
126 Commits over 61 Days - 0.09cph!

8 Months Ago
fixed scale and rotation issues on smartswitch and electric heater. Reset deploy rotation on electric heater. Set smartswitch to meshlod and set up lod values
8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
fixed biome override on some crack grass nested prefabs supermarket
8 Months Ago
Scene 2 Prefab all
8 Months Ago
tweaked collider of oilrig crane cabin
8 Months Ago
bunch of material overrides fixes
8 Months Ago
Fixed ceiling light IO being difficult to interact with (sometimes disappeared when you tried to aim at the IO)
8 Months Ago
Fixed some incorrect tarp colours on oil rig
8 Months Ago
Fixed ceiling light not being interactable and gibs missing material
8 Months Ago
Disabled colliders on cctv desk to fix not being able to mount
8 Months Ago
Fixed some more pipes with incorrect colours on large oil rig S2P both rigs with hlod
8 Months Ago
Fixed some containers that have changed colour on the tarp cargo ship variant Updated the replace objects with prefab tool with a new tool that just replaces the objects selected object with the provided prefab, no string filtering
8 Months Ago
Fixed more cases of objects not being marked as IsDynamic on cargo ship, unsure how they keep slipping through
8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Fixed all cases of the kitchen_cabinet_100 and kitchen_cooker prefab getting repositioned Affected some underwater labs, desert military bases and arctic research base
8 Months Ago
Fixed colours on static ore nodes at excavator
8 Months Ago
S2P arctic research base, seems to resolve some out of date models
8 Months Ago
S2P + HLOD both oil rigs
8 Months Ago
Fixed pipe colours on small oil rig
8 Months Ago
Fixed all of the pipe colours on large oil rig
8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
S2P bandit, fishing A, stables A, compound (no HLOD)
8 Months Ago
Removed all RendererBatch components from CargoShipTest and enabled IsDynamic on a few missed objects
8 Months Ago
Fixed pattern sofa incorrect material Fixed candle group fx positions now that the model has changed slightly
8 Months Ago
Roll searchlight back to renderer lod, requires a 180 degree asset flip
8 Months Ago
Fixed powered water purifier error Fixed industrial crafter error Fixed powered water purifier, storage monitor deploy error
8 Months Ago
Server compile fix
8 Months Ago
Global S2P with HLOD
8 Months Ago
Created a tool to print out any RendererLODs in the loaded scene that can be converted to MeshLods (Tools/Optimize/Find convertable RendererLODs in scene) Went through each monument looking for stragglers, some notable finds: -the xmas set dressing prefabs for compound and bandit town were largely still using LODGroup, almost all of these are now MeshLOD -converted several rooms in a few monuments that were completely disconencted from their root assets (mil tunnels most notably)
8 Months Ago
Update wooden_crate_e (and it's camo version) to MeshLOD
8 Months Ago
Replaced all the assets in the inaccessible bathroom in NMS with prefab versions with colliders stripped Converted the props in the Assets/Prefabs/Misc/Junkpile/New folder to MeshLOD S2P supermarket, NMS, bandit town, water treatment
8 Months Ago
Rerun fishing village A and C S2P
8 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
Ferry Terminal S2P
9 Months Ago
Added mesh cull components on light leak fix shadow proxies at Ferry Terminal
9 Months Ago
Added a global S2P mode that updates all HLOD (Tools/Scene2Prefab/Update All Force HLOD) Global S2P with full HLOD update Also included the new lighting files unity seems to want to produce for scenes
9 Months Ago
Removed UI.Dialog.EnterLockCode scene (just use the prefab)
9 Months Ago
Replaced all of the loot panels that get run with S2P in the LootPanels scene with their prefab version S2P no longer processes any UI prefabs
9 Months Ago
Cherry pick 98470 for scene stats
9 Months Ago
Reconvert and remove MaterialSetup on various prefabs that conflicted with the last merge
9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
Add /MemoryCaptures to ignore.conf
9 Months Ago
Updated Cigarette Models to have 0,0,0 Transforms
9 Months Ago
Fixed some transforms on floorstanding shelves, converted to MeshLOD
9 Months Ago
Converting building skins to MeshLOD
9 Months Ago
converting to meshLOD the prefabs that can in Prefabs/Building
9 Months Ago
Fixed incorrect rotations on pipe meshes Converted prefabs to mesh LOD
9 Months Ago
Re-enabled IsDynamic on all objects that need it on Cargoship prefab Removed an old scene as a precaution against overwriting cargoship prefab with older content
9 Months Ago
Re-enabled IsDynamic on all objects that need it on Giant Excavator
9 Months Ago
some optimizations on icicles set prefabs