19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
fixed wrong animator trigger on item
Enabled UnitAttackState behaviours in Human/TorsoOverride/Combat
Added missing AnimationTagOnState to Human/TorsoOverride/Combat sub-statemachine
Console now uses SimpleConsole
Restored our custom TOD materials
Removed old crafting and building UIs, bound buttons to new modals
Cleaned up game state and UI handling, fixed issue allowing more than one modal UI widget to be open
Testing out not using kill desires for combat
People won't stow a weapon from a non weapon category if they need it to fight
Fixed Combat targeting not actually registering if the target was player commanded or not
module weight adjustment for Movement Management
Improved condition for only doing movement speed management when there isn't a player move command active
Hopefully fixed TribeActivityTriggerSettings
TribeMemberActivityTrigger changes
Testing : Blackboard.Write always writes entity type keys to the generic entity key, as well as type specific keys
Fixed depositing to campfire via player command not working
Only conditions with no blackboard writes are flagged as cachable
MachineProcessCanProcessEntitySettings uses Blackboard.Entity key, not item
Added DataAsset.IsGameValid bool
Let's actually invoke the value change event when we change the value of a ranged stat
Fixed InteractionTriggerSettings
stat current value change event now correctly invoked once the value has been set, and not before
Eye shape should work with sleeping now
made emotions get passed to eye mat propertly block if not null
More fixes to player commanded movement.
Re-enabled movement speed AI
More movement WIP
temporarily disabled movement speed AI to test this
Player commanded movement fixes WIP
Fixed double click jogging
rerefixed locomotion a nims
removed test I accidentally checked in
fixing tutorial triggers WIP
temporarily disabled humans returning to territory
scene loader loads correct scene for tribe create now
Fixed out of range index in Tribe Create
No longer expose preview data for other entity types (only item & building for now)
Added new building UI modal (open with B)
Toggled RTS cam in editor via F8
removed animspeed minvalue being 0.1 as unnesassary with current setup of movement anims being on a seperate layer
Fixed map button not setting game state properly
Fixed TimeManager getting stuck
Crafting UI item preview spinning and position fixes, exposed preview rotation & scale in ItemSettings
Deactivate crafting modal on craft button click
Fixed PlayerProgression callbacks for behaviour completion not respecting break or player command interrupts
Updating post pro and navmesh shit from github
Added HBAO plugin
Reduced pool audio source pool size, removed some debug lines
AudioManager settings, named sources