11,556 Commits over 3,591 Days - 0.13cph!
- Reworked ability input stuff to allow triggering from new multi controller input stuff
- Added new keyboard bindings to button set
- Game over screen now works with mouse/keyboard
- Mission select screen now interactable with mouse, can start missions.
- TownInteractable works with keyboard
- Cursor no longer hidden by default, need to toggle.
- Title screen buttons now work with mouse
- Defaulted back to gamepad controlls
Merged control branch to main
- More mouse/keyboard input controller work and changing other classes to use the new more input-generic functions
- Added basic keyboard movement and firing to MKController
- Branched and more control rework
- More controls refactoring
- Controls purge/cleanup before splitting out to input device classes
- Reduced length of AsteroidToFactory flow
- Started making level skins tileset based. WIP
- Minor space game update with a few bug fixes, movement change and ability nerfs
- Increased cooldown timers of some abilities
- Fixed the way Room creates it's bounding box
- Fixed some Health/MaxHealth enemy issues
- The amount of damage a BaseEntity can take in one hit/shot can now be capped to a % of total health
- Capped Timmy Turrets max single damage to 5%
- Death Row now does target entity MaxHealth as damage, instead of just destroying it (same outcome most of the time, but allows it to be capped properly on bosses etc)
- PLAYER MOVEMENT CHANGES: Increased deceleration speed (3->4.5), increased turn speed (15->100).
- BaseMovement now has a max speed random range. Set some default ranges for enemies.
- Removed some debug stuff
- Space game blog buildy build
- LevelBuilder fix for planet spawning with no outdoor rooms
- Barricade renamed to Barrier
- Collision fix for Barrier
- Barricade/barrier now has seperate distance, scale values and spacing delay enabled again
- Added a starting room to asteroid tileset scene
- Made a tileset for the start room
- Made an asteroid->factory flow
- Last orders mission now uses the asteroid->factory flow
- Rebuilt asteroid prefabs
- Added spawners to outdoor rooms and set spawn budgets for the rooms
- Rebuilt outdoor prefabs
- Increased buzz saw cooldown 7->12
- Added floor collision and Floor script to Asteroid rooms
- Rebuilt asteroid scene prefabs
- Made some terrible icons for barricade, deathrow and laserlink
- Disabled loot dropping of abilities
- AbilityList now equips speed boost and random offensive + utility abilities each level
- AbilityList can now return a random ability of specified category
- Disabled Reaper Bros ability because it's shit
- Added Unlocked property to AbilitySO (defaults to true) so individual abilities can be ignored when abilities are auto loaded (for disabling specific abilities in builds)
- AbilityList now ignroes any locked off abilities
- Added stats screen to F2
- Level can now return list of active rooms
- LevelBuilder now just picks one outdoor room and spawns the planet in it at -3000
- Super basic planet spawning. 20% chance of an outdoor room spawning a planet. Lots of problems. Just a quick test.
- Fixed PlanetGenerator so we can have multiple planets
- Level now builds lists of indoor/outdoor rooms once level has been built
- LevelBuilder wip planet spawning (commented out)
- Room culling code tidy/optimise