19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
Updated eagle anims & mesh fbx (skinning still needs tweaking)
- Some /Content cleanup
- Added HumanMale@Rafting (with asset included)
- Added deformable ocean test scene
Fixed compilation issues in OGL; possibly other platforms as well
Added built-in standard/universal cginc dependencies to avoid surprises in the future
Forgot to ignore the ShaderForge folder meta files as well
Removed ShaderForge + added it to ignore.conf
Forced asset serialization to text mode, which will help in the long run... http://i.imgur.com/fFY2Na7.png
Added MegaFriers back in for some deformation tests
Updated custom standard/universal-based shaders for b12
Removed obsolete legacy terrain shader
Updated to b12. Some building prefab changes.
Added TerrainMeta to all terrains
Backup commit of an initial working version of the grass system (do not use yet)
Cleaned up all scenes and updated Main Menu with a new background.
Added latest theme music
Fixed OnDrawGizmos error in GroupAgentsMoveTo
- Updated TOD
- Added a DOF control script to FilmCamera prefab
- Tweaked SkyDome settings to hog CPU less
- Moved some utility scripts around
- Added some utility animation controller scripts for filming
- Tweaked shot 1 paths
- Added Eagle asset and animations
Mostly prefab updates. New spiked wall exports.
Fresh native navmesh bake on island_large. Prefab updates
Fixed performance issues on TerrainWeatherExtension
Added lightweight TerrainWeatherObject component; has to be added to any obj affected by weather
- Re-exported trees with new variants.
- Updated FilmingControl script to automatically handle CameraPaths.
- QB Tool preset tweaks.
- New camp assets.
- Scene updates
Scene updates apparently.
Nuking A* Example assets.
- Added a NavAgentSlowTrigger script to slow down Agents when inside trigger volumes (river crossings)
- More shader and scene updates
- Fixed some issues with GroupsAgentMoveTo
More Water shader updates. Updated river and lake assets for island_large1
Removing ExportedObj folder from plastic
- Added WaterExenstion to pass the RenderSettings.customReflection cubemap to the Water shader.
- Reimported SF
- Moved World/Weather/Season managers to a new prefab and updated game_bootstrap scene
Updated to latest version of Editor Only for unit_so test scene and the template scene.
Tinkering with a shader for the river.
This should hopefully make poor Jenkins happy?
- Fixed some issues with Units not getting inited properly
- Tweaked Deer settings assets and prefabs
- Adding a river to the island_large1 map
- Re exported Human anims to fix some masking issues
- Added Deer settings and related prefabs
- Added Deer and basic anims.
- Moved A* into Third Party
- Updated A* Pathfinding Project to ver. 3.6
- Applied A*PP navigation to agent prefabs by default.
- Added A* Pathfinding Project.
- Fixed namespace conflicts with A* Pathfinding Project (rather than changing 3rd Party sourcecode).
- Updated all Navigation code for Agents to support both native and A* Pathfinding.
- Added some camera helper scripts for filming sequences
- Moved camerapath3 out to the root assets folder because it think it's special.