19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
Improved fleeing behaviours based on diet and threat level
Commented out Smartobject subscription count balance tracking in Squiggle.
Goal and Goal Plan's MakeDecision calls now randomly picks among the best decisions diverting at most from best decision by a score of 0.1
Tweaked a bunch of AI data weights
Added sparks to fire particle fx
Fixed bad scale on FX prefab
Added GetRandomDecision to DecisionMaker.
MakeDecision now takes a diversion_from_best value, if not 0 we use the random decision getter.
Added FSM.
Started on FSM impl for Breeding Group.
SetDestination now takes perception of target into account for the combat mode.
Arid biome + tod + spawn stuff
UnitCollection null check
Fixed some activity stupidity with buildings
Made combat ability range handling more consistent, should fix some issues with combat getting interrupted.
Added a bool to activities to disable notifications.
Reduced Agent+Desires momentum drain rate
Re-wrote Desire update bits in Unit.Items component
Set NavMeshAgent.stoppingDistance in Unit.Navigation init
Fixed UnitDecisionMaker creating new behaviour plans...
made craft bashing anim loop
Moved graph smartobject debug to simtick, wrapped in editor if defs and AIManager.DecisionLoggingEnabled
Fixed a bunch of bad consideration data
Removed optional "CompleteAtEndOfActionChain" flag from BehaviourPlanSettings
Sleep/Sit Interactions wait for flag change to end
Added OnUnitFlagChange Action
No longer "clean up" SmartObject subscription in BehaviourChain.Break, instread rely on Behaviour.Break to do handle this internally
SmartObject.Unsubscribe tweak
subscription/unsubscription call balance debug graph.
BehaviourChain.CancelSmartObjectReservations is public
SetCurrentGoalPlanVariant cancels SmartObject reservations when incoming variant is not assigned
Reworking UDM filtering to better support multiple interaction plans from the same data
Minor SmartObject cleanup
A bunch of AIdesigner tweaks for no good reason
Added temporary conditions to AI Modules
Made Sleep Time a bonus consideration on relevant goals
adding spear attacks and trying to get them to work(dosent yet)
Added BehaviourChain DecisionScore to the DebugGraph for New Goal Plan Variant. Red topping for player commands.
Removed usage of id based lookup of InteractionPlans in SmartObject
IBehaviourPlan no longer implements IComparable or exposes an "id" field
Added a "sit at campfire" GoalPlan to the human social module
Added some smartobject info the debug tools window
DebugGraph every time the selected debug unit commits to a new goal.
prettttyyyy sure this fixes bugs with animations glitching when exiting inCombat bool mode
rotated a bow a little
Fixed a bug in EntityManager where we would close the tick simulation gate too early (when post-state ticking last multiple frames).
missing from last checkin
Inland terrain source files
Dispenser and VisualFX tweaks
10 game seconds per sim tick
Killed activity console logging
Fixed PlayerTasksWidget reference widget showing after init (hack)
Player's available buildings restricted by InStartingPool flag
Fire FX variatnt for campfire with spit
Corpse rotting, fixed cooking time/state management. Material color changes for rotting and cooking
Corpse dispenser availablity tied to state
Fixed corpse carrying and campfire attachment
Added event music for combat.
Unit physics and ragdoll fixes
Improved PlayerController interaction