19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
Fixed KnowledgeOverlayWidget labels not being properly scaled during init
Entity.Stats.ApplySkillGain only logs to console when the unit is selected for debug
Cleaner up GameManager GUI bootstrap when playing directly from a game scene in the editor
Enable Projectile before we fire it
Debug fuckery
Projectile uses deltaTime for elapsed time again
Let declined be declined, not accepted (bugfix).
Projectile cleanup, disabled until use, component check in Combat.PerformRangedAttack
IntVector2 multiplication floors now, this should prevent out of range errors
island4 no longer in build list, since it runs like dick
Fixed an editor bug where debug utility would always steal application focus when selecting a Unit
Portait widget background tweak
Portait camera post + lighting tweaks
People can only hug other humans, not items, buildings etc.
UIWidgets reset tweener states on Awake
Shader variants
Hug doesn't randomise wait
Hug has a GoTo (Distance 1) action in the chain (might break shit)
Unity 5.4.1
StatManipulator as Definitions boilerplate
simplified tortoise improved rigging to add a ragdoll, athough it behaves oddly and snaps back to spawn point on death
Disable shadows on unit portait cloned views
Seperated LookAt and FaceTarget into distinct Action types,
Expand/Collapse all in DataBrowserTab (GOTY 2034)
Increased culling ranges for some layers (units, buildings, world)
Refactored UIManager cursor state handling, support for overrides
Added a bunch of logic for cursors states in PlayerController
Effect "Add Conditions" are evaluated in EffectSettings.CanApply
Added BaseBehaviourPlanSettings.CursorOverride field, does what you might expect
Added BehaviourExposureTypes enum, cleaned up how we control Player/AI behaviour exposure
Fixed some Abilties not being correctly evaulated by the player controller prior to populating the radial menu
Selection indicator tweak.
More work on breeding, though not quite working yet (seeing breeding groups with single participants).
Hid emote and ponder from action queue UI.
Nixed energy drain from activities.
DebugUtility won't do shit when entering playmode if there's no Zones in the scene
Unit.Animation.FaceTarget tweaking
AvatarPostprocessor rename
StatManipulatorParametersDrawer no longer tries to access TimeManager instance properties in Editor code, causing a stack overflow :
Building hooks into TimeManager events
improved wood hut ground shape
isHugging and isMakingLove placeholder anims
Added Amplify Shader Editor beta
More work on Ritual Social. Added RitualModeType enum in code... should probably look at ways to do this in data (using Definions and Simulators possibly), but this is good enough for a first pass.
Working on Social Ritual.
Added back in the idea to append ManagerSingletons to the GameManager gameobject, but did so in a safe way that can't cause infinite loops.
Fixed ManagerSingleton's way of instancing _instance when T can't be found in scene, to prevent possibility of infinite loops.
Removed "LoadGameFromSubscene" script, cleaned up how the game setup works in editor.
hunger - bravery simulator now outputs correct values
Fixed incorrect ordering of tutorial triggers
Effect tick invokes StatManipulator.OnValueChanged for any manipulators with simulated values
Added Deconstruction interaction to all buildings / fences.
Deconstruction of buildings must be Exclusive interactions.
Bravery bonus when starving WIP
Felt a bit like the max possible trajectory miss modifier was a bit too big, reduced it a wee bit.
Removed curve stuff in stat manip