2,200 Commits over 578 Days - 0.16cph!
- BreakApart component now has a health multiplier, so you can make all parts break off before 50% health etc
- Bouncer shield is now completely destroyed by 50% health, leaving the little dude inside to attack you
- Doubled the health Bouncers receive per-level
- Loot containers now have 100% chance to spawn an item
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FOR FUCK SAKE bouncer prefab
!A workerbot particle
- Bouncer outerlayer/shield now breaks apart as it loses health
FOR FUCK SAKE workerbot prefab
- More placement of workerbots
FOR FUCK SAKE workerbot rig to fix missing arms
!A workerbot anim controler with idle placeholder
- Workerbots now use their cutting effect tool in random bursts
- Placed some workerbots throughout areas of 1-1
FOR FUCK SAKE workerbot tweak
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- Moved stuff out the way
- WIP objectives UI rework
- Buzz Saw now starts returning to the player after 0.7 seconds instead of 1.
- Removed old unused Buzz Saw prefab
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▋ █▌▇█▅▅▍▆█ ▍▄▍▉▆/▆▇▆▍▄█▍ █▆▉ ▉▌▄▍▆ ▊▆▇▉▉ ▆█▄▄▋▄
- Space Mechanics fuckabout
- Enemy chatter fix for non aware enemies
- Area1 work
- Added some placeholder taunts to Bouncers
- Changed loot spawn percenteges for qualities
- Enemy chatter offset can be specified per enemy
- Made minimap/map stand out more
- Added trails to loot items that match the item colour
- Tweaked loot hoover beheaviour
- Setup loot container to use the new model, added explosion effect and hit effect
- Deleted old unused container prefab
!A missing shaderforge folder
FOR FUCK SAKE shaderforge 1.16
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- Toned the item glown back down a bit
- Loot now glows the color of the item colour, white, green, yellow.
- Loot now uses the new model
- Loot names are no longer visible in the world
- Loot containers now have the new LootTable script on them so they actually drop loot :)
- Speech bubble changes
- Added some temporary, enemy-specific taunts
FOR FUCK SAKE glue impact colour
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- Added noob-simple tutorial text panel to Area0
- Restructured Area0 and Area1_1 hierachy to support level swapping again
- ChangeLevel can now toggle specific objects