
1,945 Commits over 578 Days - 0.14cph!

9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE added missing shader to the loaded shader array FOR FUCK SAKE tweaked bouncer gloss to make it easier to read
9 Years Ago
- Bouncer enemy work - Area0 work - BaseMovement now can be forced to use it's entity's forward direction instead of desired forward direction - Added shaders to forced include (wip fixing something)
9 Years Ago
- Setup Bouncer enemy prefab with new model - Area0 work
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE material with glow and mask FOR FUCK SAKE texture path to mirror the model folder !A transparent shader !A bouncer model/texture
9 Years Ago
- More mission work for Area0
9 Years Ago
- Added placeholder Bar tab mission and mission text to Area0
9 Years Ago
- Area0 work
9 Years Ago
- Area0 junk clean up
9 Years Ago
- Intro level work
9 Years Ago
- Started working on a rough introduction area
9 Years Ago
- Pause state work - Special enemies now get visual effect - Enemy work
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE rework the edge filter, effect is now per material rather than layer based FOR FUCK SAKE tweaked the main shader to work with all the image effect filters !A highlight effect (per material)
9 Years Ago
- Increased explosion size - Placeholder explosion debris is back
9 Years Ago
- Rearranged skill tree ability unlock levels/positions via the XML file
9 Years Ago
- Increased size, speed and travel distance of Buzz Saw - Made the Bazz Suw placeholder model a bit more glowy
9 Years Ago
- Projectile knockback is now disabled by default
9 Years Ago
- Turrets now have a bit more default variance in firing rates - Added text to gameplay UI below target health bar to show the name of any ability a special enemy has (Want to look at replacing this with clear ability icons later on)
9 Years Ago
- Special enemies now get 4x health up from 2x by default - BaseEnemyAbility now gets a BaseEntity ref instead of EnemyShip - Turrets now have a chance of spawning with the Shield ability
9 Years Ago
- If an enemy gets spawned as "special" and get's an extra ability, it also receives 2x as much health and loot drop chance is set to 100%
9 Years Ago
- Lots of enemy ability/manager changes - Added healing beams enemy ability - Tweaked values for healing/shielding - Booze burners and patchers have a 20% chance of picking a random ability to spawn with
9 Years Ago
- Can now specify a random range for enemy ability durations - Tweaked enemy shield values - Reduced booze burner speed slightly
9 Years Ago
- Enemy abilities now support deactivation and duration timers - Enemy shield ability values tweaked
9 Years Ago
- Added EnemyAbilityManager as a central point for granting abilities, to move away from enemy prefabs controlling which abilities enemies can have - Reworked some enemy ability scripts to use new system and deleted some old unused ones - Added AbilityPicker script as a starting point for enemy ability assignment - WIP shield enemy ability (all booze burners get it at the moment, and it doesn't turn off again yet)
9 Years Ago
- Skill points are now awarded from level 2 onwards intead of 1
9 Years Ago
- Added targetted enemy health/name bar to top of gameplay UI - Made targetFinder component - Gave enemy prefabs real Name values
9 Years Ago
- Fixed hidden enemy in 1-1
9 Years Ago
▍ ▄▄▌▄▉▍▆ █▋▊▇▄▍▊▋
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE attempt to fix weird error
9 Years Ago
- Reverted some random script changes that were causing errors??
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE burner and camera prefab for new flame and bloom
9 Years Ago
▉ ▌▍▌▆▊ ▄▌▇▄▆▄▇▇
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE tweak material
9 Years Ago
▅ ▋▄▉ ▊▆▇▇ ▊▅███▍▊▄
9 Years Ago
▊ ▄▋▋ ▄▅▌▌▌ ▉▆▅▄█ ▇▊▍▅▊▋
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE updating shaderforge
9 Years Ago
- Level up panel now correctly shows if and how many unspent skill points are available
9 Years Ago
- Added a panel to gameplay UI ready to show when you have unspent skills
9 Years Ago
- Decreased item hoover range from 200 to 100
9 Years Ago
- Moved hit shader effect calling code to a component, EntityHitEffect, and made it a required component of BaseEntityt - Made the values of hit effect accessible from the inspector - Added the hit effect to enemy prefabs for area 1 - Patcher glue now is correctly set to destroy on impact - Set camera shake values to somethig noticeable again on the new camera prefab
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE fix collision from a bad commint
9 Years Ago
- Hit effect flash now has a shorter duration (0.05 instead of 0.1)
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE hit effect and shader change
9 Years Ago
- Floating text for XP
9 Years Ago
- Boozeburners, patchers and spikey things all now have loot chances - Crates are no longer guaranteed to drop items - Added small chance of health orbs to all loot drops
9 Years Ago
- Increased the amount of experience needed to level up
9 Years Ago
- Made starting weapon crappier
9 Years Ago
- Boozeburner tweaks
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE main shader with metalness/gloss/ao map contro,l and effect for states
9 Years Ago
- Loot is now hoovered up when in range
9 Years Ago
- Increased size of placeholder loot model - Clicking left stick now shows the names for all dropped loot items, if they've timed out and hidden.