
32 Commits over 151 Days - 0.01cph!

1 Year Ago
vm updates - removed gun moving back on bolt pull - added ADS idle & fire, with reduced movement - setup additional deploy - tweaked original deploy - ammo belt secondary movement refinement - fixed wrist shearing
1 Year Ago
removed unnecessary viewmodel prefab, renamed worldmodel prefab
1 Year Ago
world model prefab setup, item prefab updated to use correct worldmodel prefab
1 Year Ago
renderer setup to use viewmodel script
1 Year Ago
updates to vm attachments and base file, sep ironsights mesh, prefab setup
1 Year Ago
Fixed mag drop effect (also needed to be in local space)
1 Year Ago
Fixed rifle shell eject effects appearing in wrong place (several emitters were in world space, somewhat counterintuitively all of these emitters need to be in local space)
1 Year Ago
correct positioning for all attachments on player entity, updated anims and animator
1 Year Ago
player anim, entity and world model animator updates, added anims for world weapon, added separate ammo box model and lods, effect setup
1 Year Ago
Hook up world animator field so weapon animations play Copy eject shell effect over to ensure effects are playing correctly
1 Year Ago
entity updates
1 Year Ago
added effects folder
1 Year Ago
entity updates (still stuff to resolve)
1 Year Ago
Item/Prefab setup and Id's
1 Year Ago
anim updates, rigged world model, override controller, world animator
1 Year Ago
prefab, controller, and anim updates
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
vm prefab updates
1 Year Ago
anim updates
1 Year Ago
updates to viewmodel prefab
2 Years Ago
lmg - updates to base export and anims, added initial vm prefab
2 Years Ago
initial files and animator
2 Years Ago
merge from main
2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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