4,871 Commits over 2,068 Days - 0.10cph!
trajectories now coloured based on combat interaction type
ShowTrajectory now receives the CombatInteactionType for the targetted tile
Tile marker now changes colour based on move/attack/heal.
Fixed a bunch of tile marker bugs.
tilemarker now instantly appears at new locations
big refactor of UnitDmgInfo, now works on potential healthchange (+ or -) instead of just a damage value.
Refactored everything (I think) that uses it to expect a positive or negative value.
Refactoring UIUnitHealthBar to make it more suitable for the new targetting
***** Moved BaseInput to before Default Time in script execution order *****
wip multi targetting hover bars
clamp min/max dmg calculations when reducing with armour
fixed a bug in AttackUtils with damage calculation min/max not taking armour into account correctly.
wip multi-target attack targetting stuff.
wip targetting/unit hover bar rework
flipper attack description.
removed unused UnitHoverPanel prefab
"Ignores Armour" now toggles correctly with attack type.
standardised attack name formatting.
info panel prefab tweak.
added ignores armour text to unit panel prefab
biter now reduced by armour, dmg increased 4->5, hp increased 7->8
Charger attack is now reduced by armour, increased dmg 3->4
more attack def/setup rework.
disabled attack symbols on unit cards.
refactored out UnitLineAttackRangeSO.
more attack refactoring.
cleaned uo PlayerAreaView
attack defs.
more attack targeting/trajectory stuff
burner attack view trajectory points
trajectory points for cast attack view
tile marker now marks correct tile in attack state
menu leaderboard code fix