cursor
Premium passengers will now complain if there are too many kids around
Notifications for high complaint volumes
Checkerboard, Carpet and new wallpaper textures
Cloud wallpaper
Can now link stats to needs via a StatNeedRelationship
UI Stat display tweaks
Walk speed stat, red carpet makes units walk faster
Blimp icon
Launcher banner
Units now know what paint surfaces are around them
Close ship details while editing route
bar and Coffee Stand now use stock system
Needs can now be negative + looooots of UI fuckery
Added a overcrowding complaint type
Added paintable surfaces to the wall prop
Popup thought bubbles
Props can now declare generic sliders for their tooltip
Save data versioning, improved some ship purchasing UI
Saving notification
Can toggle contracts on new game
Paint type tooltip
Restriciton text on paint tooltip
Stock system WIP
UI Tweaks, Ship Details are now controlled from map screen
Fixed a bad scroll bar
Stats screen UI tweaks
Backdrop fix
Added need info to passenger stat window
Rounding for wall mounted props
Bug fixes
Fixed some staff issues after loading a game
Popularity summary tootlip
New prop: Trash bin
Stats screen stuff
Made SurfaceType icons
Added wall paintable surfaces
Added new WallMount prop type and a wall lamp
Rolled delete and rooms logic into new placement system
Back button on entity panel
Added a search field to the prop window
Refactoring prop placement to be more generic + expandable
Implemented painting module
WIP Build menu rework (Categories, Paint mode, etc)
Show last thoughts on passenger info + more ui tweaks
Fixed bad happiness calculation
Added new serialised component system, should make Entity less monolithic
New fleet widget on map screen, replaces the fleet button
Uploading to a new steam branch
WIP stat displays
WIP passenger thoughts
More stats
Potentially fixed props not getting marked as vacant
Fixed save/load
Stats screen now shows two most common thoughts
Can now adjust sample size of stats screen
Fire doesnt spread through walls or doors, but can destroy doors
Added simple console, moved some cheats to console commands
Fix passengers geting left on ship after a route change
Fixed wander + more fixes
Sparks effect when maintenance repairs a prop
Fix for NRE when deleting a prop that's in use
Fixed passenger disembark not triggering UI update
Better conditions on fit out contract
Added a pulse to the contract button
Contracts UI tweaks
Multiline notifications
Fixed soft lock on cancelling route edit
In progress text updates for contracts
Crowd SFX fix
Don't dispose steam
Pasengers walk to their interaction point
Maybe better wandering logic?
Fixed whats new scrollbar
Ship upgrade contract
Delete UI tweaks
Time fixes
Fleet expansion contract
Added some highlights to buttons needed for contracts
New prop - Bar
What's new
Better wall placement snapping
UI tweaks + more entitlements
Entitlement system
Tweaked map camera settings