userAdam Wcancel

11,277 Commits over 3,500 Days - 0.13cph!

7 Years Ago
test code
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
map db tool now sets the map title to the map filename if there's none specified
7 Years Ago
wip mapdb stuff to handle the different modes, tool to build map DB
7 Years Ago
Branching for wip map database improvements
7 Years Ago
directional armour is now calculated and saved in UnitDmgInfo AI will now prefer attacking and moving to attack locations that let them attack units from weaker sides (sides/back) where possible
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
renamed Practice button to Play A.I and make it not editor-only
7 Years Ago
Added MovementDirectionScorer which scores tiles favourably the further up/down the board they are from the unit, based on the advance/retreat flag
7 Years Ago
TileScorer can now collate individual tile scorers to get a combined list of tile values AI now prefers higher terrain when moving as default action
7 Years Ago
AI helper function to get a list of ordered unit damages for a provided list of attackers
7 Years Ago
UnitDmg now includes a ref to the attacking unit so it doesn't need to be tracked separetly in AI calcs. Renamed UnitDmg to UnitDmgInfo
7 Years Ago
AI emotes abuse
7 Years Ago
move-attack AI now checks if the unit can actually move and attack :D fallback move AI option now picks random unit
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Fix (?) for unitview tag change when a unit kills itself Shitty placeholder code to get AI triggering stuff so I can start working on AI helper functions
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Clear squad button works again
7 Years Ago
CommandBlock now gets cleared after it is sent (fixes my warning log, but nothing was broken)
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
wip stuff
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
unit info panel now shows armour values instead of block %
7 Years Ago
Attack unit UI bar now iuncludes damage reduction calc for hit dmg and dmg range
7 Years Ago
crowd forced to jump 1 million times forced full attendance crowd
7 Years Ago
disabled ui canvas
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
"Armour" test: removed block, now 100% hit chance, but attacks have the following dmg reduction: Front = 2, sides = 1, back = 0.
7 Years Ago
Grabber pull no longer does dmg to friendly units again
7 Years Ago
Control points now have 30 pts each instead of 50
7 Years Ago
fix for server log not showing. added player.stats to show players online, games in progress and total games played
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Fixed enemy unit button fuckups when dead
7 Years Ago
Fix for mode specific value UI not reseting after a match
7 Years Ago
Fixed player profile button not being set to interactable on connection
7 Years Ago
Repurposed tip text on menu for button hover tooltips. Tool tip texts
7 Years Ago
added highlighter to squad menu button
7 Years Ago
what's new change
7 Years Ago
Fix for squad bar buttons scaling after death on null selection
7 Years Ago
Removed click state from enemy unit bar buttons
7 Years Ago
Disabled wip trajectory display. Unit key text.
7 Years Ago
Whats New data file entry. Settings fix.
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Unlocked all resolutions, updated jenkins file for 5.6.2f1
7 Years Ago
Clamp resolution setting value between 0 and currently available resolution count
7 Years Ago
Fixed bug with options resolutions being reversed correctly in UI but not for the game
7 Years Ago
commit to update
7 Years Ago
wip unit bar stuff
7 Years Ago
placeholder capture sound
7 Years Ago
Capture point remaining points display and correct value shown at match start