
19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!

7 Years Ago
CraftItemProcess persistence WIP
7 Years Ago
Navigation state machine
7 Years Ago
Fixed action chain logs being gated by additional flags
7 Years Ago
Fixed debug settings tab overriding ai debugger toggles
7 Years Ago
NRE logging fixes, ActionChain.Behaviour has CanBeNull attr
7 Years Ago
Added a bunch of conditional logging to ActionChain, gated by BeforeDebug.AI_ActionChainLogs
7 Years Ago
SmartObject.OnSmartBehaviourCompleted checks matching SmartSubscription.SmartObject
7 Years Ago
Fixed people being stuck when trying to perform NextInteraction
7 Years Ago
NRE fixes
7 Years Ago
Code cleanup
7 Years Ago
Actions cleanup
7 Years Ago
Made Behaviours events static to avoid allocations (listeners in BehaviourChain and SmartObject cross-reference the behaviour's chain or target, respectively)
7 Years Ago
tier requirement met boosted to 0.5 from 0.05 to stop mood becoming impossible to improve
7 Years Ago
apply mood value to portrait animator to make mouth expression change
7 Years Ago
Enum generation and enum parsing for Stat and Activity defs uses consistent formatting of the asset name
7 Years Ago
Fixed StatTypeDefinition enum parse using the asset's displayname override
7 Years Ago
EntityInspectionWidget refreshes it's entire contents every 2 seconds Removed some stats from the EntityInspectionWidget display for units, gave most of them color gradient data Reduced UnitInfoWidget's portrait refresh stat change thresholds (health and mood tirgger a portrait update when they change by 2.5% or more, down from 10%)
7 Years Ago
changed hunger curve to match hunger effect names
7 Years Ago
removed peckish effect to create a period of nutirition where the unit is neither hungry nor well fed
7 Years Ago
AI data save just in case it was important
7 Years Ago
Weather types now support multiple FX prefabs
7 Years Ago
Made it possible to enable/disable the stat manipulators for an Effect in the editor Hot and scorching effects no longer have any stat manipulations (testing)
7 Years Ago
Added "GroupEntities" source to CandidateEntityFilter.EntitySources Changed most building target filters to use Group Entities source Food storage need no longer requires a specific amount of meat, only that the tribe build a rack, has much lower cohesion drain rate
7 Years Ago
if a container is an item it will now only add contained entities to supplies if placed
7 Years Ago
removed unnecessary SupplyInfo class
7 Years Ago
Added option for debug spawner to add dead units and items to the player tribe supplies component
7 Years Ago
Fixed TribeWidget not updating mood color bar
7 Years Ago
Fixed a fairly massive oversight that prevented behaviour sim ticks from running while a unit was in the player command cooldown
7 Years Ago
EntityConsumeValue has more valid interactions listed to write
7 Years Ago
Fixed some bad consideration curves in Human/Food
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
AI logging Fixed AI debugger nodes not showing default curves on considerations
7 Years Ago
made deer idle look less alert so when they are actually alert you can tell.
7 Years Ago
Nospawns setup for eating debug Debugger fixes
7 Years Ago
Pause UI save/load button fixes, probably?
7 Years Ago
Misc cleanup
7 Years Ago
Fixed various building persistence issues.
7 Years Ago
ProtoContract default value attributes and other tidy up
7 Years Ago
DefaultValue attributes on PersistedEntityData to fix bad loading of visible state
7 Years Ago
awful spammy logging of IsVisible status. fixed PersistedEntityData constructor being protected and making ProtoBuf sad.
7 Years Ago
Testbox nospawns is now a proper map, supported by sandbox and testbox scenarios
7 Years Ago
Game manager extension save/load uses IEnumerator
7 Years Ago
Fixed LoadGameWidget NRE
7 Years Ago
Fixed UnitPortraitWidget not instantly updating the last portrait (was waiting for a new one) Fixed load UI not refreshing after save on pause UI, other related tweaks
7 Years Ago
Fixed errors from UnitPathElement when quitting the game with people selected (Unit.Navigation.IsNavigating checks NavMeshAgent.isOnNavMesh) Fixed people being called "Human" when starting a new game after quitting the current session Version++
7 Years Ago
Starting tribe cohesion is defined ScenarioData
7 Years Ago
Version++ Camera module prediction crap for particle FX (is shit)
7 Years Ago
Loading errors back to normal Log instead of Error so they don't spam up the console
7 Years Ago
InteractionSettings can specify a command execution mode for player commanded interactions Added BehaviourSettings mode to RequiredAttachmentPointsCondition Dance interaction now scores diplomacy relations
7 Years Ago
Simplified billboard rotation