userAdam Wcancel

4,871 Commits over 2,068 Days - 0.10cph!

6 Years Ago
charger hit impact fx calling code
6 Years Ago
more charger attack wip and fixes
6 Years Ago
Fixed charger flipping 180 when doing charge attack. CombatAction now also takes a parameter for the original attack-from tile. PostAttackCombatAction now uses the attack-from tile not the unit's current tile to do final direction calc.
6 Years Ago
charger trail disabled by default, enabled during charge attack, disabled again after.
6 Years Ago
more charver attack view + cleanup.
6 Years Ago
charger attack view
6 Years Ago
getting there
6 Years Ago
wip ChargerAttackView
6 Years Ago
added ChargerAttackView (not working yet) and set values, prefab
6 Years Ago
fix for PlaceHolderAttackView nre
6 Years Ago
last few event hookups for help prompts
6 Years Ago
pass of the default squads for current maps, making them more fun and varied
6 Years Ago
new career saves start with one mod of each type in the mod inventory
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
and more...
6 Years Ago
more events
6 Years Ago
wip event triggers to automatically disable the various help prompts when completing the actions
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
ForceWipe now deletes PlayerPrefs too when triggered. Made the whole help prompt a button, as well as the X. Help prompts now close when clicked, and save (to not open again in the future) Setup some help prompt IDs
6 Years Ago
more help prompt stuff
6 Years Ago
Help prompts will remember their closed status and not show again (when i get the buttons to click!)
6 Years Ago
New career saves start with 2 random mod slots in your inventory. More help prompt prefab / code / setup.
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
more career mode help prompt wip
6 Years Ago
more help prompt wip
6 Years Ago
fixed difficulty options having a fucked up BG colour
6 Years Ago
wip HelptPrompt prefab, basic setup
6 Years Ago
wip career help prompt setup
6 Years Ago
Charged now uses the PlaceholderAttackView attack view script instead of grabber
6 Years Ago
destroy the preview unit model on exiting career creation screen so it doesn't sit in the scene forever making random noises :D
6 Years Ago
hovering over the create button on career creation screen will now punch scale and color team and manager name fields red if they're empty, to make it obvious why the create button is disabled.
6 Years Ago
added a force wipe mechanism, added a Defines.SavePath, moved a ton of save locations to use the new sub /save/ path of runtime data so I can wipe the folder without unity file sharing violation errors.
6 Years Ago
career opportunities can now occur slightly more often
6 Years Ago
tweak AI difficulty band values. career mode AI difficulty increases during the season, starts of super easy.
6 Years Ago
ai options panel tweaks/cleanup/fixes
6 Years Ago
implemented AI difficulty selection for practice mode
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
more practice ai options wip: ui, code, integration to menu flow
6 Years Ago
more AI options panel work
6 Years Ago
small refactor of UIMapButton to make it more reusable
6 Years Ago
wip AI quick play options panel
6 Years Ago
added AIDifficulty enum. AISettings now takes AIDifficulty param, sets values. Added MoveOutOfDangerChance, AttackNoMoveChance , AttackMoveChance values, control AI.Think() decisions with them.
6 Years Ago
wip ai difficullty control. fix for capture point NRE when completely capturing a point.
6 Years Ago
team roster background is now only shown in modal views, so in tab view you can see through to the background like the other tabs.
6 Years Ago
more units and mods available each week on the market
6 Years Ago
Fixed bug where non-career mode squad editor would set any picked up unit to being a biter...
6 Years Ago
reworked map database, now holds 2 lists, all maps and exposed maps. maps can be flagged as exposed. non exposed maps can still be loaded by the game if needed, but don't show up to the user - eg squad editor, etc. Tutorial map is now set as not exposed so players can't mess with it. squad tweaks. rebuilt map database.
6 Years Ago
first career mode map is now a less daunting one for noobs. deleted car1 map as it was still playing shit despite tweaks.