11,585 Commits over 3,622 Days - 0.13cph!
Fixed unit health bars
Local/opponent colours for unit bar
Merging with latest before fix
Unit bar blocks get grouped by unit type
Unit bar is now setup using Team info
Unit bar portraits
Unit bar health bars update
Path highlighting NRE fix.
deleted old HealthBlock
more wip new unit bar
merged rework branches to main
Tile toppers now register for tag changes with their tile entity
Placeholder capture point TT animation for capture points tag change
Moved some shit
board tile entities now get ids and are added to entity list
the build is now built before InitEntities is called
OnTagChange can now be overriden
Control/capture mode victory condition now caches the tiles with control points at the start of the match so it only has to check those entities
more entity manager / events
virtual functions for EntityView
Board/Tile/Unit views now all have EntityView base class
started making the new OnTagChange stuff less shit
cleaned up control match definition SO
new placeholder capture point model
Split game host instance setup to PreBuildSetup() and PostBuildSetup()
wip capture victory conditions, reordering game setup
bit of clean up of old shit
wip capture individual location points
more (dm7 map saved with the TilTopper data too. If map fucks at some point, it's this commit)
TileView tag change/model wip stuff
map editor tile topper mode wip
TileTopper SO with ApplyToTile and RemvoeFromTile functions
test model
control mission now uses board tags not game tags, added SetBoardTag match action
fixed Team base entity tags being cleared immediately after they're set.....
Fix for an extra gameinstance being created in practice/test local game
added teleporter image to reference folder
more entity serialisation wip
CmdSetTag now looks up entities properly.
Client EntityManager is not correctly adding the game and board entities from game protobuf yet.
added EntityID enum with entity category ID start indexes, assigned them. Teams,game, board, tiles, units.
fixed squad editor with new EntityManager