11,616 Commits over 3,622 Days - 0.13cph!
Block game input during daily challenge outcome panel
Added Beta9 what's new def.
wip DC panel reward stuff
Aadded Defines.DailyChallengeResultRewards to be used by server/client for top 3 DC position rewards.
Init client award UI using these values. (hidden for now)
Hide tooltips at match outcome
hid daily challenge nut reward stuff until rewards are implemented
Tweaked match simulator scores
disable browsing of yesterday's DC table
Fix for career mode unit rows not setting highlighted colour on mouse over
set buy button interactable state
added AllowBrowsing bool to UIDailyChallengeTable
request top entries if score table seed offset != 0
buy button ui scene setup (not functioning yet)
use CareerUIUtils.IntToOrdinalString for league position stat
team stats for team view.
Renamed potato mode to Max Performance Mode
Added oil to car1, dm2.
Added spikes to car2.
Healing pad tooltip
Healing pads now fully heal units.
Match outcome level up effect + nut values, per level up.
Moved currency award values to Defines so client can use them.
AI now uses healing pads when low health.
Implemented healing pads
Added healing pads to car5 map.
basic setup of healing pad tiletopper, prefab etc.
ThemeEvent now triggers an event on set.
UIMenuTheme checks for valid event in OnEnable and also listens to new theme set event.
▅▍▋▌ ▅▄▌█ ▆▌▋▊▊▋▍ ▆▅▍▉ ▇▉▅▇ ▍▌ ▅█▅▍▄▋▍▆ █▋ ▅▍▅▋▄▉▋
Clear the current career ref when entering save slots.
Null check for career in debug tools.
Play unit hit anim when health change source is not a unit.
remove collider from spike trap so unit's do get lifted up
reduced tile topper offsets by 0.5
Oil tile topper works, increases cost of moving onto the tile by 1.
Addded MovementCostModifier tag.
Pathfinder uses the new cost modifier tag when searching.
wip Oil tile topper basic setup.
TileTopperView now has a bool for random Y rotation (defaults to false). Set to true for oil spills.
Added tooltip to spike traps
Added collision to spike trap spikes so units get lifted
more spike trap tile topper wip.
added new TileDmg and min/max values, separate from the Burning dmg stuff so it can be used for general purpose map dmg stuff and stack with unit tile dmg.
WIP spike trap tile topper.
Tile topper map editor state now just loads all the tile topper definitions instead of manually adding them.
Tilefall now has a maximum number of times it can happen, set per map in the map definition files.
Set max tilefall counts for all the maps.
Can now use tab in tile topper editor mode to cycle through available tile toppers
null check flash anim controller (fix NRE on matcoutcome screen)
added Flash action to refresh
World space tooltips now work properly with render scale
Capture point and jump pad tooltips.
Tooltips disappear after being hovered for 1.5 seconds.
Removed tooltips layer from all collisions.
Added game option to toggle map object tooltips.