
69 Commits over 31 Days - 0.09cph!

10 Months Ago
fixed rhib lod materials adjusted LOD3 lod mat
10 Months Ago
adjusted the depth and look of the side vents to allow for detailed colliders to allow players to pass through and have explosives stick adjusted locomotive front & rear bumpers to accomodate steep train tracks added collider for side vents updated lods, gibs and prefab accordingly
10 Months Ago
added wooden ramp to accomodate for the ramp collider on left side of the locomotive
10 Months Ago
added internal shadow box to SlotMachine.Caboose.prefab - updates the other static prefab variant too
10 Months Ago
Added large panel collider for workcart_aboveground, removed extra railing colliders (panel will cover them well enough on its own)
10 Months Ago
Converted deployable lockers from metallic to specular workflow Tweaked static locker materials
10 Months Ago
workcart_aboveground.entity collider fix - added additional colliders that were missing - updated prefab
10 Months Ago
Converted all variants of light_fixtures_opacity materials from refraction shader to standard This was done in an attempt to fix odd emissive behaviour when lights are turned off via switches
10 Months Ago
udpated laser detector mesh and scripts for proper rotation and guide mesh rotation updated prefab accordingly.
10 Months Ago
fixed gaps in RHIB removed old LODs and included new LOD mesh (RHIB.fbx) to fix it haven't touched any other element apart from the main body of the boat updated prefab
10 Months Ago
Fixed an invisible collider near the smoke stack on small oil rig
10 Months Ago
plastic likes to randomly exclude some .mat files eh
10 Months Ago
missed files
10 Months Ago
SAR inner barrel missing face fix for rigged version previous fix was for the world model
10 Months Ago
shadowbox for slotmachine fix
10 Months Ago
set keycards to Force No Motion to prevent crazy motion blur bug until there's an actual fix
10 Months Ago
adjusted water gun spray effect so it doesn't leak through the body of the gun
10 Months Ago
RF Transmitter now has aerial in 3rd person updated LODs and updated .worldmodel and .entity prefabs. Adjusted position in 3rd person to better fit hand.
10 Months Ago
.mat files suddenly appearing
10 Months Ago
keycard viewmodel position fix now works with nomad suit and tactical gloves too
10 Months Ago
added new laser detector model to more closely resemble the icon. added new prefab to be setup and replace the old one. LaserDetector>Model
10 Months Ago
adjusted position of 16x scope on hmlmg.entity prefab so there's no clipping on the face
10 Months Ago
fixed wrong gib mesh rotation for the small storage box
10 Months Ago
fixed gear distant LOD (LOD2) missing face
10 Months Ago
fixed gap in wood_crate_1.fbx issue named the crate, "Crate_normal_2"
10 Months Ago
fixed missing face on SAR world model. Generally improved LOD0 and LOD1 geometry improved LOD0 shading
10 Months Ago
fixed slotmachine shadowproxy box not casting shadows
10 Months Ago
Fixed Abyss Torch being lit when dropped.
10 Months Ago
fixed missing base color in a couple of materials
10 Months Ago
large oilrig S2P
10 Months Ago
re-applying 84964
10 Months Ago
merge from main
10 Months Ago
Missing girder in bucket_excavator_arm_end_COL
10 Months Ago
Missing quad sphere tank in collider
10 Months Ago
oilrig S2P
10 Months Ago
fixed large oilrig interior collider issues
10 Months Ago
reverted lootpanel.bbq prefab to known good version - Global S2P broke this?
10 Months Ago
played myself, there was one more tiny instance
10 Months Ago
fixed all cases of mesh flickering on the powerline platforms
10 Months Ago
fixed all major collision mesh issues for the powerlines weapons shouldn't go through the mesh now
10 Months Ago
primitive lootbox fix - fixed albedo/ao/spec/normals - fixed dodgy rope normals - improved them - FBX Position and prefab zeroed, and scaling at 1,1,1 - fixed ao texture set to 2048 when texture is 512
10 Months Ago
bbq collider fix
10 Months Ago
fixed vending machine gibs
10 Months Ago
fixed hole in slot machine deposit slot
10 Months Ago
Fixed a bug where the ceiling in one of the portacabins would disapper on low graphical settings
10 Months Ago
Changed the emissive color and scale of the insturial.wall.lamp.on prefab
11 Months Ago
Better emissive texture for supermarket/rocket launch office ceiling lights Fixed position and sizes of the supermarket ceiling lights
11 Months Ago
Fixed getting stuck on pipes in arctic base
11 Months Ago
Fixed broken concrete rubble pile in the lighthouse Fixed holes in the lighthouse exterior in LOD1 Tweaked baked lighthouse lod texture to better match LOD0 color values
11 Months Ago
Fixed metal box prop in the NMS chaging size when switching LODs Attempt at fixing the ocean visuals disappering when exiting the NMS