userAdam Wcancel

11,561 Commits over 3,622 Days - 0.13cph!

9 Years Ago
- Updated InControl and made everything work again
9 Years Ago
- Fixed a new bug with abilities not doing the correct amount of damage when firing a projectile - Fixed boomerang not doing damage
9 Years Ago
- Boomerang cooldown set to 7 seconds - Time slow shield cooldown set to 7 seconds
9 Years Ago
- Fixed bug with abilities starting on cooldown when first assigned
9 Years Ago
- Added a new Speed Boost ability, grants 50% speed/accel for 5 seconds, 15 sec cooldown. - Movement modifiers are no longer capped at 100% - Added a new ability category, Speed -
9 Years Ago
- Time slow shield size increased and speed reduced
9 Years Ago
- Projectiles can now be set to allow zero velocity - Timeslow shield changed: It will now move in the initial direction of the shoot stick if the player is firing or will remain stationary if the shoot stick is not being aimed
9 Years Ago
- Ability scriptable objects now have link to the abilty prefab - Ability SOs now launch/init abilities - Removed more old stuff
9 Years Ago
- More rework/cleanup
9 Years Ago
- More cleanup. - Ability buttons now restart their cooldown when their ability is set/changed
9 Years Ago
- Ability UI buttons all now just use one button prefab, and set to disabled/blank when not in use
9 Years Ago
- AbilityList now loads all ability ScriptableObjects automatically from the folders at startup - Ability UI buttons are now initialised from ability scriptable objects, including icon, button text, cooldown etc
9 Years Ago
- Refactoring ability button/activation/UI stuff - Deleteing old/unusued ability stuff
9 Years Ago
- Ability system reworking
9 Years Ago
- more
9 Years Ago
- Changed Factory1 defaults
9 Years Ago
- force
9 Years Ago
- Ground work for ability system rework. Added scriptable object setup stuff.
9 Years Ago
- Room code cleanup
9 Years Ago
- Tileset lights are now enabled/disabled as you move through rooms
9 Years Ago
- Room now has a reference to it's tileset's light prefab and also the instance of it - LevelBuilder now builds a dictionary of needed and spawned tileset lights and assigns Rooms their light instances
9 Years Ago
- Added some flows + archetypes for asteroids and factoryasteroids
9 Years Ago
- Blog build
9 Years Ago
- Space Chunks
9 Years Ago
- Starting weapon hack fix for town weapon positions
9 Years Ago
- Removed the what's new welcome screen in town.
9 Years Ago
- Reduced branched factory length to 6 from 7
9 Years Ago
- DunGen flows are now selected by the mission scriptable object definition - Reorganized flow/archetypes folders
9 Years Ago
- LevelBuilder now spawns lights from any used tileset in the level. One unique light per tileset. Lights spawn disabled for now.
9 Years Ago
- Asteroid tileset rebuild
9 Years Ago
- Prefab building tool now processes any lights with PrefabLink first, taking the last light as the light prefab to use for the whole tileset (should only be one directional light with a PrefabLink script in a tileset). It then updates the rest of the prefab links in the tile set scene and sets any Room prefabs with a link to the prefab for the light used. - Rebuilt Factory prefabs - Rebuilt Asteroid prefabs
9 Years Ago
- Added the light from the asteroid test scene to the asteroid tileset scene and made it a prefab link
9 Years Ago
- Added RoomType enum to Room - Set factory rooms to Indoor and Asteroid room to Outdoor - Rebuilt tileset prefabs
9 Years Ago
- Added RoomSpawner script to ice room and added a single spawn point so level building doesn't fail for testing
9 Years Ago
- Temp fix for cam background
9 Years Ago
- Entity wander now wanders more frequently :)
9 Years Ago
- EntityWander now rejects any target positions that aren't in it's Entity's parent room
9 Years Ago
- Fixed a height bug with EntityWander
9 Years Ago
- Basic enemy roaming when not aware of player
9 Years Ago
- Majorly reworked more movement stuff. Completely removed BaseEnemyMovement component. BaseMovement is now purely resposinble for providing movement and collision functionality, driven by new AI components or player controls. - Removed BaseEnemyMovement script from all enemies, now just has BaseMovement - Added the new basic enemy AI component to all enemies and transferred behaviour settings that used to exist in BaseEnemyMovement
9 Years Ago
- More
9 Years Ago
- More de-shitting
9 Years Ago
- Changes to Move() and calls
9 Years Ago
- More movement cleanup. Removed EntitySeperator entirely
9 Years Ago
- Moved movement speed modifier tracking/applying to a new component, MovementSpeedModifiers that gets added only if a speed modifier is applied for the first time.
9 Years Ago
- Removed ReducedBackwardsSpeed and MoveForwards
9 Years Ago
- Started refactoring movement related code. Also removed DebugStickToFloor - don't think it's used?
9 Years Ago
- Fixed bug causing enemies to not do melee damage correctly - Fixed bug with BaseEntity not updating distance to player when not aware of player.
9 Years Ago
- Renamed shield pickub prefab to Shield instead of Energy - Shield pickup range now doubled to 150
9 Years Ago
- Large map view is now zoomed out further to show more of the level