19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
Fixed HumanView Update not calling base
Enable gfx jobs in player settings..
ActionSettings must implement BlackboardReadKeys array property, displayed in editor (BEF-311)
Added warning in Items.OnPickUpEvent when the item has been nulled whilst waiting for the callback, which is apparently possible.
Removed old gui_popup sound
WorldManager.FindClosetZone de-LINQed
Fixed DistanceConsiderationSettings bad field init (moved to OnEnable)
Fixed entity's not being destroyed properly
Fixed Entity not updating it's grid position on tick
Fixed NRE in DistanceConsideration
Senses stores real distance in perception data, not grid distance (which breaks combat)
Renamed Influence field in EntitySettings for consistency
Editor relfection stuff and field renames in EntitSettings
Added an Influence component for grid stuff (doesn't actually do anything yet)
Added link to curve functions (for testing/debugging/deeper understanding of how they work).
Resources, Items and Buildings no longer have Stats or Effects
Updated all curve functions in Response Curve.
EntityComponentManager base class, generics, all that good shit.
EntityComponentManager cleanup
Group stats update every game minute
Actions.Wait no longer uses events (causing GC), instead does DateTime comparison with state's startTime
TrySetCurrentGoalPlanVariant compares GoalPlan data id, not object equivilance!
Behaviours cannot occupy both GPV slots at the same time
ResponseCurve.Sample never uses the AnimationCurve, which is only for front-end visualiation of the function
StatConsiderationSettings exposes MaxAttributeValue for normalization
Entity Physics callbacks not virtual, individual entity types can implement IPhysicsReciever (which is a shit name)
VectorUtility.GetGroundHeight tweak
More BuildingViewUtility, BuildingSettingsEditor button to load InteractionPosition editor
Updated AnimalSkin building prefabs, IP data
Improvecd collision mesh setup in BuildingViewUtility
Performance UI widget (f8)
EntityComponentManagers for Agent, Senses, Stats, Effects, and Combat
Removed SimTick from Entity and IEntityComponent
Added BaseEntityComponent, cleaned up derived types
Removed Late and FixedTick from Manager + ECS
Moved LateTick stuff from Animation to UnitView (cc frankieh)
EntityManager budget is const
UDM.FilterBehaviourTargets profiler hooks
Senses budget tick and stuff
IntVector2.Distance in TestUnitPerception
small distance calc optimisation