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6 Years Ago
Unit station prioritised job associated line
6 Years Ago
Job prioritisation basics; -Added JobCondition.Prioritised mode -Added HasPrioritisedJob condition -Added Work.PrioritisedJob with timeout(defaults to 1hr game time) -Added RMB commands to prioritise job associated with target entity RMB to flag resources for gathering only works when you have no unit selected, otherwise it goes to context menu
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Optionally display locked content, expose unlock string overrides
6 Years Ago
Player task accept/decline strings, task list UI animator fixes
6 Years Ago
Fixed Tetsbox scenario having no maps (cause out of range error in new game UI), added warnings to data validation when scenario has no maps
6 Years Ago
gui_game Z sorting
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Better NewOverlay
6 Years Ago
BuildingWidget list has a proper bottom.
6 Years Ago l/r use the right mat and shader.
6 Years Ago
UnitTaskTracker & assets
6 Years Ago
Dirt decal grass displacement improvs.
6 Years Ago
Being hungry doesn't make you whine emote about it. Only very hungry.
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Task complete/fail sounds Unlock notifications
6 Years Ago
Prevent command flagging for commands associated with jobs that are not unlocked or assignable
6 Years Ago
Fixed task state changes
6 Years Ago
BEF-752: Tasks UI needs to display completion conditions BEF-756: Tasks UI covers unit inspector BEF-729: VFX is visible in fog of war Various task stuff
6 Years Ago
Fixed task provider flag checks
6 Years Ago
meter indicator fixes
6 Years Ago
Task provider errors
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Builder station task completion conditions
6 Years Ago
SettlementBuildingCount -> BuildingCount, condition supports both settlement and group entity list evaluation PlayerTaskDefinitionEditor improvements
6 Years Ago
Building upgrade button hookup, TODO impl notes for building replacement Small hut unlock renamed to Tier1 housing tier unlock Building config list of tier unlocks in sequence (for future validation usage) Removed some redundant methods from GroupProgression
6 Years Ago
Trigger unlocks now check unlock upon triggering.
6 Years Ago
TriggerHandler cleanup
6 Years Ago
Trigger handler result inversion consistency
6 Years Ago
Cleaning up trigger event signatures
6 Years Ago
Fixed bad temp value
6 Years Ago
Compile fix
6 Years Ago
SliderControl directional indicators
6 Years Ago
UnitHasNeed overrides correct evaluate overload
6 Years Ago
Fixed GroupProgression not initializing triggers properly
6 Years Ago
GroupMemberConditions filter by unit flags
6 Years Ago
GroupMemberConditions now Generic condition type, overrides correct Evaluate method
6 Years Ago
Group Wants New Houses trigger added to Building Station unlock
6 Years Ago
Unlocks use TriggerHandler
6 Years Ago
Fixed Trigger NRE
6 Years Ago
Apparently data
6 Years Ago
Color consistency
6 Years Ago
Nutrition related triggers & stuff.
6 Years Ago
Various food/hunger tweaks. SelectedUnitWidget fixes.
6 Years Ago
Exposed one arrow so that we don't forget about it.
6 Years Ago
Not you, file.
6 Years Ago
Selectedunitwidget: Fixed the borked red critical highlight. Calibrated the belly. New arrows for movement. Single & double.
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Trigger eval now includes Group ents
6 Years Ago
Fixed various addons missing an addon type ref