
19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!

10 Years Ago
Fixed Impala movement animations and tweaked controller settings
10 Years Ago
Improved NavAgentMoveRandom a little. Removed some old prefabs.
10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
TerrainBlendObject tweak
10 Years Ago
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10 Years Ago
First version of proposed new terrain shader (no snow yet) based on U5 universal shader Mesh blend shader to go with new terrain shader; also universal Support scripts for terrain and terrain-blend objects Removed redundant default bump-spec terrain shader added by mistake
10 Years Ago
Highpass grass texture
10 Years Ago
NavAgentMoveRandom has the option of doing random movement in the radius of it's parent or of itself (if parent == null).
10 Years Ago
A few material and prefab tweaaks.
10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Updated TOD. Removing the RefreshPrototypes() call.
10 Years Ago
Removing some Debug
10 Years Ago
SeasonManager updates. Terrain grass texture, trees and snow control working. Detail grass not tinting correctly.
10 Years Ago
Playing with SeasonManager prototype.
10 Years Ago
Sure you changed those files Unity. Sure you did.
10 Years Ago
Moved Editor script causing compile error
10 Years Ago
Tweaked old U4 terrain shader for seasons testing. Added new test island. Switched project back to DX9.
10 Years Ago
GroupController now spawns units properly.
10 Years Ago
Added a NavMesh.SamplePosition to the GroupController spawn routines. Units now correctly spawn on valid navmesh positions. Removed GroundController.
10 Years Ago
Trying to solve this navmesh issue, but this is starting to smell like a unity bug?
10 Years Ago
Commiting arctic scene just to be sure it has no lightmapping data
10 Years Ago
Another Amplify commit.
10 Years Ago
Hopefully this fixes the compile errors...
10 Years Ago
Updated AmplifyMOtion and Color. SO test level with new navmesh (no fix)
10 Years Ago
Fixed Wolf collider size and tweaked WolfController transitions.
10 Years Ago
Ok, so this fixes the cycling of building selection.
10 Years Ago
Prevent building selection from going out of scope + some merges.
10 Years Ago
Added TimeController. Cleaned up scenes (rocks now distributed on Start, file sizes reduced by ~99%)
10 Years Ago
Updating to latest UI dlls, but something strange is going on in our UI scene... (this was before I updated to latest UI dll too).
10 Years Ago
Added BuilderController.cs to the Player Prefab.
10 Years Ago
Set up UnitAsset, GenderUnitAsset, AgeUnitAsset, GroupAsset and GroupController for all current species.
10 Years Ago
Updated Human and Bear animation controllers with better movement transition values. UnitAnimation component now working. Added some Gizmo icons for Group spawners.
10 Years Ago
Updated TOD. Fresh TOD settings and new LUTs. Some misc asset cleanup.
10 Years Ago
Some cleanup of depracated code related to units and groups (controllers, views and prefabs)
10 Years Ago
Spawns now work with the new UnitAsset and GroupAsset settings system.
10 Years Ago
Seal assets.
10 Years Ago
Some touchups.
10 Years Ago
This should make jenkins happy.
10 Years Ago
Start of new GroupAsset and GroupController
10 Years Ago
Icons for the different types of .asset we have should make it easier to work with.
10 Years Ago
Did some cleanup.
10 Years Ago
New Unit Asset Settings system implemented. New group settings not yet implemented, and controllers for spawning not yet using these, but good to get it in. Also including the code for the previous failed attempt.
10 Years Ago
Scene updates
10 Years Ago
Snow scene stuff.
10 Years Ago
Such igloos.
10 Years Ago
Added new terrain shader with hard-mix/blend, UVMIX, optional flat faces; working fog; cross-platform friendly Created test material_arctic and assigned to island_arctic1 terrain
10 Years Ago
Backup commit, scene stuff.
10 Years Ago
Scene file too.
10 Years Ago
Holy snow stuff.
10 Years Ago
And these too.