
19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!

10 Years Ago
- Refactored CameraController, split into a partial - Added RTSCameraPro as an example of some more camera functionality - Added CameraPath3 - Added Bird Flock - Cleaned up Tree assets - Removed redundant Season settings
10 Years Ago
Improved VertexPainter gui control/window handling Painting Disc gizmo now only shows up when painting Added console warning when a mesh selected for painting is missing a MeshCollider
10 Years Ago
Missed abit
10 Years Ago
- Added QuickBrush thirdparty plugin for prefab painting
10 Years Ago
More island updates. Added a camera auto-focus script
10 Years Ago
Nuking an old folder
10 Years Ago
Renaming a folder
10 Years Ago
Ok sure I missed stuff I belive you plastic
10 Years Ago
- Cleaning up and renaming scenes. - Added new large island scene - Moved some materials and textures around - Stopped weather rotating all silly
10 Years Ago
Fixed vertex painter out-of-range submesh error in flood fill
10 Years Ago
Added new island, nuked old island hiehgtmaps and splats
10 Years Ago
Commiting code from a traaaaain. (Weather rotatation tests)
10 Years Ago
Updating WeatherTypes with new settings
10 Years Ago
Fixed issue with WeatherVolumes not getting a WeatherType properly.
10 Years Ago
WeatherVolumes pick WeatherType on spawn, based on temperature at spawn.
10 Years Ago
- Cleaning up WeatherType, moving params into seperate file, and made them serializable (like TOD
10 Years Ago
- Added InControl and SSAO Pro third party assets - Refactoring WorldManager a bit, split into partials and moved the WindManager code in
10 Years Ago
- Added third party ParticleScaler script - Spawning of WeatherVolume particle FX now randomly scaled (to be made relative to position in volume) - WeatherVolume spawning improved - Fixed some issues with WeatherController's transitions, moved the controller to the Player prefab - Upgraded to u5b9
10 Years Ago
- Added a WindManager script which randomly adjusts the global wind properties over time. - Global Wind now drives the movement of WeatherVolumes - WeatherManger spawning of WeatherVolumes has been reworked a bit, but is a little buggy.
10 Years Ago
- Added some ambient sounds for ocean, wind and storms. - Ocean now has ambient sound attached - WeatherVolumes play ambient sounds in 3d space, distances set by their size - WeatherVolume FX spawning improved - WeatherVolume now has optional WindZone component and WeatherType includes settings for it
10 Years Ago
WorldManager.get_unit_temparature() now properly returns temperature (including TOD and weather modifiers)
10 Years Ago
Added Temperature sampling to WorldManager (should probably be moved). - Sample tempature from position converted to long/lat, with multipliers from Season and altitude (needs time of day modifier).
10 Years Ago
Renaming SmartOjbects\BuildMe to BuildThis
10 Years Ago
Added a BuildThis PlayerCommandSO to behave... and relevant scripts.
10 Years Ago
- Updated Building and BuildingController to init properly. - Child SOs of Builidings are initalised when their parent GO is activated (Finished state is default) - SitOnMe SO now automatically finds SitLocation in it's children
10 Years Ago
- Improving BuildingController a bit... - Placement now averages a few normal samples around the initial ray hit point and aligns the placement to that average - Valid placement now checks against a normal threshold - Building prefabs restructured to support this - Added Building class
10 Years Ago
Added SuperSampling and AtmosphericBlend from Rust.
10 Years Ago
Updated WeatherManager to minipulate new global fog values. Tweaked weather and season settings.
10 Years Ago
Fixed tint in terrainBlendObj shader; also had to modify top_grass mat's color Fixed terrainBlendExt reference material
10 Years Ago
- Updated TOD - Removed Water Pro entirely - Tweaked Sky/Camera/Render Settings
10 Years Ago
Removed Water Pro from our prefabs, replaced with standard shader placeholder.
10 Years Ago
- Reimporting Image Effects. - Added AutoSaveScene script. - Renamed terrain splats to match their layer names (Rock/Sand/Grass/Dirt) in the Terrain extensions. - Added Global Fog to the player Prefab
10 Years Ago
Added island_small3
10 Years Ago
Fixed issues with spawning of weather volumes. Added a helper script to regenerate blended mesh materials. Prefab updates. Rexported rocks13 and 14 to have sperate "ground" meshes. Made all caveman attachments disabled by default. Added island2 back to the game manager.
10 Years Ago
Scene updates
10 Years Ago
Fixed issues with SceneInfo name lookup.
10 Years Ago
SceneInfo fix
10 Years Ago
Scene updates
10 Years Ago
Moved SceneInfo name lookup to OnEnable.
10 Years Ago
Fixing WeatherManager issues. Removed all scenes from GameManager with exception of island_small_1
10 Years Ago
Fixing some missing mats on human male view
10 Years Ago
Added HumaleMale@SitOnObject pose. Fixed some import settings.
10 Years Ago
"Sit on me" smart object now working, but seemingly anything beyond 1 subscriber and it bugs out a bit. Also the "force to position" is rather hard right now... need to fix that.
10 Years Ago
Some prefab and scene updates
10 Years Ago
VertexPainter now saves mesh assets in the scene's asset directory (/Assets/Scenes/Working/Islands/island_name/). TerrainBlendObject now looks for Terrain as a child of parent transforms.
10 Years Ago
Working on the "Sit on me" Smart Object. Not quite there yet.
10 Years Ago
First attempt at fixing VertexPainter mesh color array replacement bug in b7 Made snow splat, splatSize, color and specGloss settings global No longer cloning non-terrainBlend materials in terrainBlendObject
10 Years Ago
Reverted disabling snow vertex offset
10 Years Ago
Temporarily disabling snow offset
10 Years Ago
EOL warnings