
124 Commits over 276 Days - 0.02cph!

20 Days Ago
merge from main
21 Days Ago
▆█▍▆▋ ▍▍▊█ ▋▆▉▅▇▋▋██▌_▌▅▄▌_▉▋▄▋▌
21 Days Ago
merge from main
23 Days Ago
Fixed testrunner.gettestlist command not working in builds testrunner.isbusy now returns a proper json
23 Days Ago
Fixes and cleanup Item tests very wip
24 Days Ago
merge from main
24 Days Ago
▊▌▋▋▅ ▇▉▄▋ ▄▉_▄▋▄▌▍▌_▊
24 Days Ago
RF broadcaster and receiver tests Cleanup
25 Days Ago
Forgot the #if SERVER
25 Days Ago
Added seismic sensor tests Few turret tests fixes
26 Days Ago
Turret tests, cleanup
26 Days Ago
Fixed error when running async test method with more than one TestMethodAsync attribute
26 Days Ago
Fixed test runner still considered as busy after finishing the test run
26 Days Ago
Compile fix
26 Days Ago
More turret test coverage
26 Days Ago
Make sure to clear all fixtures testqueue when cancelling a test run
26 Days Ago
More auto turret tests
26 Days Ago
merge from main
26 Days Ago
Auto turret tests wip
26 Days Ago
testlist -> gettestlist
26 Days Ago
Minor test fixes
26 Days Ago
Added testrunner.isbusy command, returns { isBusy = true/false } when running tests/not running tests
26 Days Ago
Added testrunner.getlastresult command returns the last test result json
26 Days Ago
Fixed rocket tests false negatives Scene
27 Days Ago
Added the test scene to the scene menu
27 Days Ago
Added a new scene for automated tests
27 Days Ago
Electrical switch tests
27 Days Ago
Fixed RocketTests assert throw
27 Days Ago
XORSwitch tests Another attempt at fixing list loading
27 Days Ago
Test list loading fix attempt
27 Days Ago
Added changeset number, branch name and UTC time to the test results
27 Days Ago
runcategory command can take multiple categories
27 Days Ago
More compile fixes bs
27 Days Ago
Editor compile fixes, removed direct reference to dynamic parameters Load the test list from asset bundles
27 Days Ago
Cleanup, naming
27 Days Ago
Removed rocket scenarios parameter codegen, not needed anymore
27 Days Ago
Restored rocket tests that required editor stuff to run
27 Days Ago
Test methods can now have more than one parameters Updated all tests attributes
27 Days Ago
TestListExporter now serializes all test parameters and put them in the json Tests with dynamic parameters no longer need to retrieve them at runtime - so we can now use editor code to set tests dynamic parameters - tests will execute faster also added TestDescription attribute
27 Days Ago
Removed nunit dependency in ServerProjectileTestSpawner
27 Days Ago
merge from main
27 Days Ago
Editor stuff in editor folders.... Comments
27 Days Ago
Fixed copypaste loading: convert them to a BaseScriptableObject on import, so we can load them from asset bundles in builds
27 Days Ago
Fixed testrunner.runall command Added testlist command, returning the server test list json Added current branch and changest in the test result filename
27 Days Ago
Better fail message for blocker and door controller tests
27 Days Ago
▉▋█▇█ █ ▅▇█ ▄▋▉▊▌▆ ▇▇▋▌▅▊ ▅▍▍▆ ▇▍▉█▆▄▌▊▉, ▇▅▅▋██▉▉ █▋▉▌ ▄▆▋ ▆█▌▆▍://██▌.▉▄▅▉▊.▍▆▍/▍/▍▅▉▅▅▊▆▇▉▄▊▆██▆▊/▋▅▋▆▊▊▄▌▇▊▊▇▍▌▊▆
27 Days Ago
Removed nunit.framework refs
28 Days Ago
nunit.framework preserve in link.xml
28 Days Ago
Fixed manifest failing to generate when we have any other define symbols than CLIENT SERVER
28 Days Ago
Added UNITY_INCLUDE_TESTS to the define symbols so nunit assembly are present in the build