
1,945 Commits over 578 Days - 0.14cph!

9 Years Ago
- Increased size of loot crates
9 Years Ago
- Loot items now have larger name text and the text colour matches the item's quality - Pressing R on the character select screen now wipes all save slots and reloads the scene (for dev)
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE tweak baground shader to make it look more starry and less smoky FOR FUCK SAKE added fake SSS to the main shader !A temporary reflection probre update script
9 Years Ago
- Started reworking the way enemy difficulty/level is scaled
9 Years Ago
- Changes to boost
9 Years Ago
- Added a lerp speed mulitplier for when boosting to allow the camera to follow faster.
9 Years Ago
- Character/inventory screen model now shows equipped items correctly
9 Years Ago
- Added the new player ship base model to the character screen (equipped items don't reflect playership yet)
9 Years Ago
- Skill tree points are now capped at one per character level
9 Years Ago
- Points spent in skill trees are now saved to disk and reloaded. Unlocked abilities are restored.
9 Years Ago
- Weapons now save and restore their correct ammo prefab type and shoot the right thing when loaded again!
9 Years Ago
- Equipped items saving/loading of baseitems now works properly again and now re-equips the items properly and applies the correct loot item models to the player ship
9 Years Ago
- Fixed a bunch of warnings - Removed missing components from some prefabs - Deleted the old and unuse melee/ranged ship prefabs
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
- Camera script tweaks
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
- WIP loading/saving changes
9 Years Ago
- Increased size of hit impact - Increased size of explosion - Reduced size of grenade projectiles - Grenade test weapon now fires in burst of 4
9 Years Ago
- Ripped a lot of old code out of the save game system - Character creation screen slots are now just new or load, removed class stage. - Character loading/saving is back, but missing all the new stuff
9 Years Ago
- Changed Boozeburner layer so they don't get the outline effect
9 Years Ago
- Boozeburner changes from yesterday
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE turning off env prob rendering ast everyframe/test new background system
9 Years Ago
- More equippables stuff - Weapons fire again
9 Years Ago
- Gave the test weapons in town different models
9 Years Ago
- Updated player ship prefab with new PlayerShipModels script - Items can now specify a model prefab to equip in the correct slot on the player ship - Collecting items with a model specified now equips the model correctly to the player ship
9 Years Ago
- Player ship model equipping is now done by model name
9 Years Ago
- Added a resources folder to the ship parts hierachy
9 Years Ago
- Fixed the old abilities UI screen interfering with the camera
9 Years Ago
- Player model part swapping work
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE fix scale
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE tweak camera
9 Years Ago
- Area 1-2 changes and replaced camera with the new common camera prefab
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE camera prefab : fix crazy flickering glow/fog/background clipping
9 Years Ago
- Deleted old camera prefab - Made a new camera prefab - Referenced new camera prefab in 1-1
9 Years Ago
- More 1-1 tweaks
9 Years Ago
- Made some of the corridors and areas wider in 1-1 to be more boob friendly
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
- Updated boozer burner prefab to use the new model
9 Years Ago
- Made temporary mission objective stay at correct spawn point
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
- Reworked raised section in 1-2 and now has extra exit
9 Years Ago
- Setup a Destroy mission and it's objectives in 1-2 - Fixed a bug in LevelSpawnItem.cs
9 Years Ago
- Basic enemy spawner placement for 1-2 - Fixed visual on Booze Burner prefab
9 Years Ago
- Finished rough layout of 1-2
9 Years Ago
- Removed some debug spam
9 Years Ago
- Laser/missile turret improvements
9 Years Ago
- Meg's Placeholder model for the bouncer balls