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FOR FUCK SAKE factory room prefab, fixing minimap bug
FOR FUCK SAKE highlight effect is now part of the standard shader rather than post process shader( bit more expensive on the shader, but it should save some polys,1 render pass and fix the see through bug)
FOR FUCK SAKE factory room prefab
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- Changed mission SO scene link to a string variable as the Object wasn't working in builds
- Rebuilt prefabs
- Missions are now mostly setup from the Misison scriptable objects, including scene to load, mission text, DunGen tileset for mission room
- Added a BaseMissionObject script. Apply it to any mission objects so the mission generation can find them
- Added a new room, GoalRoom_BeerTaps as placeholder with mission object in.
- Added a new DunGen tileset,FactoryGoal_BeerTaps_TileSet to contain the beer tap mission room.
FOR FUCK SAKE factory room prefab - relinked the local prop/ fixed some minimap render
- Time slow shield now resets enemies and projectiles to their previous speeds when it fades
- Made rotor damage the player
- Rebuilt prefabs
- Turret audio for firing
- Removed exit time from floor turret animations so they pop up/down instantly
- Player ship explodes and screen fades out to red over a few seconds when dying, before switching to gameover screen
- Refactored game over code
- Refactored new game code
- Added a gameover screen
- Can now start a new game straight from gameover
- Added DeathInfo to track gameover stats like level reached etc
- Tweaked enemy + loot crate spawn roots on a per-room basic
- Increased volume, pitch and length of turret rise sound effect
- Added placeholder sound link for turrets popping up
- Fixed prefab building and updating tool
- Updated all the rooms
- Made prefabs from newly rebuilt rooms
- Added RoomSpawner script to rooms
- Added PrefabLink scripts to the rooms in Factory tileset scene and linked to their prefabs
- Added tool scripts for building prefabs from scene items
FOR FUCK SAKE factory TileSet scene with collision/minimap
- Pressing M toggles sound
- Rooms now spawn loot crates
- Enemies now do collision damage to player
- Fixed another save/load bug
- Objective waypoint arrow now pulses and scales
- Added RoomSpawner script which is responsible for spawning enemies from the mission's EnemyPack, up to a configurable cost, into the room
- The level generation seed is now passed to spawners too, so enemy type and spawn locations can be reproduced
- Made a script tool to select all children of selected objects and deselect selected objects
FOR FUCK SAKE factory TileSet scene (collision/minimap pass not done yet)
- Made an editor tool to help quickly replace baked prefab rooms
- Added a scene with all rooms in
- Entity animations can now play sounds on activate/deactivate
-EntityAnimationToggleActive now has option to make any child BaseEntityes aware of the player on activation (defaulted to true)
-BaseEntities no longer de-aggro when out of range. Might need to revert this.
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- Boozeburner max speed reduced to 280 from 300
- BB flamethrower first use cooldown is now varied by Cooldown + (0-Cooldown)
- Booze burner flamethrower now inherits velocity from ship
- BB flamethrower now fires in bursts even when not in attack range of the player (but needs to be aware of player)
- Gamepad vibration is now cleared on player death
- Boozeburner's flamethrower now damages the player. Massively OP
- Rotor/mixers now has a 50% chance to spin the other way ;)
- Added a shared, minimum cooldown of at least 15 seconds between enemy taunts, across all enemies.
- Enemy healing beams now charge up each heal over HPS seconds and then modify health every whole.
- Enemy healing beams now heal for 1 health per second
- Fixed order of enemy abilities in manager
- Enemies no longer reset to start position when a long way from home
- Setup EnemyAbilityManager again
- Enemies now have a 10% chance of spawning with one of the special abilities (currently just shield or heal)
- Added enemy ability manager to init bootstrap
- Enemies now only aggro the player if they have clear LOS to the player (and in range)
- Ability icons now fade out darker when recharging
- Set ability cooldowns to 15 second as initial test value
FOR FUCK SAKE factory prefab room with light/ fix some floating pipes
- The distance of BaseMovement's FloorCheck can be overriden
- Increased the distance of Initial placement floor check of enemies
- Fixed impact audio effects not playing when the projectile is set to pierce
- More placeholder audio stuff
FOR FUCK SAKE factory room
!A small pipe variation for slope