
220 Commits over 336 Days - 0.03cph!

3 Months Ago
Undo changes to QueuedLoader and ClientsideModel/Ragdoll
3 Months Ago
Disable more stuff I enabled
3 Months Ago
Disable some parts of QueuedLoader
3 Months Ago
Reset lua_error_url on level init like before for x86-64 Because the server enforced cvar value system is not present Partially fix dynamic model loading
3 Months Ago
Undo changes to ClientsideModel for now
3 Months Ago
▍▋▍▍ ▇█▋█▌▆▋ ▇▌ ▉▅▉▉▅▆▇█▍▋▄▇▍▌▄█▊██▉█▅ ▌▌█▆▄ ▋▅▄█▆▌▇▇▆▉▊▄'▊ ▄█▄▍▌ ▉▇▉▊▍ ▆▋▇ ▌██▇▋ ▅▌▅▊▆▌▇▌ █▊ ▉▋▍▍.█▋█▄▄ ▌▍▌▍▉ ▄▅▌▋▍▄▍▌▍ ▌▉▆▉█▅ ▅▊▄▄▋▄▍ ▄▆▇▉▇█ ▇█▋▆▌▊, ▉▅▍▊▌█▋▊▌▅█ ▅▆▍ ▌▍▆▌▋ ▆█▄▅▊ █▇▋█ ▉█▄▆▇▌▌▄▆ ▄▅▊▍ ▇▅▍ ▋▅▆▇▉ █▆▍ ▉▊▅█.▄▇▅▉▊▆▅▇▅▆() ▌▇▅▌▊▆▊▄ ▆ ▄▍▆▌▆▄ ▇▌▄▆▄ ▋▋▋▇ ▍▌▌:▊▍▋▆▋▋▉▆ ▌▆▋▋▄ ▆█▇▄▉▌▉▍ █▇▇▅▅ ▄▉▄ ▊▋ ▌▌█:▄▅█▌▅█▆▄() ▅▅ ▅▆▅▌▇▇ ▊▌▅ ▇▍▆ ▊█▅▊ ▋▄▆ ▆█▌▍▉ ▆▇▍▆ ▇▇ ▆▍▆▅▆▌▍ ▅▆ ▋▄▍▊█▉ ▋█▄▊▉▊▆ ▌▍▋ ▆▇▊ ▊▍█▇█▋▅ ▄▍█▅▆ ▊▊▌█▅█ ▆█▄█▌ ▌▉▌▋▍▄▆ █▍▉▇▉ ▆▇▋ ▉▌ -▇ ▉▋▍▌█▌ ▄█▇▋▆▄▌▉▆▅▊ ▋▉▄ ▅▍▋▍▆ ▋▇▅▊▅█▍ ▇▄▉▊ ▌▍▅▍▋▉▋ █▆ ▍▊▌▆.▄▋▍▍▌▆▉▄▄▊ !▊▉▍▋▆ ▇▇▊▌▍▉▇▊ ▊▊ ▇▉▅▆▋▆▅█▌▉ █▉▍█ ▌▍▉▌▇█▇▌ ▌▉▅▍ ▆▌▌ ▋▋▄▇▇ ▉▊█ ▌▆▇▉▄▅▅ ▋▌█▅▍ ▍▍█▇▅ ▆▉▋ ▊▄▌▍▆ ▊▄▌▇ ▅▉▍▅▉▋▉ ▍▍ ▆▊ ▊▋▇█▅ ▌▍▋▆▋▅▅▄▍ ▌▋██▆█ ▄▇▇▊▌▆▌ █▆ ▍█▅▍▌▅▌ ▋▇▌█▋ ▇▉▊▄▇▍▆▋ ▍▅ █▋▌ ▊▆▇▊▊ ▌▄. ██▇▆▄ ▆▅▋▄ /▄ ▄▉▌▋▊▌▋▊█ ▆▊ ▊▇▋▍ █▅▅▍█▄ ▊▍ ▇▆▌ ▆▇▍▅▋█▋ ▍▄▍▌▄ ▍█ ▊▄▆▊ █▋▅▉ ▇▉ ▅▄▌▊. ▍▇▉█ ▉▌▉▇▊▇ █▅▍▇▋▄▉▄ ▅█▋▄█ ▇▍█▊ ▊▄ █▄▋▉▄▄▊▇██ ▅▌ ▇█ ▌. ▅▆▋▋▌▆▄ ▄▌▇▌▌▍▆ ▉▅▅▍ ▇▆▆▋▊▌▇▄ (▋▅▊▄▊█▊▉▅▊ ▊▌▋▋ ▇▍▌▅▆▅▋ ▄▍▆ ▍▌▄▅▊) █▊▍█▌▉▍▇▌▋█▆▇▅▌▉▆ ▆▉▌ ▇▌█▊▅▆▊▅▇▄▋██▍▋ ▄▋█▍ ▅█▉▄█▌▍█▍▄ ▋▊▊█▇▆▉ ▅▆▆▉▍ ▋▄▋▍▍▋▇█ ▌▌▌▆ ▇▇▋▌▄▌ ▆▌▋▄▊█▅▍ ▅▋ ▅▌█▆ █▆▋▉▆ █▌▆▅█▆▍ ▌▇▅▍▉▋▅█▄▊ ▅▊▇▇ ▌▄▊▊▇▄▇ ▊▌▅▊▅ ▉▊▍▄▋ ▆▌▋▊▋▌▅▆▇ ▊▄ ▅▋▄ ▄▆▍▊▋▉ ▉▅▅ ▉▅█▄_▇▇▅▉ █▄▍▌ ▋▊▋▄▅ █▇▍ ▇▇█ ▅▄ ▉▍▊▄▆█ ▆▅▊▅ █▆▌▌▍▆.▅▊▅▌▅▆▉▅▉▉▅▅▆▋▆▋▇▍▋▇█▉/▆▉▋▋▅█▇▋▇▉█▊▆▋▆ ▇▌▆█ ▉█▊▆▄ ▌▌▌ ▊▍▌▅▉▌▊ ▇▉ ▄█▅ ▄ ▌▌▆ ▉▊▉▉ ▉█▄▅█ ▍▍▄▊ ▇▊▍ ▆▉▊▌▉, █▌▌ ▊▇ ▊▆█▅▇▋ ▊▇▊█▆ ▇▇▆ ▌▊▊▊▍▉ ▋▆██ ▍█▅▍ ▋▅▋ ▋▍▅▋▌ ▋▇▉▅█▆▊▅▊ ▍▆█▍▌▌▆▍▄▊▇ ▋▍▅▌▉▊▊ ▉▊▉ ▇▅█▍▍ ▆▄▋ ▄█ ▊▆▌ ▄▆▋▄▍▇▉ ▌▌▉▇▅ ▋▅▋▊▌ ▊▄▉▅▉ ▄▄▄ ▌▉▅▆▄ ▅▋█▅▅▊_▌▊▋▆ ▄▋▉▉▄▌ ▅▄▇▄ ▅▌▊▋▋█▅▊ ▍▄▋█▉ ▌█ ▊▋▊▄▅▋_ ▆▌▌██ ▄▉▄▆▋█▋▅▌-▆▅▊█▊█▅▊/▋█▊▅▊▅/▇▅▉▄ ▆▆▍▍▋▇▆ █▊▊▋▇▇▊█ ▄▅▉▄▆█ ▊▉▊▅▇▋ ▆▇█▊ ▄▅█▉▌ ▍▇ ▇▇▅ ▅▌ ▉▌▇▅▄▊▊▍ ▌▄▆▊▉▋▆▋ █▉▄▅▅▄▊▅. ▍▄▊▅ ▌▅▋▅▆▋▄ ▋▋▆▋▉ ▋█▋▄▍▌▄▅▊ ▉▍▌▅▄ ▊█▆▆▆ ▍▄ ▉▅ ▋▇▅▇▋▊█▍ ▅▋██▊▇▊. ▆▄▄██ ▆▆▍=▄▆▅▉.▉▉▄▌▉▆▇▍▊▋█▆█▅▊▋▄▊▉▍(▅▉▄) (▅▍ ▉▄▌█) █▅▄▊▄ ▍█▅▌ ▌▆▇▇ ▍█▊▋▍▆▉█ ▌ ▇▊▅█▍█▍ ▍▍▅█▉ ▆▉▇▊█▆▅▊▅▋▇ ▊ ▌▊▉█▆▉ ▋▆▄▊▌█▉ ▊▍▍▅▍▍▄▌ ▌▋▍▆ ▄▉▄ █▌▊▉▇█ ▊▇ ▍█▊▇ ▇▆█ ▊▋▍▅/▌▇▆█▆▌/▇▌▍ ▌▊▆▅▄▋▌▅▍ ▆▄▄▍ ▉▄▋ ▆▉▊▊▇▅▅▆ ▍▋▋▅ ██▋ - ▄▉▊▉▆▆▉ ▇▊▇ ▇▊█▌ ▄▌▋▆▋▍▆ ▊▆▊▋█▍▅▇▄▋ ▊█▉▄ ▉▇ ▄▋█▋▆ ▄▇▍ █▋█▍▌ ▍▍ ▋▉█▇▇▍▋.▋▇▇ ▄▊▉▋▅ ▌▋█▉▊█ ▆▅▄▉▍▊▇▋ █▆█▄▋▍▍▄ ▋▅▇▇▄ ▄█ ▆█▋▆▆▌▊█▇ ▆▉██ █▋█▆█ ▄▌▄▊_▉▋▋ ▆▋▄▆▆▇ ▇▅▋ ▌▅▆█▄▌ ▌▋▅▋▆ █▉▊▍▋ ▄▌▍▅▇▊▌▍█▄ ▅▊▅▅ ▌▅▆▊ ▊▊▅▌█ ▆▄▆▉ ▋▉▇▋▅▄█▅ ▉█▍▇▆▆▆ ▍▍▋ ▆▊▍▌▅▅ ▌▍▇▉▅█▋▅ ▄▄▅█▅▇▍▉, ▊▍▇ ▋▇▇█▇ ▍▌█▉_▌▊▉ ▍█▆ ▌▅▋▌▍ ▅▋▌▇▅▅▌▌ ▊▋ ▊▍▄▉▇. ▌▉▉▄▊ ▇▍▅▆▇▉▅ ▍▌█ ▌▌▋▍ ▆▍ █▍▇▅▄▄▋▌▅ ▋█ ▇▄█▇▊▊ ▆▊ ▅▉▉▍▉▍▌ ▍▅▍▌▅▄▆ █▇▉▆ ▍▉▇▅▇▄▊ ▄▌▍█ ▅▆▅▉▆▅█ ▌▍▌▅▆ ▄▉▍▇ ▊█▅▊▄ ▋▇▋▊▇▍▆ ▉▇ █▅▍ ▉▄▊▊ ▉▌▅▍▉▊ █▋▇▆ ▉█ ▋▄ ▊ ▊▇█ ▇▌▇▍▌▅▅▇ ▊▇▍▇ █▉▆▊▄▉ ▍▊█▅ ▍▄▇▄▇▌ ▋▇▋ █▉▄▊▌▆▊▍▄▌▅ ▍▄▋▍ ▋▄▅▅ ▍▄▋▊ ▍▆▌ ▇▉▌ ▌▇▉▆ ▉█▋█▌ ▇▇▇▊▍ ▋▇▅▍▆▇▆▇▊ ▊▇▊▋▌ ▄█▍▍▅▅ ▆▉▉▋█ ▆▆▇▅ ▋▋▉█▌▍ ▊▄▍▅▅▉ ▉▊▍▌▍▋▌▇ █▇█ ▆▉▊▆▋ ██▍▅▍▅▍/▌▋▆▌▍█ ▇▄▋▍▊▋ ▍▊▌▉▉▇ ▄▋▇▇▇▍▅▊▍▊ █▅▄▉▇▋ ▄▄ ▊▍▍▍▄▇ ▊▇ ▍▍▇▄▉▍ █▌▍█ ▉▉. █▇▊▇█▊▉ ▉▌▄ ▇▅▉▋▌▊▇▄▊ ▄▊▍▄▅▇ ▌▅▉▋ ▆▊▍▅▉▊ ▇▆▊█ ▇▋▄█▌▊▅█▋ ▄▌█▌▋ █▌█▇▉▍▉ ▉▄▌▊▇▇▄ ▄▅ █▇▋▊▆▆ ▊▉▅▉▅█▇█▍ ▋▌▅▊▊ ▅ ▄▋▊▌▌▋▅▋ ▉▆ ▅▇▊▊.█▊▅▉▆▅▍▅▄▋ ▅▆ ▉▍▍▉▅ ▇█ ▍█▊▅▌ ███ ▋▊ ▆▄▄▊ ▌█▄ ▊▊ ██ ▆▌▊ ▌▊▉▆ ▆▌▍▄ ▌▍ ▋▅▋ ▉▇▄▋▋▅▉ ▋▋▅_▉▊█▌▍▉▌▍▊▉_▍▆▅▌▆ ▆▍▊▅▆▅▍▊ ▊█▆▉ ▊▋▅▆▍▅ ▉▄▉▋▄▄▉▍▍▄▊, ▌▇▆ ▆▉▉▅▍ ▊█▍▉▍▌▇▊▍▆ ▆█▆▄▄▉▌▊ █▍▊ ▉▇▅▍▄▌▅ ▄▇▅ ▆▍▇▆▋▉█ ▉▍ ▊▇▉▊ "▋▉▇▋▇▊▇▍▄: ▆▆▅▅▌▊'▍ ▍▆▊▊ ▅▄▉▍" ▌▇ ▄█▄▉▆▇▄▊▇ ▇ ▋▅▌▇▍▅ ▅▋▄▅▊▊ ▌▊▍█▊▍▉▋▄ ▇▍▍▊▍▌▉▍▍ ▄██▆▆▌ ▇▇ ▊ ▍▍▋▌▊▋▇▉▇ ▉▌▊▅ ▄▊▆▇▆ ▌▋▄▇/ ▉▋▄ ▄▅▆▉█▄▄/ ▇▆▊▌▇ █▆▆▇_▇█▄▅ ▇▍▇▌▄▌▊▉ ▊▊▉▇▍▌▊▉ ▅▄▍█ ▋▇▌█▌▍▌▍ ▉▇ <= ▊
4 Months Ago
use the other MIN()
4 Months Ago
Rework how we get workshop subscriptions TODO: This modifies the subscribe date sorting in-game! This system should be faster and guarantees no duplicates if Steam decides to change ordering of subscriptions mid-game while we are getting them. Restore and fix code to count published file upvotes Performance improvements for clientside file.Exists/IsDir and Lua paths Fixed AI node related crashes, probably Added server settings to Sandbox menu bar Making them more visible to the average player Disable ability to grab jeeps with super grav gun Do not use deprecated functions in menu bar Do not run player anims to completion on model change
4 Months Ago
Disable workshop stats for now
4 Months Ago
Fixed crash when try to push a NULL ITexture Fixed a crash when failing to create a fish entity Fixed a crash when failing to create child ents for point_spotlight Fixed crashes when failing to create entities for fire entity Fixed Gravity Gun leaking material reference count Fix crashes with deleting ai_network entity Entity translation for scripted_sequence Disable auth checking for LAN only servers Prevents being stuck on "Authenticating with Steam" forever Fake addon subscription time Because Steam doesn't give us this info when polling random items, even if they are subscribed to. Subscription time will now mimic mount order as set in Steam. Bump "insane reference count" threshold 10x
4 Months Ago
Don't explode props on touch if caught by physgun (explosive barrel) I think this might just be the problem with npc_satchel
4 Months Ago
Try a blind fix for npc_satchel crash
4 Months Ago
▋█▌ ▋▍▅▌▆█▊█ █▉▉▄ ▌▋▄▌▅▌▇▉▅▄█ ▍▇▊ ▋▉▊▅▄ ▇▍▊▄▌▍▄▊█▌▅ ▋▋█▇▊▍▉ █▋▊▇ ▍▊▊▉▆ ! █▉▋▅ ▌▆█▅▅▆▊▆▍▄▅ ▌▋▄▆▋█▄▄▌ ▄▅██▄▍ ▄█▆▊▉ ▅▋▊▇█▆ ▇▅█▆▆▉ ▊██▅▊▇▌ ▌█▉▌▅ ▊▌▄▅▅ ▆▆▍▆█▄▅▅▊▋ █▅▌▉ ▉▋▊▌▍ ▊▌▇ ▄█▌▅▉▌█ ▊▊▆▆▍▆▄▆▆▅ █▇▄▍▉ ▇▊▉ ! ▍▇█▄▍▄█ ▇▌▅██▇█▆▊ ▄▅▆▍▍▇ ██▇▊█▇▋ ▇▉▅▅▊▊ ▉▄▉▊.▅▋▊▇▍▌▌▌▄▄
4 Months Ago
▋▄▌▆ ▉▅▉▊▋ █▄▆▆▋▄▉ ▆▄▅▋█▍▍▅ ▍▍▋▇▆ ▄▆▄▌█▇▅▉ ▅▄ ▅▊▅█▊▍▇▆ (█▅▇▊▅ ▊▌ ▄▌▄) !▊▇▊▇ ▆▇▊▅ ▄█▋▇▌/▄▅▍▍▄▆█ ▆▆▉▊▆▅▍█▅▇▍█ !▉▅▌▋█ ▋█▌▋█▍▌▉ ▄▇ ▆▉▅▊▌▋▇ ▌█▋▍▄▅█ ▆▄▊█▆▌▋ ▆▇▉▆▊█▊▋▇▋▄ ▅▌▊▌▄▊ ▅▋▅▆ █▄█▊▆█▉█▆
4 Months Ago
▊▊▆ ▉▍▅▄▊▋█▅ ▄▋▊█ ▉▌▄▍ ▊▇▍▉▇ ▅▋▌▇▄▉ (▆▍▊▆ ▊▌▌) !▊▊▉ ▉▍▌▋▋▆▉▇ ▇▆▊▉ ▌▆▇▊▄▌█▅ ▆▊▉▅▅▆█ █▄▉▊▅▇▇▄ █▄ ▋▊▌▆▉ ▍▋▍▋▄▇▌▍ ▋▄▆▉▇▍█ ▋▉█▌▅▇▌▉█▅ ▉▅▍▉▆▆▉ ▍▋▊▋▆▇▅▄ ▉▄▌▊ ▍▌ ▍▅▄_▇▆▅▄▄▅▅▆█▊█▆▍▇█▋ !▊▉▊▆ ▊▉▅▆▌ ▉▆▄▍▉▆▉ ▍▍▆▄▄▉▌▉ ▉▉▌▋▊ ▋▊▊▇▌▇▆▇ ▍▇ ▌▄▌▅█▍▅▆
4 Months Ago
▍█▊▉ ▆▊█▉▆▅ ▉▅█▄▌▄▄ ▊▅▌▊▄▌ ▉▇▋▌▄▇▄▍▉▇ ▉▌▊▊▉▌▊▄.▅▌▊ ▍▊▄▍▊▉ █▌▉ ▉▋▌▊▄▅ ▉▌ █▆▆▆
4 Months Ago
▅▄▅ ▇▉▉▋▄▇ ▊██▅▆ ▇▋▋▇▋
4 Months Ago
▅█▋▍▉ "▌▌▄ ▅▌▄▍ ▋▆▍█▍▅▊▆█ ▍▍▊ ▋▌▆█▊▇" ▊▄▉▅▌▌▉▍ !▍▄▄ █▅ ▊▍▊ ▆▊▍▇█ ▆▅▄▇▅█▅ ▆▋▊▇█▋ ▆▍ ▇▊▇-▄▌
4 Months Ago
▉▉▊▇▆▆▉.▉▋▋▌▉▋▊ ▌▉▊▆▊▄ ▄▅█ ▉█▍▊▊▌▍ ▉▆▇▄▌ ▋▅▍█ ▇▋▊█ ▇█ ▍▆▊▊▍▅▌ ▍█▋▇ ▅▄▌▇▉▌▋ ▌▆▉▆▊▌▄█ ▋▌ ▆▇▇▋▅ ▅█▊▄ ▍▌▌▋▆▌▆ █▊▄▄▄▋▌▌▉ ▅▌▋▉▌▊ █▇▄▋▅█ ▉▍▌█▊▉ ▍▌▄▉ ▆▇▇▇▇█▊, ▋▉▉█▆▍▆ ▊▄▆ ▆██▊▉▋▌▍▊ ▅▊█▅ ▌▄▉▊▊▇ ! ▆█▆▄▋▆▆▉ ▍▇▄▊▋▉▇▊ █▉▌▊ ▊██▋▆▄ ▇▇▊█▊ ▇▊▆▌▋▄▇ !▋█▇ ▅▍▉ ▊▉▌▌▌▅ ▉▍ ▌▍▋▋ ▄█▋▊▍▍ ▍█▋▊▍█ ▋▊▊▄▌█▆█▉ ▌▅▋▆██ █▌▊▉▊▉▄▊▉ ▊▄██▆▉▌▍▉▇ ▄▅ ▉▉▅▇▋▆▆.▆▇▍▇███ ▉▄▅▇▍ !▋▍▅█▋▍▌▅▍.__▄▅ ▆▍█▆▍▇▉▅▍▆▋ █▅▊ ▊▍▄▌▍▌ ▌▅▇▇ ▆█▅▇█▌▄▆ ▆▆▋█▄ ▅█▆█▍█▊ ▍▉▍▋▅▍▌▇ ▄▅▆▄▉ ▄▄ ▉▆▆▋▄▅█▆▍ ▌▆▍▌▇ ▊▇▍▋▊▇▊█ !▇▆█▄▋▆ ▄▍▋▌▄▄▍▄▆ ▆▇▉▉▇▄▍▌ ▄▍▍ █▌▇▇▍▋ █▄▌▍▇▄█ ▆▅▍▅ █▍▌ █▉ ▄▊▇▅▌▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▅▋ ▋▅▉█▍▆ ▊▌▅▆ !▍▇▄▆▅▄▌█ ▅▅▉▌▋▊▍ ▋▌▄▊█▊ ▍▍▊█▄█▊▉/▊▅▉█▌▋▄▄▉▅▇ ▉▍▅▍▅▍ █▌▉▅█▉▅ ▋▊▍█▇▌▅▊▅ ▍▉▍▍ █▍▍▌▋ ▇▍▇▌ ▊▌▍▉█▊ ▉▅█▅▉▇▋ ▅▌▊▊▋ ▄▊ █▄▉▄▅▉.█▍▊▇▅▊▌▌▍▅█▌▇▉▄▍▉▇▇▊▊▋ !▅▆▄ ▉▌▊█▊▆▍ !▇▌▅▊▉ ▄▄▌▉▍▅▊ ▅▌ ▇▉ ▉▉▉▅ ▊▉▌▋_▋█▇▉▌▅▇▇▍▉ !▉█▇ █▇█▇█▄▋ ▉█▄▆▆ ▇▅▍▄ ▄▆▋▄█▌▅ ▋▉▄█▉▌▋▉▆ ▍▅▅ ▅▄▌▅▉▄ ▅▇ ▇▄▇ █▄ █ ▆▌▇▌█▍▊▆ ▋▌█▊ !▆▋▋█▍ ▇▅ ▍▋▄▆▅▅▍ ▆▉▋▊ ▅▊▇▄▉▌▆██▅█▌.__▇▄ !▋▍▌ █▊▌▅▄▆▄▋ ▆▊▅▊ ▉▊▅█▄▊▋▆ ▅▅▌_▆▉▌▄█▌ !▊▆█▆▄ "▌▍▍" █▅ ▇▇▇▆▆▅▋ ▍▉▇▇▆▇▍ ▋▊▆▋ ▊▊▅▆▉▌▊█▋█ █▌▆▉ ▊▉█▌▌▍▊ ▅▋▍▉▄ ▉▇▌███▉ ▅▆▌▍▅▋▉ ▊▋ ▇▆▉▊▅▋▊▋▉▌▌▇, ▅▉▌▆ ▋█ ▆▆▉▇▄▍▇▄ !▇▋▊ ▇▄▆▆▌▋▉▇ ▌▍▋▋ ▄▍▉▊▅▍ ▊▄ ▊▇▇▆_▇▅▄▆▉▇▅█▍▅▆▌▉▄▇ !▋▆▌ ▌▉▉█▉██ ▇▅▅▊ ▊▍▍▋▄.▌▊▋▆▌▉▌▆▌▍▊▋▅▄▊▌▋▋█▋▊▍ !▊▊▌▆▅ ▍▋▇▆ ▆▄█▅▊ ▄▄▄▇▋▆▊▊▋ ▊▅▄ █▋▌▆ ▉▍▇▍▍▅█▉▇▌▉ █▊█▋▊▍ ! ▍▌▋ ▋▅▄▇▆▄▌▆ ▄▅ ▉▍█▄ ▋▄▅▆▊ ▌▊█▍ ▍▋▅ ▍▆▌█ ▅█▍▄█ !█▍▍ ▋▍▆▅█▆▆ ▉▄▊▋▊ ▉▊ ▆▍▅▆▅ !▄▊▄▅▊ ▇▊▍▄▄█▉▆ ▅▅ █▋ ▊█▍▊ ▊▆▅▆▉▆▍█ ▅▍▍▆▆▌▇ !▋▋▊▌▌ ▆▅█▊▅█▉ ▇▆▉▇ ▋▇███.▌▍▄▅▊▉ ▍▅█▇▄ ▆▌▋▄ ▍▉ ▄██▋▉▄ ▅▊▉▆▊▊ ▅▍▌█ ▌▌▋ ▉▋▆▋'▆'▇▅▌█ ▆▉██▇▆▆ ▄▍▊▇▌ ▍█▅▇▆▉ ▇█▆ ▌▍▍▆█▌▌▊ ▆██▅▋ ▇▍▋▆▆ ▍▊▋█ !▆█▌▊ ▆▅█▄▋▋ █▆█ ▊▉▆▍▇ █▇▋▆▍ ▋▆▄▅▊▄▆ ▇▋█▇▋█▇▋▉▋ ▆▆▊▊▋ █▍▇▅ ▄▇ ▉▆▇▋▍▉ !▅█▅▍▋▍▉ █▊▋▅▌▄▌ ▅▌▊▅ █▉▆▍▋▅▋ █▄ ▍▌▉▄▉▋▍▅▇▇ ▋█▆▅▆▄ !▋▋█▄▅▅▊▉ ▆▆█▆▆▊▄▆ ▇▍▊▊ ▅▋▉▅.▅▊▌▉▍▊▆▇▄▍ !▄█▆▇▌ ▋▅▍▌▆▇▊ ▍▊▇▉▅▇▉ ▊▌▍▅ ▇▍█▇▅▉▉▄▄ ▆▆▊▉▍▍▄▌█ ▆▍▇▌█ ▋ ▆▆█▉▌ ▋█▄▄ ▆▍█_█▇▍▇▆▅▆█▊▍ !▋▉▅▇▊ ▅▊▄▌▉█▋ ▅▍▅▄ ▅▆▋▅▊:▇▄▉▊█▉ !▌▊▅ ▉▄▄▆▉▍▇▉▅ ▇█▍█▇▍ ▊▆▄▆ ▅▄▍▊█:▆▇█▊▋▆▉▋█▊▄█▋▌█▆▊▊ ! ▅█▋ ▋▍▋▊▍▅█▊ ▉▅▉▇ ▉▄▅█▋▌▌▋▋█▋ ▇█▌█▊▄█▇▌ ▆▋▉█▋▍▋▄▅▅▍ !██▅▆ ▌▆▋▍ (▋▆▊▄▆▅▇▅▄▊▌) ▊▄▋▋▄▋█▊ ▊▋▄▌▊▊ ▉▇▍▇▊▊▇▆▉ ▊▉▉▋▇▇█▌ ▊▇▆█▌▊▊▅█▇▊▅.▅ !▊█▄▇▊▌█▌ █▄█▇█▅▆█ ▍▅▇▆▍█▉ ▇▅▊▊▆ ▆▅ ▇▋▄▇▍▄█▇ ▊▉▍▄ ▆▇ ▋▅█▉█▊▉▅▆▍▆▆▍▋▆▍▅▆▊▆▊▋▇▅▆ ▅▍▉▉ ▌▆▌ ▅▅▉ ▄▆▅▋▉▊▅█ ▅▅▊▅▋▅ ▊▇▊ █▍▊▄▌▆▇▆▊▍->▊█▊▇▅▋ ▅▆▋ ▄█▄▊▉▇ ▅▍▉▍ ▆█▌█ ▉█ ▆▉▉ ▆▍ ▌█▍▋▉▄ █▌▉█▊ ▍▌▇▆▇▆▅▊▊ "▇▋▇█ █▋▍▄▌▍▆" / "▊▍▋▆▍▄" ▍▍▆▋▅▄▉ ▊▉▍ ▅▇▄▍▇▌ ▊▊▄▅█ ▆▋▅▇▍▊▅▍▍▅ ▄▆▇▇ ▅▇▌▅▋▋▌▍▋/▋▋▋▍/▌▋▇▅ !▅▋ ▊▊▆ ▅▇▆ █▇ ▊▉▌▅ ▄▋▉▆█▋█ ▇█▊▆▍▇▊ ▅▊▇▆▉▄▌▉ ▊▋▍ ▆▉▍▆▇▆█▍
4 Months Ago
▊▄▅ ▅▍▄▄▊▆▇▇ ▋▇▍▌ ▉▌▊▆▌▉▅ ▌██▄▍▆ █▅▍▊ ▆▋▋▋ .▄▋▊ █▌▇▅▇ ! ▍▆▍▇▍ ▌▉▍ ▌█▊█ ▅▋▋▍▄▌▆▅█ ▊▉▉▅▄█▅▄▌ ▄▆▍▉█▆ ▅▊▇▉▉▍▌▋ "▅▆▊▇▄▋▇ ▄▅▄▍ ▇▊▇▅▌▇█▍" ▍██▉ ▊▇█▌██ ▋▉▉ ▋▌█▌█▅ ▄▆▉▍▄▍ ▉▅▉▋ ██▅▅▍▍▆▊▋▍ ▄▉▌ ▌▉█▉ █▉▋▌▇█▆▇ ▋█ █▇▉▄▅▍▄▍▄ ▉ ! █▉▌▊▋▄█▅▉ ▇▊█▊█▅▊▋▌▅ ▍▍▌ ▆▉▋.▆▅▌▌▊▌▌█▌▅▌▊
4 Months Ago
▋▍▊▄ ▌▌▄ ▉▉▇ ▇▅▆▅▆▌▍▅▆ ▅▉▌█ ▅▋▉▆▊▍█▌▊▍▌ ▉▅▊▌▅▌▊▌ █▄▍▋▍ ▋▆▌▅▌▅ ▋▄▍██▇ ▆▉ ▇▊▄ █▊▅▇▊ ▄▆▄ ▍██▋ █▇▆▍▉ ▉█▄▇▄█▅▋▉▊ ▅▉ ▍▆▇ ▅█▊▆▉▉▄▅ ▊ ▄▍▋▆▇ ▉▄▆▇ ▊▍▌▊▊█▆▄▊ ▄▇▅▉, ▄▅▅▉▍ ▋▍▇▄ █▇█▆▄▊▌█ ▍▊▌▅▇▆█ ▉▋▅ ▄▉▍▍. ▋▉▉▍ ▊▅▋▉▆▇▍▊ ▉█▅▇ ▇▉▅▅▅▋ ▆▇▋▌ ▊▄▆▊▌ ▌▄▉▊▍▋ ▅▄▋▊ █ ▇▉▅▊▋▍▇ █▌▉█▋▌▄. ▆▆▅▌█ ▋▇_▊█▅.▉▍▌ ▆▉▅ █▇▉▊▇ ▊▅▄▄▊ ▊▋▋▇▇▆▊▉ ▊▉▄▆▆▌ ▄▋▅▄▅ ▋▅ ▅▌▊▄▄▆ ▅▊▊▄▅▋ ▋▅▉▌▅▌▇ ▇▆ ▉▄▅ ▆▄▊▊'▊ ▉▅▍▆▉█ ▍▅ ▆▇▄ █▍▄█ ▌█▉ ▋█ ▌▄▆▋ █▌▊▋▉▌ ▍▉ ▉▄▄▍▆ ▉▆▊▊ ▋▌█ ▆▌▇▉▉▇▌▉ ▍▅▋▉▍▅ ▌▋▌▅▉ █▇█▍▌▍▉▉▍▆ ▄▌▅▅ ▋▉▉█▅ ▆▆▍█▊ ▇▇▉▄▅ ▊█▌ █▅█▅▌▍█▉▄ ▋▌▇▌▆▊ ▇▅▉▆▇▋▍ ▇█▍▋▉ ▉█▉█▆▋▅▇▍▋▉ ▋▊ ▍▊ "▅█▄▅▌" ▅▊ ▅▌▉▇▅▅, ▉▌▍. ▆▄▇▍▄ ▉▆▊▉▊▌▊ ▊▉▌▊▇▅▋ ▌▇ ▌▍█▍▆▊▍▌▊/▄▌▅▋▇▊▆▄/▉▊▆█▉▅▆▍▉▆▊/▋▌▄▋▍▊▇▄▍▄▌▌▇▋▌ ▊▄▉ ▌▆▅▇▇▉▅ ▊▌▆▌▆▍ ▊█ ▆▅▌ ▍▅▅▅ ▄▊▇▄▊▋ ▍▋▋ ▉▅▇▊▄ █▇██▉▇▋ ▅▆▋▄ ▅█▄▊▄▊▌█ ▋▅▉▄▆▌█▊ ▅▉▇_▄▉▍▇▌▋▇▉▉▌█▌▇▊▍ ▉▇▌ ▄▊▌▆▍▍▌ ▍▇▆▉▅ ▊▉▊▍▊▉▅ ▄▆▌▋▅() ▇▊▆▆▅ █▇ ▇▅▌▄▌█▋▉ ▄▉▍█▄▍█▅ ▌▆█ ▍█▇▆ ▊▆▌ ▋▍▇▊▉▋▍▌ ▆▍ ▌█▋█_▌▍▅▉▆█▊ ▆▌██▄▊█ ▍▍▌ ▅▌▄▋▋ ▆▇ ▍▅▉▆ ▋█▇█▉▍▄ █▆▊▇ ▋▅▉▅▍▆▉▄ █▍▆▅▊▉▋ ▋▅▋▋▉▅▍ ██▇▅▍█▋, ▇█▋▅ ▋▅▌▅▊▇ ▄█▅▄▆█▇▊▍▌▆ ▍▊█▅▆▌▋▄▋▋▇:▄▇▄▉▉▍▍█▍▉█ █▋▅▍▌ ▆▍ ▍█▄▊▉▇▋▆ ▄█▆▄ ▅▌▉ ▋▇▌▍ ▊▍█▋█▍▊▉▆▋ ▍▇▄█▄▌▆▆█▌▋▋, ▇▌█▆▌ █▊ ▍▍▋▅ ▌▉▄▉ ▋▉▋▌ ▌▉ █▄ ▅▅▊▅▄ ▆█▍▄▆▍▊▊▆▆ ▄▆▍▆▌▅ ▆▅▌ ▄▇▉ ▊▊▍▌ ▆▌▋▆ ▄▆_▇▉▊█▌▄▊▊▇▌█▇▊▊ ▍▆▊▍▍▄▋▄ ▋▋▌▆ ▅█▊▋▌ ▍▆▌▌ ▇▊█▇ ▅▉▅▊ █▄▇▄ ▆▌▍▆▌▇ ▍█▆▌ ▍▊ ▉▍▅▍ ▉▄▉▅▌▋▊▊▆ ▉▌█▉█▆ ▊▉▆▌▉▋▉▄ ▊▆▇ ▊█▊▋ ▋▅▇▆▄▇, ▉▅▅█▆▆▄▆▉ ▉▍▋▉▆ ▄▇▅▉▆▄ ▄▌▍█▅▅▄█▌ ▊▄▇█▌ ▅▇ ▄▇▇█ ▉▋▄▋ █▍▍ ▇▋▇▍▌ ▍▍▇▊ ▆▋▇▄_▆▊▇▌'█ ▊▆▊▄ ▋▆ ▋▅▋▉▆ ▋▅▄▆▆ ▊▋█▋▆▇ █▉ ▉▄▇▄▇▅▍█▆▆ ▋▊▆▆▍▄▆▊ ▅█▅▌▄ ▊▅ ▌▊▍ ▌▅▅▆▌▅▉ ▊▍▋▌▊▊ ▌▉▍▆▊ "▍▇▋█ █▊▅▍_▇▋▄▊▌▉▉" ▍▉▅▄▉▋ ▄▋ ▆▅█ ▋▉▌▇▆ ▅█▉▌▆▅█▊▉▅ ▌▋▋▊▇▌▇ ▄▊▆█▌ "-▋▌▌▉█▆▄▌▊" ▅▄ █▌▅▇▊▆ ▋▄█▉█▍.▆▄▊▌▊▇█▆▄▌▇() ▋▊▍ "▋▋▅▊ ▊█▋▋_▆▌▅█▊▋▌". !▅▍▆▇▌▉ ▉▌███▅ ▌▍▊██ ▋▊▉▄ ▍▌ ▌▍▆▉▋▋▊▅, ▋▊█▍▌ ▄▇▋ ▇▅▌▋▅▅▇ ▌▌▊▇ ▊▋▍▆▋▆▅ ▇█▊▄▋▄ ! ▌▆▋ ██▄▌█▄▍▇ █▅▆▊ ▋▉▇▊▅█▍▇▋█▊▊▊
4 Months Ago
▊▇▅█▄ ▊▊█ ▊▊▆▍▅▌▇ ▅▆▅▋▆▅
4 Months Ago
Make OnLuaError available on client and server Block *.db from file library, block mat_texture_list for Lua just in case Merge Pull Request that adds validity checks to deathnotice (Community Contrib)
4 Months Ago
4 Months Ago
▋▌▄▄▊ "▉▇▌▌▇▌ ▌▌▄▆▌▋▅▄ ▌▋█ █ ▍▊!!!" ▅▇▌▊▄▋▅ ▍▉▇▊▌▅▅ ▇▅ ▌▍▅▊▉▌▊▆▇ ▌ ▄▅▄▍ ▆█▅ ▇█▅▉▆▋▊ ▊▌▇ ▊▉▍▉ ▄▋▊ ▍█▆ ▆▅▆▋▊▆▆ (▊▍▌) ▉▅▅▋▌▊ ▅▊▉▆█▄▊▉ ▄▊█▆▄█▇▄▌ ▅▌▆▆█▍▍▉▍/*.▊▍▋ ▉█▆ ▋█▊▄▇▆▋ ▆█▋▋▍▌▍ ▊▉ ▉▉▆ ▍▌▉▇▊ ▋▊▋ ▉▇▋▌█ ▆▅▉▊ ▌▇▊▉█ ▊▋▉▋▍ ▅▉▆▅█▅▆█▇▅ ▄▍▆▋▉▆ ▍▋▌▆▋ ▊█▄▋▅▍▋ !▉▆▌▌▌▌█ ▅▆▅▇▊ ▅▌▋▇ ▊▌▄_▍▍▅▊▍▊▉_▆█▅▆ ▇▆▆ ▉▌▅_▇▅▄█▆█▍▋█ ▅▄▍▌▅█▍ ▄▍▋ ▇▉▌▆ ▇▊▄▄ ▄▌▄█ ▊▍▊▄█▋▊▋▉▆▌▉, ██▆▉▍▌█ ▅▆▋█ ▉█ ▍▋▌ ▆ ▇▍▍ █▋▇▍▆▅▍▅ █▆ ▅▅▊ ▆▋▌▇█▄▅▇▌ ▆▍█▄ ▉█▄▌ ▉▆▆▍▅▋ ▅▇▆ ▌▌▇▋▍ ▉▇ ▍▅▅▌█▋ ▇▋▉▉█▇█▆▉█ ▄▊▋▍▌▋▅ ▄▋ ▍▅▅_▇▄▄▆█▅▄_▇▆▆▇ ▋▌ █▇▉ ▆▋▌▄ ▇▇▆▅ ▆▉█ ▅▄ ▅▄▉▊▅█▉ █▆▍▇▆▆▅▋▆▍▅▇▇ ▉▋▄▄▅ ▌▍ ▋▍▄▌▊ ▌▆▅▆▌ ▅▋▍▋ ▄▍▋ ▉▌▄▅ █▌ ▆█▄_▌█▇▄██▇_▉▌▉▆ ▄▊▇▄▄ ▉█▌ ▇▇▉▉ ▋▆ █▇▌ !▋▆▄▋█▉▄ ▌▋▆▇ ▊▇█▍▉▋▋▍█▄ ▅▌█ ▇▄▋▆ ▍▉▋▍▅▉▌▉ ██▉▄ ▆▅▇▇▄▅ !▍▍▉▍ ▄▉▉▌▋.▊▇▊▇▇▌▌▍▅██ !▉▌▊█▅▇▅▍ ▆▌▋▉▇▆▄▋ ▊▍▉_▆█▆ ▋▅▅▋▄▅ ▅█▆▆ ▍▊▊_▄▇▅▌▊▇ ! ▉▊▍▌ ▌▇▅▇▅▆▍▉ ▅▄▆▅█▇▇▇▍ ▋▋▉▉▊▋▉▍█▉ ▅▍▍▌▊▋ ▆▆█▌▌▄▆ ▇▊▋▉█▍ ▌▋ "█▇▇▋▌▇▇▆▊" ▊▇▊ "▊▋▊▆▆▊" ▇▆▄ ▍█ ▄▋▉ ▆▍▌▅▅▄ ▊▋▋▊ ▉▄▋█▍▄▋▆▉ ▇▉▊▄█ ▇▌▉ ▊▋█▌▆▍ ▆▅█▇██▆ ▄▍ ▍▄▋▅▌ ▍▆▍▅▆.▉█▄ ▉▌ █▋▇ ▉▍▍▇▋▆▄█▇█ ▊▇▋▆▆▉ ▊▄▊ ▅▍▉▇▋ ▆▊▋▉▆▉ ▉▍▊ ▅▋▅▄▊▆▉ ▅▇ ▊▋▇▌ █▆▆▉ ▍▌▋▊▇▍ ▊▅ ▄▅▉▉
5 Months Ago
█▅▋ ▉▅▌▅▊█▆▋▉▄▊▉▊▇▋██▋▉▇▇ ▇▊▆▉▊▅█▅▋▋▌ ▊▍▋▅▇▄▅ ▆▌▉ ▅▌▉▄▋█▌▍ █▊▍▌█▆█▊▉▄ !▆▌▊▌ ▇▋▌▊ ▊▉▅ █▊▆█ .▌▅▌ ▊▉▍▋▉ ▅▇ ▄▍▌▉ !█▊ ▊█▅ ▍▄▍▇▉ ▋▅▄▋▆_▌▍▄▊▇▊▄▊▍ ▄▅▉▆██ ▆▌ ▍▅▅▌▉_▄█▆▇ ▌▋▆▌▇▌ ▄▇▇▇▄▆▉▍█▄ ▊▇▍█ ▌█ ▌▆▍▆
5 Months Ago
▌▊▆█▌ ▉▍▅▌_▇▄▊▊▄▄ ▉▆▊▇▉▅ .▆█▊ ▌█▍█▆ !▅▉▌▋▊ ▅█▌-▇▆█▅▋-▇▇▍▋ ▅█▉▄▌ ▉▇█▊ ▉▅▊▊█▉█▍▊ ▌▆▍ ▄▍▉▊▍▇▌▇ ▇▌▅▋▄▆█▍▆▇▍ █▇▍▉ ▆▅ ▊▌▌▋▌▋▉▊ ▌▅▉▍ ▇▌▆█▄ ! ▇▊▄▍▉▅▅ ▉▋ ▇▌▋▉▄▇▆▉▇█▍▊█▅▊ ▄▆▅▌▍▌█▋▍ ▆▊ ▌▆▅▄▋ ▋▆▅▇▊ ▌▆▄▅ ▋▌▉▌ ! █▇▌█▇▍▇ ▍▆ ▉▌▌▅▋/▆██▄▇▆▊▆ █▇▌▍▅▍▄ !▋▆▄▍▌ █▍▌█/*.▌▆▊ ▌█ ▊▆█ ▉▄▍ ▊▋▊█:▆▅▆▍█▊█▋█▌▉▇▌▍▆▇▇ ▊▄▅▄ ▉▌▋▋▄▇ ▇▄▍█▍▉ ! ▉▊▋▆ ▍▇ ▋█▉▆, ▍▍▇ █▉▇▋▊▄ ▊▉▇ ▊▇█▅█▆▄▊██▉ ▋▇▆▉▄ ! █▇▆▋ ▉▇▍▌█▊▌▄▆▇█ ▆▄▅▄ ▇▋▌▌█ ▇▌▋▉▇▉▄▆▌▋▆▋ ▇▋▌ ▇█▊▊▋█▍ ▇▅▄▆▋▅▆ ▅▆▉█▌▇▋ ▉▇█▍▉ ▊▆▉ ▅▊▌▆▇▊▍ ▅▅▅▄██▊ ▉▄▌▌ ▍▊█▊▆▉▇▅ ▋▄▆▋▅▌▋
5 Months Ago
Fix keybinds being lost if they contain semicolon
5 Months Ago
▋▌▊ ▇▋█▅▉▄▅ ▋▆▌▄▇
5 Months Ago
▊▆▆ ▍▌▋▆▉▌█▆ ▊█ ▄▍ ▍▊▇▇ ▆█▇▅_▅▊█▅▆▄▇▊▉▇▋ ▊▇▇▉▋ ▄▅▉▊▄:██▇▇█▇▇▊▆▉▄▇▅ ▅▆▇ ▉▍██▌▊▆▊ █▊ ▉▄▉▇▅▍▋▄▊▆▅ ▌▌▊ ▄▍▆▌▋:▆▆▆▇▇█▅▄▅▆▋▆ ▊▌▋▌▇:▅▍▇▅▉▄█▄▆▋▅▋ █▍▇ █▍▅█ ▇▋▅▌▍▌▉▌ (▍▍▉ ▍▄▌▊▌▇█▊ ▋▅▋▆) ▅▋▄ ▆▋▇ ▇▋▋▋ ▇█▉▍▄ ▇▆▄▅█▄▋▋▄ ▍▋▅ ▄▍▆ █▆▊█▄▅▍▊ ▌▉▊ ▆▋▅▊▇▅▌ ▆▄ ▇ ▋▄▆ ▆█▍▍ ▇▄_▆▆▌█▇▅▌▅▍ ▍█▊▆▊▌▌ - ▍▊█ ▉▊▆ ▌▍▍ ▋▆ ▇▅▉ ▆▄▆▋▇▇ █▇▌▉ ▉▍▍▇ ▊▋ █▇██▉▇ ▉▌ █▍█▍ ▉▊▌ ▉▄█▋▇▇█▆ ██ ▉▌▌ ▄▊▇█ ▆▅▆ ▌▍▋▍▍▉█▇▇ ▍█ ▌▅:▊ ▍▍█▊▆█▄▄▍▄▄█▊ ▋▋▊▍▊▇█▍▉ ▇█▋▌▌▄▌▉▍▊▊▅▄ ▋▌▌ ▄▊▅ ▋▍▊▍█▌ ▊▊▋▍▌█▋ ▋█▉ .▄▌▇ ▉▄▅█▅▇▌ !▉▋▍▋ ▅▊▋▆▆▊▊█ ▇▄▆▇▅▉▄ ▆▍█▊ ▅▌▄▊▅_▅▉█▉ !▊▉▇▍▋▄▌▆ ▋█▉ ▋▍▉█▇▇▊ ▄▍ ▄▄▍ ▄▅▋▍▅▄▉▅ ▊▅▄▌ ▋▊▆▊▅ !▋▌▉█▍ ▌▆▆▉▆▌▉
5 Months Ago
▇▍▆ ▅█▅▄.▍▉▌▅▌█▌▌ ▄▋▌ ▅▅▇▄▅▅▉▅▋ "▌▅▉▍▋▍▋/▊▋▊▍/" ▉▌██▅
5 Months Ago
▉▄▅ █▉▌▆▇▍▄ ▉▊█▄▋▍▆ ▌▋▅ ▊▌▍▉▆▋▊▋▉▄▅
5 Months Ago
█▍▇ ▉▋▇█▇ █▉▊▉▋▄▍ █▉▇▊▉
5 Months Ago
▌▄▆▍▇▋▄ ▌▄██▆▊█▌▉▇█▉ █▋ ▄▋▅ ▉▆▉█▊█ !▉█▍ ▆▊▌▄▇▅▉▄▌▊.█▅▋▆▋▇▋▇▆█▉ █▋▆▅▇▅▅ ▊▆▊▌ ▍▆█▌ ▍▉▍▇▄ !▇▌█▇▄▌_▍▌▄▌▄▇▄█▋▌ ▉▌▄▄██ ▊▄▉▅█▌▍▇▆█▍█ ! ▆▉▇▍▅ ▉▅▆▉▇▊▉▍▌ .▊▍█ ▊▍▇▊▍ ▆▇▌▌▇▅ ▍▋▊▉█▊▆ ▆█▉▋█▌▆▌▆█▍ !▆▊▅▍▍ ▉▉▉ ▌▆▇▄▅▆▆▄▆ ▌▋▄▅▇▊ ██ ▌▌██.▇▄▍ !▍▌▊▊ ▍▄▋▄▄▌▌ ▍▌███ ▆▋▍▄▉ ▇▌▍ ▍▋▉▄.▊▅▄█▆█▄▇ !▊▉▄▆▄▊▍ ▇▉▋▉▍█▇▅▋█ ▄█▉▄▊▋▆█▋▇▍▋▇▊██▅▌ ▋▋▋▍ ▌▇██▆ ▅▉_▊▇▍▇ ▄▅▍▉▆ ▄▋▌▋ ▇▇ ▄▊▅▄▅▉ ▇▉▇▍▊▅▊▅ ▉▆▉▄▍ ▄▄▍▇▇ ▉█_▍▌▌▍ ▌▄▊ █▇▌▇▅▄.▄▇▋▉▇▇▄▇ ▇▋ ▋▆▌▌▆▆▄▆ ▋▉▊▊▉▋▇ ▅▊█ ▅▌▊▌▇▍▌▋▇ ▇▍▄█ ▅▉ ▄▄▋▄▆▇ ▆▆▉▊▊█▇/▌▄▅▆▋ !▉▅█▄▌ ▌▌▍█▍ ▊▇▊ ▄█▄█▋▊▄ ▇▄▍▊ ▄▆▋▉█▍▇▅ ▊▆▍▄▅▄
5 Months Ago
▉▇▄▉▅▋▍▌▄ ▉▊▋ ▊▅▊▉▉▉.▅▆▊▅▄▉▄▍▌▉ ▆▉▊▆▉▌▄▅ ▋███ ▋█▉ ▊▊▊▌█▋ !▊▉▄▌▆▆▇▇ ▉█▆ ▌▇▊▉▌ ▇▆▌▄█ ▌▅▅▊█.▅▊█▌▇▅▇, ▋▉▍▊█.▆▉▋▌▆▍▅▉▇▌▍▋▇█▍▇▇, ▌█▌▅▌.▄▋▌▊▅▄█▊▄▉▆▍▍▆▇▊, ▉▅▍▅▄.▇▊▋▉▌▅▍█▊▉▋, ▇▇▉▄▍.▉▌▅▄▋▋██▇█, ▋▄▊▆▆:▍▄▌▊▄▅▅▆▍▉▆▇ ▍▉▊▊ ▋▇ ▊▄▇▌▄ ▇▊▆▆ ▅▇█▍▋ █▇▌▆▉▌, ▍▌█▉ ▅▉ █▇█▍▋ ▌▄▊ ▄▆▍▄▍▉▄ ▌▌ ▍▌▉ ! ▉█▍▊▋▇▄ ▌█▌▉ ▌▊█▌ ▆▋▇█▉▇▆▋▅ █▋▇▄ ▌▅▍_█▊▊▄▄▇▌▆█▌ ▅▆▅▊▄▇▉▊▋▄██ ▇▅▆▋ ▋▆▍▄▄▄▆ ▌▅▅▄█▌ ▍▍▅▄▋▅▍▉▉▇▇▌▇▄▄█▍▆█ ▋▆▊▊ ▆▇▋▅▍ ▇▉▌▇▄▌▌▅ !▇█▊▍▇▅▆▌ ▊▆▊▍▆▇▅ ▍▊▋▉▇_▇▍▊▍.▄▍▅ ▍█▄▋ █▆▍ ▅▉▊█ █▄▇▋▉▅▄. !▆▋▄█▍▊▇ ▇▉▋█▌▊▍▇ ▄▇█▊█▆▊ ▇▅▉▇ ▅▆█ ▍▊▇█ ! ▌▋▆▅ ▉█▇█ ▄▋▅▋▋ ▍▉▄ ▄▄▆▍▋▌▉█▌▌▊█▄▍▉▅▅▇▌ ! ▅▄▌▋▍▆ ▄▅▍▅ █▌▇▊▆ ▇▍▇▇ ▋▄▅▌.▆▊▌▍▇▅▆▍▊() ▇▅▇▍▅▆▇ ▋▊▊▊ ▆█▄▆▋ ▌▉▉▌▋▉▌ ▍▆▊▅▄▆▊ ▄▋ ▆▌█▆▇▆ ▅▊▍▊ ▄▇▉▊ ▌▊ ▉▅▉▉ ▊▅▌ ▋▆▇▋▉ ▄▆█▍▉ ▍▄ ▉▉▄█ ▉▇▍ ▌▅▉█ █▊▋▉ ▉▄▅█▄▄▍▋▍
5 Months Ago
▇▄▋ █▊▆▊▋▊▇▇▅▍ ▄▆▅▋▇▋ ▄▋█▆▇▍▉ ▅▇▌▊█ ▉▊_▉▍▍▋ !▄▉▍ ▌▍▋▋▆▌▅▊▋▋ █▊▄▊▌ ▍▌▇█▅ ▅▇▍▍▍▋▉ █▅ .▇█▋ ▌▌▆▋▊ !▉▅▄ ▇█▉▄▅▌▉▍ ▋▍▄▇ ▉▇_▋▉▄▋▋_▉▇▋█▇▇▋▋ !▆█▄▇▇ ▆█▌▊ ▋▌▌▄▆▊▋▆ ▆▄▅█▄▊▊▌ ▋▊▊▊▄▆ ▊▇▄_▇█_▊▊.▋▄▄
5 Months Ago
Fix recent changes to Entity:NetworkVar and naughty addons erroring
5 Months Ago
▋█▉▌▍ ▉▍▋█▌▅▌▄ * ▉▄▌▋▆ ▄▄▆▄▌_▆▇▋▋▆▊▋ ▌▋▅▌▌▋▅ ▇▄▅▍▋ ▍▋▉▍ ▆▆▅ ▇█▌▅▇▊▋▉▆█, ▅▋▋▄ ▋▍█▊▅▋▆ ▋█▅▌▅█▅▄ ▋▇█▉▄▇ * ▆▍▉▋ ▆▄▅▌▌▌ ▇▅▋▅▌▅ .▇▅▉ ▍▊▍▋▆▆▅▊▉ * ▉▅▊▆▋▋█▍ ; ▌▍ ▍▊▄▌▊▆█▍▋▍▆▊▄▇▄▅▊▆.▆▇█ - ▅█▊▇▋▆▅▇▍▋▍ ▆▇▅ ▌▌▌▇█▋▇ ▇▊▆▌▄▆▆ ▊▄▆▊▉█▋▅██ ▍▄▇▊▋▆ * ▇█▋▅▅▇ ▌▍▋▉ ▅▋▌▇█▊ ▍▍▋▍'█ ▆▊▍▇ ▋▇▇▇ ██ ▋▊█▍█▇▅ ▄▇▆▆ ▌▄▇▄▇▄ .▍▆▅▇▌▌▋▅▋
5 Months Ago
Fix yet another crash with func_rotating changes Fix some asserts Limit DAdjustableModelPanel FOV to 0-179
5 Months Ago
Rebuild g_sky shader
5 Months Ago
▆▉▆▍▇▊▋ ▉▉▉ ▊█▄▆▊▍▋▋▍▊▇▉▍▅▇▋█▌▋▉ ▉▆▅▄▋▍▇ ▍▌▉▍▊▌▅▉ ▇▅█▆▉██▋▉ ▅▋▊▅ ▉▊▅▍▋▄▍█▆▍▉ ▋▉▋▌█▋ ▋ ▋▌▊▄▉▄▉▅ ▄▅ █▉▌▄ ▆▆█▆ ▇▍ ▌▋▅▄ ▄▅▍▉▄▋▉▇ ▌█▍▌ █▉▄▅ █▊▄▌▍▋ ▅▉█▆ ▇▊▄▋▌▍▋▉ * ▍▇▄▄▅ ▇▊▅▊█▄█▌ ▌▅▅▉ ▆▋▆▄▇▄▇▄▋ ▇▌ ▆▄▊▄▅▌▉▋▅▇ * █▊▆▌▄▋█▄ ███▌.▆▊▆█▉▊▆▋▄ █▍ ▋▍▊▌.▄▆▍▇█▄▅▌▄ ▄▆▆ ▇▌▍▇ ▍▇▇▋▄▋. ▋▇▍█▇ ▇▄▋▉▌ █▍█▋█▅▄▋▅ ▋▅█▆▇▍▌▄ ▄▍▇▉▌ ▌▆▉▊█▄▊ ▌▋▇▉█ ▋██ ▅▌▌▇▉▊ ▆▊▆▅ ▉█▉▆▍▋ ▅▇ ▊▅▆▆▌▋▄▄▆ ▄▌▍▌ ▉██▌▆▅▄ ▍▅▉▊▆█▌ ▉▅▉▌▉▇▄▅▇▆ ▍▄▅▇ █▇▅▌▇▇▍ ▄▅█▋ ▊▅█▉▉▉▍▇▌█▍▋▅▆▉▋█▅▅▌▅▍▋ █▋▇▋▌ ▅▌█ ▍▅▅_▌▆▉▊▌▊▄▋ ▇▌▉▊▄▉▌▉▉▍ ▍▉▉▊ ▇▄▋ ▅▌▄▅▍ ▄ ▄▉▄▇▆ ▅▌▆ ▉▌█▊▌▌ ▄▇ ▅▄▉ ▇▉▄▊▉ ▆▌▉ ▌▋▌▍▉▇▌▉▄▄ ▆▉ █▊ ▊█▊▅▄█▅▋▋ ▊▍ ▊▉█ ▍▍█▅▇▉▍ ▉▋▌▌▇ ▄▇▍▇_▍█▅▊▍▉▍█'▅ ██▅▍▅▍▍▋▇▉ ▅▊▄▆ ▌▋▅ ▊▌▆▋█▋▋█ ▊▉█▌▉ █▍▍ ▍▍▅▌▉▉▌ ▌▉▊▌ ▌▊▍ ▆▇▍▋▍▅▅█▍▋▇▉ ▉██▍ ▌▅▅▊:▄▆▋▌▊▄▍▇▅▋▍▍▋▋▆▅▍ ▋█▌▋▉ ▍██▍ ▄▇█▊▌▋▊▍▌▄ ▉▅▅▌▅ ▋▆▆▌█▋ ▌▅▇▄▄▊▇▌▉ ▆▇▇▊▄▉ ▍▉▍▅▇▋.▌▆▉▌▊▊▋▄▆▋ ▊▄▆▅▅ ▄▊▋▄ ▇▅▇▋▆▋█▋ * ▉▋▊▇▊ ▅▍▍▍.▋▅█ * ▄▉▌▆▉ ▋▇█▌█▍ ▍▅ ▅▍▊▉█ ▇▅▅▌▅▆▉▇ ▍▌▆▆▆ ▇█▆▄▋▆ ▄▆ ▉▇▄▍▅.▌▋▅█▅ ▇███▄▆ ▆▇▊ ▋▅▋█▆ ▊▅▉▉▌▅▅ █▉▆▋▋▅▌▄▇▌▅▉ ▋▌▋▌▌ ▇▄▋█ ▉▇▄▌▌▌▆▍ * ▆▆▆▇▍▌▍▅▊▇▅▇▇ ▆▌▄▆▋▇▌ ▇▋▆ ▌▇▋▌▅▆▍▍▇▉▄ ▄▊ ▍▅▋▍▌▊▅▍▍█▅ ▇█▄▊ ▄██▊▉ ▍▇▄ ▅▄▋▍▋▇:▋▋▆▆▆▄▄▄ ▇▄▋▉▆▍▌▊▉▋ ▆▇ ▌▌▅ ██▊▉▄▉▍▅▊ █▉▅▊ ▌▄▅▍▉▄ ▄█ ▍▄▋█▅▉▉▍▋ █▉▌▊▌▋▊▉▄▉ █▍▄ ▄▊▋▆ ▌█▉▆▌▌▌▋██ ▌▄▍▄▇▅▍ ▄▄▆ ▄▄▇▉ ▇▉ █▊█ ▌▍▅▊▍▋▄██ ▊▊▄▌, ▇▆▋█▅▉▄ ▋▅ ▄▉█▅▋▄▄▌. ▆▇▅▆.▉█▋▇▍▇▇▋ ██▇▆▅▊▄▌▌▇ ▍▉ ▋▋▍▉▅▋▍▍█ ▉▇▇▌ ▊▋▌▍▄▅ ▅▋ ▄▊▊▆▆▄▄▄▅ ▍▍▇▉▉▌▉▆▆▆. ▇▇▆▌▄ ▄▇▉▍ ▆▌▌▆▋▌▊: ▅▇▇▍▋▌▍▆ ▉█▍▆▄.▍▇▋▌ ▍▌█▋▋ ▉▆▍▉▅▋▇▅ !▊▉▋▍▊ ▅▌▆██▇▄ ▆▊▄▄ █▍▍▅▍▆▍▇ ! ▌▇▋▅ ▄▅▋▆▍ █▋█▉▅▆▅ ▌▊█▇ ▅▋█▌▆▌▅▆ ▌▅▆▇▊ ▇▄▇▇ ▋▆▇▋▅▅▌ * ▍▊▉▆▊ "▌▆▆▌▊▆▅▌▍▌▅▄"/█▇▋▅▇▋ ▅▄▍▋ ▄▇▅ ▉▍▉▊▍ ▉▇▌▊ ▍▍▍▉_▄▅▍▉ █▌▄▆▇▋█▋ ▉▌ ▇▅▋ ▄▆▍▊▄▆▉▆ ▄▆▌▆▌▇▌▅▌▋ ▄▅▇▆▅▇▍ ▆▆▅▌█ ▋▍▋▍▍▊▄▌▍▌ (█▇█▉▅▍█) ▇▊▊▊▄ ▇▄▇▋▄▉▋ ▋▄ █▇▉▉▍▉▍█ ▅▄▄▌▅▋▍ ▌▉▅▍▌ ▌▉▆▋▋▉.▊▉▅ ▊█▅▅▋▍▄ ▌▄ ▆█▉▌ █▉ ▊▅▅▇ ▇▍▉█▋ ▍▅ ▍▄▋▋ ▇▌_▇▇█▉_▍▊█▋ ▍▍█ ▌█_▆▍▄▊_▅▊█▇▅▅▅▄▇ ▆▉▄▍▄▇▍ ▊▅▉▄ ▍▋▉▋▊▇▍ ▄▉▆▋ ▆▌█▊▅▍'█▅ ▅▇▉▉▇ ▌▊▄▍ ▄▍▌▄█▄▋ █▄▊▋▋ ▆▄█▄▉ ▇▅▉ █▆▄▅ ▄▇▊█▅ ▅▍▍▇▄▍▊ █▊▋▌▋ ▅▄▆ ▋▇▍▆▅▉▌ ██▉█▌▍▊▄▅▇▆:▇▌▋▌█() ▅▅▋ ▉▌▊▆▌▆▆▋█▊▇:▇▇▉▆█() █▌▉▅▋ ▋▊▊ ▉█▌▅█▍▍▌▅▇▍. ▄▌▅▋ ▆▊▅▅▇▋▄▌▋ ▊▆▇▊ ▊▄▄▌▅▍▋▇ █▄▆, ▉▋ ▉▅▄▉▆▊▆▅ ▇█ ▉▉▆▌█ ▉▄▉▅ ▉▇. ▆▅▇▅▌▌█▇ + ▌▉▌ ▊▊▆▌▌▅▇▊ ▄▉▆▉█▆▍▅▆ ▌▇▉▅▍█▆ ▄▊██▋▌▋▉ ▍▋▍▊ ▉▊▊▌▅▉▉▋▍ ▊▌▍ ▍▋ ▅▉█▄▋▊ ▅▄▋▅▋ ▍▍▆▋▋▉ ▊▆▆ ▉▊▅█▇▉█ ▊▇█_▌▉█▍▋▆▄▌▍▇▉ ▉▌ █▅▅ (▉▇▄▅ ▄▅) ▊▋▆ ▉█▍ ▋▅▅▉▊▇ ▇▆█▍█ ▉▋▋▋▍▋ ▍▋ ▊ ▇▅▄▅▉▅▇▊▌ ▋▋▆▌▄ ▅▌▅:▍▌█▅▌▋▊▌▉█▇█ ▋▄▆ ▋▋▉:▉▅▄▍▉▄▋█▋▅▆▊▋▉▌▋▋▄ ▇▉▉ █▇ ▇▄▋▄ ▅▄▋ ▉█▄█/▊▊▅▄▇█▇ █▄█▉▌▋▋ ▉▄▆ ▅█▆▄▄ ▋▊▍▌▄▉ ▇▍ ▊▌▊ ▆▍▆: ▉▋▋ ▌▅▅█▌▌▅ ▄▆▊▄█▇▄▋▇▉▌ █▄▉█ ▌▄▄▌▋ ▆█▋:▇█▉█▉▅▍▊▍▌▋▌▋▍▇█▆ ▋▌▌ █▇▄:▊▅█▇▄▇▄▄▍▉▉▆▉ ▍▍▉ ▊█ ▌▍▊▆▋ ▋▌▊ ▉▉▍▇▉▆▍▇▍ ▆▄▌▍▆▌▋▌▆▅ ▋▋▉▇▆▆ █▊██ ▇▇▋█▇▌█ ▅▉▍▆▆▆ ▄▊█▌ ▉▉▄▌▇▉▉ * ▅▌▄▆▋ ▅▅▊▉ ▍▉▍▇▇ ▉█▇▊▆▆/▌█▉ ▉▋▌▇▍ ▄▇ ▉▍▌ ▆▆█ ▌▆ ▇ █▌▊▋▇ █▋▄█ ▍▅▋ ▆▅▆▊▋▇██▍▋▅▊▆▇▉▄▅:▅▄▊▄▆▌ █▆▋ ▆▄▍▋▍ ▍▌▉▇▌ ▊▉▉▅▇▌ █▊▊▄█▍ ▍▋▍▇_▌▉▊▍▆▋█▄ ▄▇ █▆▌ ▆▋▊▍▊▇▉▉▍▆▆ ▌▆▋ ▆▆▆ ▅▆▋▊▄▇▍ ▇▊▍▅▉▄ ▄▇▆▋█ ▇▋▍▆▇▇▋▍▆-█▅▍▍▅▋/▋▆▆█▆▅/▇▋▊▍ ▇█▄▌▆ ▍▊█▇ ▍▉▆▌▌▇ * ▌▅▅█▆▊▍▍ ▋▇▋▄.▋▉▇ ▍▍▇▇▍ ▍▊▄▍██ ▉▊▆▅██▇▄▇▍▅ ▇▇ ▇█▉▆_▉█▌▌▌▄▍▊ ▍▉▌█▆▄▆ ▍▋▅▇▊ ▊▌▇▋▊ ▆▇▌▊ ▄▍▉▇▇▉ █▊▉▊▊ * ▇▉▉▌█ ▊▄▌▍▇▊▆ ▄▌▊▋▅▅▆▊▊▄ ▍▌▉▇ ▄▌▉▋▇ ▅█▋ ▆▄▆█ ▆▄▅█▌ ▇█▋▉█ ▊▋▇█▇▄▍▆ ▉ ▋▇▅▉ * ▅▇▆▍█ ▋▇▉ ▉▉▊▍▆▉ ▅ ▅▊█▋▌ ▉▆▋█▌▌█ ▋▄▉█ ▅▄█▍▅▊ ▇▍ ▄▅▍▅ ▆▊▉▄█ ▌▄▌▆▉ ▇▍▍▉▌ ▄▊▆ ▉▉▄▄█▌ * ▋▉▍▉▆ █▋▊▊▄▉▋ ▆▋▍▌▍▊▆ ▊▋ ▉▍▉▌ ▇▇▋▊▇▄▆ ▆▋▇▍▌▉ ▊▋▌ ▋▆▌▄▄▋ ▌▇▊▊█▋▌ ▅▆▊█▊▍ ▅▄▍ ▇▄▇▉▉█ ▄▄▇▍▉▋▍▇▄ █▋▉██ ▍▋▊ █▇▊▅▆█ ▌▊▊▌ ▋▌▌▋▉▆ █▆▊▆█▆▄ ▅▍ ▉▍▍ ▇▊▉▄▊█ ▍▅▍▆▋▉▉▇▍ ▍▅█▆ ▋▅▇▍▅▆█ ▅▅▆█ ▅▋ ▉▍▇▍▆▋ ▆█▌█▇▅█▅. ▋▅▇▄▄ █▇▅▋▄▊▇ ▋▅▆▋▍█▅ ▄▄▉▍▍ ▋▇▆▋ ▍▋▄▌▋ ▅▋▄▋ ▅█▋▇▇▆▇ ▆▌▄▄▆▄ ▉▌▄ ▇▄▅▅█ ▇▊▆▊▆▍ ▍▌▊▉█▅▍▋ ▄▇▋▋ ▇▊▊▍▇/▆▉▌▆▅ ▋▇▅▊▌▇▌ ▋█▋▄▆ ▇█▅▉▉▄ ▅▋ ▋▊▊▆▌ ▉▋█▇▄▄█ ▋▋▅▆▇▌ ▆▉▍ ▇▍▄ "▋▄▆▆▋ ▌▊▉▊▉ █▄▋▌▋▇▊ ▇██▊" ▉▉▉▇▌ ▅▋▋▉ ▋█ ▋▊▉▌▆█ ▊██▉ ▋▅▇▄▉▉▄ ▍▍▉▌ ▉▇ ▅█▋▍ ▌▋▌▋▅▋ ▍▇▅ ▇▍▅▆▋▍. ▍▅▋▇ ▆▆▇▉▋▌▊ ▆▉▆ "▆▇▇ ▉▉▋▋▉▌▊█" █▋▇▆▄▌▋▌ ▍▉▅ █▄█▊▉▅▄ ▍█▉ ▇▄▌▍ ▊▉▊▍▅▇▇▅▍▌▉ ▍▇▊▄▍ █ ▊▊▄▍▆▄▌ ▅▊▉▍ ▅▍▄▊_▉▆█▆▄▌_▋▅▌▆ ▅▊▅▊▋ ▇▌▉_▅▋█▋▄▇▉ ▌▌▉▌ █▍▄▋▌▇▅ ▆▌▌_▉▍▉▆▊▅▇ ▋▉▌▅▄▉▌ ▇▆ ▋▆▄▊▆ ▍▅ ▆█ ▇▅▌ ▆▆▊▅▄ ▊▉▋▌▉▇▆▅▄ "▆▋▋▇▇▆'█ ▊▊▌▅ ▅▊▉▋▆▋ ▇▍▉" █▇ ▆▍▍▍▆ ▉▇▆▌▌ ▉▅▋██▄▍▍ █▊▊▋▍ "▍▍▍▍_▊▋▄▆" ▊▉▍█▋██▍▍ ▆▇▍▇▉▉▌ ▇▋ ▊▇▄▅▌ ▊█▄▄▍ ▇▉▋█▌▉▍ ▉▋▍ ▋▊█_▄▉▇▆▋▉▇█/▄▊▌▄ ▊▆▉▋▆▍ ▋▇ ▉▉▇ █▌▅▌▊▍▄ ▇▄▄▍▄▊██/▊█▊█▇▌▍ █▆▆ █▌▉_▄▍▆▌█▅▍ █▊ ▊▋_▉▍▇▋▄▋▆▍▆ ▌▆▆▋▅▆█ ▉█▍▊▆ ▅▉▇▄▋▄▉ █▉▍ ▄▌ ▍▍▇▉▅▇█▍ ▉▉▊▋▋▉▋▆▋▇▍ ▋▄███▄▊▆ ▊▋█▋ "▌▆▇▋▆▌'▍ ▇▄█▊ ▋▉▌▊▇▆ ▇▇▋" ▅▄▇▌█▉ ▍▉▉▄▌▆▄▌▌ █ ▇▋█ ▇ ▌▄▌▆▇▋▌▉█.▇▄▇█▋▉▌▍▉▇ ▋▍▇▌▄▊▇▊▊▄▅▍ ▉▌▍▍ ▅▅▄ ▉▊▊█▄ ▆▄█▌▇ ▇▄▉▌▇▋█ █▆▌▊ ▍▅▆█▆▇ ▉▉ █▋▇▊▌▄▊.▄█▆▊ ▄▅▉ ▇▇▄▉▅ ▅▄▉▉▍ ▆█▉ ▉█▍▌▌█▍█▉▍▇, ▊▋▊ ▊▍ ▅▊▌█ █▌▌█ ▊▅█. █▍▆████ ▅▊▉: █▋▉▆▅▋▇▋▍█ █▇ ▉█▆█▍▅▋▉▉ (▅▋▄█ █▇▉▍▅▇▉) ▄▇▊▍▆▅▇▄▉: ▋▋▋▍▅▇ ▌▅▍▉▆█▄▄ ▇▍ ▉▋▊ █▋▌▋ ▅▍▆▅ ▋▇▆▋▌▊▍▋▇▄▅ ▇▅█▇ ▍▊▄▄▍ ▇▆▍ ▋█▊ ▊▋▌▍ ▉▄▌▅▄▋, ▋▋█▌▅▆▄ ▍ ██▉▍█▌▅ ▅▌▇ ▌██▉▇▅▍ ▅▍▇ █▄▉▍▇▊▆▌▉▆▌ ▄▆▄▇▄▅▋ ▇▄▌█▆ █▇ ▊▇▅█ ▆▌ ▍▇▊█▇▌▊ ▉▌▉▆▉ ▉█▋▅▇▅▇ ▍▆▌▌ ▉▍▌▄ ▉▋▆▄█▆▇ ▍▋▊▉ ▍▅▉▅▉ █▉▍:▊▄▉█▍▍▅▆▊▅█ ▅██▋▄ ▌▉▉.▌▆▅▉▄ ▉▌▆▅█▄▆ █▍▄▆ ▄▄▇▇▄▇ ▍▊▌▆▉▅█ ▇▉▇▄▌▋▊█ ▉█▌▅▋▍▌▊▌▄▅ ▇▆ ▋▍█ ▆█▉▇ ▉▋▌ ▄▊▋▋▍▋▆ ▉▅█▋█▉█▅▇▇ ▅▄▍ ▅▇▋▆ ▉▉▌▌█▆▇ ▍▌▊▌ █▍▅▍ ▍▊█▄▍ ▉▆█▍ ▄▅▅ ▅█▋▊ ▊▍▉ ▅▇▌█ ▅▌▅▋▊▍▊, ▋▇▅ ▅▄▆▋▇ ▌▊▆▄:▍ ▋▆▅ ▅█▄▍ ▅▉█▄ ▉▅▆▇▅▌▋ ▊▉▇▆ ▌▍▍ █▉▍▇▄▌ ▌▆▍▊ ▌▋▍▇ ▊▍█'▅ ▌▅ ▊▍▍▇▅▄▍▊▉ ▉██▅▅▄█▄ ▋█▉▅ ▆▅ ▊█▇▌ ▇▍▉▌▅ ▍▌▇ █▉ ▉▆▄ ▍▆▋▇▅ ▇▊▌▆▅▍▋/▋▇▍▇ ▌▇▌▋▅▉ ▊▄▋▇█ ▇▋ ▊▌█▉▇▉ ▍▉ ▌▉▅▋▄▅▋ ▉▄▇ ▊▌▄ ▊▆▊█▍█ ▉▊▊▋▌▇. ▄▊▇▉ ▅▇▋▄▋▄▋ ▋▄▅█▌▉ ▊▄▌ █▋▄▉ ▋▅█▅█ ▍▆▋ * ▆█▄██▍▍ ▄▍▋▇▉█▌█▋ ▍▊▄▍▋ ▄▌ ▇▊▋▋▄▌▉▊▋▌▄ ▉▉▅ ▄█▉▋▍▍▊█ █▄▍▊▊ ▆▋▍▆▄▅▊ ▊▋▋▆▌▆▇ ▅▉▋█ ▇▌▊▍▆█▆▋ ▄▅▌ ▆▊▌▇▅▇ ▌▌▉▍▇▍█ ▆▊▇▌▋▉▉▍ ▊▊ ▉▌▄▆▉█▄▆▄█▋▉ ▄██▄ ▄▆ ▊▆▉▍▍ ▆▋▉▅▇▄ ▉▉ ▍▊▄ ▆▉▅▄ ▆██. ▊▆█▊▊▉▍█▊▉▆ ▇▇▄▊ ▍▋ ▉▍▇▋▆▉▍ ▌▍▄▅▍ ▍▍▍▅▋▌▊█▉▄ ▍▅▍▇▍ "▇▊▆▍ ▊▊▇▉▆▅▋█▊▉" ▌▋▉▋█▋▉ ▆▅▉▆▍ █▆█.▄▅▌▍▊▊▅▊▄▉▇▊█▊▄▍█ ▍▍▋ ▇█▇ █▉ █▄▉ ▊▋▊▅▅▄▆ ▍▍█▄▌▋▄█ ▆▅ ▅▅▉ ▅▊▋ ▍▉█.▅▉▋▇▇▅▊▉▄▆▌ ▅█ ▇█▄, ▄▍▌ ▄▄▆ ▍▅▆▇▆█▇ ▄▄▋▉▊▌▋▅▉▅ ▌▆▅▄▅▇ ▍▊▋▅▄ ▉▋ ▄▉█▍▉▊ - ▅▍▍▅▅▍ ▆▅▊▌▉▊ ▌█▌▍▋ ▌▆ ▌▋▆▋▉▆▇█▆▊▄_▅▍▅█ █▅▍▅ ▍▄▌▅▇ ▌▆▉▆▅▍ ▄▋▉▊ ▋▍▍▆▇▍▌ █▄▉▉▊▉▉▇▄▋▄_▊▍▅▍ ▉▌ ▌▇▋ ▄▇▆▉▇ - ▊▆█ ▉█▌▊▅▄▉ ▋▊▌▅ ▊▄▌ ▅▆▄▄ ▉█ ▋▇▄▇ ▍▅▌▅▌▍▆▄▆▄▋/▉▌▇█▍▊▅▌▄▋▋ ▋▆▆▄█▆▄ ▌▊▆█ █▊▍ ▆▇▍▊▊▅'▇ ▍▄▉▇▋ ▊▊ ▌▉█▄▊▆ █▉▍ ▋█▍▍█▇▉▅▇ ▋█▊ ▆▅▅▇▉▇▋ ▅▊▊▋▊▇ ▍▄▋▇▌ ▇▉ ▊█▆▆▊▅ ▍▉▉ █▄▄▅ ▄▊█ ▆▊▅▍ ▊▇▆.▄▋▇▊▉▆▋▋▉▇▍▄▋▍▍ ▋▇▇ ▆▊▅▊▋▉▇ ▇▊█▊▋█ ▌▆▅▅ █▇▉█▆▋
6 Months Ago
Added SolidEnergy shader from CS:GO Enables certain things to draw correctly from Portal 2 and Black Mesa Actually include the functional part of SolidEnergy shader (DX9 only)
6 Months Ago
Disable HL2's sneak attack code for non hostile NPCs Also disable sneak attacks when ignore players is set, or ai is disabled Make duplicator actually spawn the correct NPC It was spawning them by entity class, luckily all of the base ones are present in the "NPC" list, now it spawns them by their actual original name in the "NPC" list. Make it easier to select addons in the Addons list (Pull Request) Reduce Panel:DrawTextEntryText type checking Causes issues with existing addons Add custom icons for tree nodes in spawnmenu categories (Pull Req) Added GM:CanCreateUndo hook (Pull Request) Added new CRecipientFilter functions CRecipientFilter.AddPlayers( table or filter ) CRecipientFilter.RemovePlayers( table or filter ) CRecipientFilter.RemoveMismatchedPlayers( table or filter ) Add "Bone" field for Entity:GetAttachment Add optional argument to Loco:Jump - activity Unhide r_portalscloseall Added Vector:Distance2D[Sqr](Vec) Entity:SetIK is now shared (was clientside only) Added GM:HandlePlayerArmorReduction( ply, dmginfo ) This change moves the armor reduction system to Lua (base gamemode), allowing full control over it. Fix OOB crashes with Entity.GetAttachment Fix SteamID placeholder calculation for clients with no SteamID Make CreateConVar type errors non halting experimental: dont break mods Fixed crashes due to CSoundPatch Add g_ragdoll_maxcount to server settings in spawnmenu Minor code adjustments RT_DEPTH_ONLY > RT_DEPTH_NONE for projected textures Minor changes from upstream Added missing TF2 map icons Fallback shaders only if they don't exist Change default value of mat_depthbias_shadowmap to 0.001 Was 0.0001, was in certain cases caused visual bugs. You can still set it to whatever you want. Delete crashhandler.dll/so I am fairly certain these are from Steam client binaries, which are now shipped by SteamCMD automatically TextEntry improvements * Fixed SetDrawLanguageIDAtLeft causing cursor selection to be offset * Fixed deleting a bunch of text and then typing not updating the horizontal scrolling to show the typed text Main menu workshop changes Allowed to favorite addons through menu UI Favorite and Vote Up/Down are now better synched with real values Favorite categories are not cached Merged Pull Requests * Fixed an infinite loop with string.Comma * Fixed server browser showing lowercase gamemode names for empty categories Mention nav_quicksave 2 in its description Merged Pull Requests Added math.Factorial Added language string for g_ragdoll_maxcount Fix citizens healing players with ai_ignoreplayers 1 func_door looping sound fixes Bump ents.FindInCone/Box return limit to match FindAlongRay (1024) Added lua_refresh_file <path> Bump ents library limits to MAX_EDICTS Enable episodic behaviors for npc_citizen Improve autorefresh handling for lua_openscript scripts If the opened script is in one of the special folders such as autorun/, autorefresh those based on our pre-existing rules. Added ENTITY:TranslateActivity( act ) for `ai` type entities Do not handle spawnicons and posters during render.RenderView Added GM:PostEntityFireBullets( ent, info ) This hook is called for every "pellet" of a FireBullets call, contains the performed trace (i.e. which entity it hit, and precisely where), and can block the bullet from firing when returning false Some of the bullet structure data is not available due to it being deemed useless or "obsolete" when the hook is called. Altered how missing members of GM:EntityFireBullets return table work They used to default to weird static values, now will inherit the previous value that was passed to the hook, which seems more logical Minor code adjustments Entity.SetPreventTransmit can now accept a table of players or a filter Added NPC.SetIdealYaw/UpdateYaw/IsFacingIdealYaw Added NPC.SetIgnoreConditions/RemoveIgnoreConditions Turn Lua effect creation warnings to non halting Lua errors Fixed NPC:SetSquad not working when the NPC has no squad Added IGModAudioChannel:GetBufferedTime() Fixed addon file conflict problem duplicating file paths on remount Merge Pull Request - return true for EntityFireBullets in base gamemode This allows multiple hooks to modify the bullet structure Don't play ammo pickup sounds for NPCs Panel:GetText/Value now returns text of RichText panels
6 Months Ago
▌▄▍▄ ▍▆▇ ▅▅█ ▌█▊▊▊▊, ▆▇▄ ▊▅▇ ▄▋▉ ▅▉▄▄▌▋ ▋▆▊ ▉▌▌▍ ▄▉▉▅ ▆▍▌▆▉▇▍▉▅ ▇▆▉▅▉ ▄▅▉▌▋▆▄▇▋▅▅▄▄▋▋ (▆▆▉▅▍▄▄▍▇ ▉▅▄▉ ▋██▋█▄▋) ▊█▆: ▌▆▅▍▆▊▄ █▆▅▋▌▅▋ █▆█ ▄▆▅▇▉▅ █▊▇▋ █▊▍▄ (▄▌▍▊▌▋▅▋▇ ▇▄▍▍ ▌▌▆▋▇▅▊) ! ▋█▆ ▍▇▄▊ ▆▍▍▉▌ ▆▅▊▍ ▅▄
6 Months Ago
Try setting SDL_VIDEO_X11_XRANDR for linux Apparently fixes multimonitor issues on some systems?
6 Months Ago
Make fps_max save, and add an option for it in video settings Save NPC health in duplications Internal code cleanups Removed useless macro, reduced usages of ErrorNoHalt in favor of its "with stack" alternative. ProtectedCall supports varargs just like pcall Update .gitignore Update 360controller.cfg remove tf2 specific stuff MAX_MAP_ENTITIES to 32k Move Multiplayer options tab to front, and rename it to GAME Also moved FOV and Fast Weapon Switch options to it, removed those from their previous places, removed "Advanced" keyboard options which are now obsolete Try bumping MAX_MAP_ENTITIES to 65k For that one map author that refuses to optimize their maps Try bumping engine hunk limit to 256MB
7 Months Ago
Update module base within gmod itself Remove new methods from ILuaBase
7 Months Ago
Fix spawnmenu Lua errors when using gm_spawn directly
7 Months Ago
fix compile error
7 Months Ago
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