19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
AI tweaks, building placement state fix
DecisionMakerTypes integrated through game systems data and editor
Started cleaning up various AI modules (building, crafting, shelter)
Added Common Movement AI module on secondary DM and GPV slot
Added human item management module on secondary DM
Fixed issues with building placement views not grabbing biome library materials
Started attempt at grabbing grass data for grass grid.
Hopefully fixed Influence Map projector not correctly showing different sized grids
Fixed some player controll building placement issues
IM debug tweaks, moved DM types enum to file
Agent and DecisionMaker cleanup, added DecisionMakerTypes, renamed old enum to DecisionMakerClasses
Moved influence map debugging update routine to DebugToolsObject and made it listen to the IM component manager event rather than updating every frame
Building placement no longer creates an actual Entity
Renamed DecisionMakerTypes -> DecisionMakerClass
Influence Maps now use a more generic approach
Added influence map settings to Fuel To Effect machine process.
skinning sfx added to anim
Stats and Effects component types renamed for consistency (dropped the Components suffix)
Reimported stats data
stab and stone sfx added to anims
Cleaned up Agent.TrySetCurrentGoalPlanVariant and made sure player goals are always respected
Refactored some grid stuff and added heat and grass influence maps
AI Module weight adjustments for all units
Added influence map data to all units.
Influence Map viewer now allows you to select the group being viewed.
I may not have checked this in....
Fixed CameraParticleFX.Enable being called every frame by WorldManager+Weather
Fixed a bug in WorldManager.ChangeWeather that cause it to return early and not change audio or invoke weather events
UnitPortaitManager profiler hooks
TOD_Sampler uses MaterialPropertyBlock, must be added per object rather than refering mateirals
Apparently I made changes...
fixed human male item bone position (dont actually know what was wrong but reexporting and rebuilding fixed it)
uncommented stuff + merge
Disabled grid gizmos by default, toggle on GridManager + DebugTools settings panel
Fixed tooltip title being truncated
Tribe creation UI functionality and cleanup
Fixed some issues with the Unit.Wearables API
Added WhiteCat toolkit
Fixed human damage overlay not working
Scene/prefab save because TOD scattering had a bad sky ref
New tribe create UI WIP
Human prefab updates
Fixed AI debugger not working
Shitty building placement FX
Unit collections parented to container in zone
Visual FX cached in a container transform
Added ScreenShake camera effect
Numerous other tidying of object parentage
Moved Machine VFX and VicinityEffect setup to init, not constructors
InfluenceGrid.Reset actually works now
Debug Tools Object pre-existing in main scene, stores gradient for IM vis
Fixed missing condition in Goto