11,585 Commits over 3,622 Days - 0.13cph!
Basic FindAttackPosition AI node, ship handling changes.
Added an EntityHealthPercent lookup node
ShipMoveTowards AI node now uses a position variable instead of GO
AI nodes and code for grid lookup of players.
Server side, locally controlled entities now broadcast updates correctly
Bit of NetworkEntity refactor
Added behaviour designer. Started basic locomotion steering AI nodes.
Parenting fix. Ship firing changes
Locomotion/controls refactor
Ship locomotion changes and simple wobble/tilt
Seperated ship locomotion stuff
Follow distance is instantly set when activating a camera, instead of waiting for the lerp.
Started splitting the player and ship cameras out
Added spawn volumes to starter island.
Added spawn transform for ships in town.
Grid now dynamically recalculates the needed number of cells of specified size to fit the world size
Reworked entity setup and collision. Basic spawning Added terrain layer.
Added spawn transform to WorldSetup
Fixed world gen spawning everything at 11y
World setup changes, editor script
Island prefab setup and changes
WorldGen now instantiates with PrefabUtility when in editor, to keep prefab links.
More inv/container ui and removing client views from containers