
8,451 Commits over 2,131 Days - 0.17cph!

7 Years Ago
Fixed proxy character vis check rate
7 Years Ago
NetworkLevel simplification
7 Years Ago
NetworkLevel work. And NPC walk zones work again.
7 Years Ago
Testing a fix
7 Years Ago
Was reading bytes before ID in networkinput, caused a fuckup.
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Making sure we always ReadBytes on Deserialize and messages, since not doing so can cause issues with getting the shared reader out of sync. Not sure if messages really need it.
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Spawn plane working! Spent way too long getting this right.
7 Years Ago
Fixed some stuff, shit's still broken though.
7 Years Ago
Working on PUBG spawning vehicle but currently has issue where I can't use [Facepunch.BNet.OnNetworkClientStarted(0)] on the vehicle base class because it has a generic parameter ("InvalidOperationException: Late bound operations cannot be performed on types or methods for which ContainsGenericParameters is true."). Committing work so far before I work on a fix.
7 Years Ago
ZGameMode now mostly working. The plane doesn't move.
7 Years Ago
NPC vision fix, using the networkentity trace variant. NPC bad aiming was caused by them not being able to see through themselves on listen servers where they had client and server variants. This is currently broken somewhat as level geometry is being discarded too! Need to do something like change the "discard everything except same scene" to a "discard everything in the client scene (or server scene for casts from the client)."
7 Years Ago
Fixed bot players shooting themselves. There's still something wrong with their aim - and Zombie's aim too.
7 Years Ago
Visuals are back for bots and proxy players
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Working on re-adding bot support
7 Years Ago
More reconnection fixes.
7 Years Ago
Fixed most client disconnect / reconnect stuff.
7 Years Ago
disconnection and loading fixes.
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Remove print
7 Years Ago
Messing with level loading + fixing NPC manager singleton woes
7 Years Ago
Fix for NRE that could happen as player was disconnecting
7 Years Ago
Interface work, mostly preventing ambiguous calls from combined interfaces
7 Years Ago
Fixing unfinished/broken stuff in NetworkEntity. Got one more thing to fix in ItemTradingEntity
7 Years Ago
Fixed vehicle instability in listen server mode
7 Years Ago
Improved car entry interaction
7 Years Ago
NPC issue
7 Years Ago
Server build seems to work now
7 Years Ago
Didn't mean to change tick rate
7 Years Ago
Increase NPC count again
7 Years Ago
Variable interpolation clock now handles a long wait between ticks, as well as simple latency
7 Years Ago
New smooth interpolation system for client vehicles, regardless of client tick rate. Some minor issues remaining.
7 Years Ago
Committing jittery vehicles without smoothing, before I write a new smoothing solution that'll interpolate nicely between ticks
7 Years Ago
Can exit vehicles
7 Years Ago
Vehicle physics tweaks
7 Years Ago
Cars run at the right speed again, but with some physics issues. Going to tweak things.
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Fix classic bug in MaskCollisions
7 Years Ago
Vehicle work, plus removed some listen server things that were only relevant in the old system
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Working on vehicles
7 Years Ago
Working on vehicles, plus extra fixes for #defines
7 Years Ago
Lots of work on IsServer/IsClient checks. Tried to also reduce #if defines but without much luck.
7 Years Ago
Fixed subscribers subscribing to the same group twice, fixed all visible death bugs.
7 Years Ago
Another fix
7 Years Ago
Forgot to hook console system up to receive network messages
7 Years Ago
Working on character death/respawn
7 Years Ago
Get things working on listen server