userAdam Wcancel

1,632 Commits over 578 Days - 0.12cph!

9 Years Ago
missed 1
9 Years Ago
- more asteroid stuff
9 Years Ago
- TestBed tool bug/crash fixes and now supports loading any tileset room
9 Years Ago
- Bugs now have less health. 4->2 - Vacuum launchers fire less frequently - Reduced duration of vacuums - Sine movements now check for owning entity player awareness - Spawn chance and costs adjustments (nerfs) for asteroid tileset
9 Years Ago
- Fixed rotation of alarm bot
9 Years Ago
- Reduced health of Alarm Bots to 30 from 40 - Increased spawn budgets of asteroid test rooms
9 Years Ago
- Deleted unused enemy packs
9 Years Ago
- Setup enemy definitions for area 2 enemies - New enemy pack for asteroid tileset - Added loot components to area 2 enemies - Asteroid tileset now spawns enemies
9 Years Ago
- Reworked Block_Gate prefab slightly to match others - Added spawn locations to asteroid test rooms - Asteroid gates now function correctly - Rebuilt asteroid tileset/scene
9 Years Ago
- Added a start room to asteroid tileset - Setup asteroid level generation flows - Game starts straight into asteroid tileset for now
9 Years Ago
- Rebuilt asteroid tileset prefabs/rooms
9 Years Ago
- Added doors to asteroid test rooms
9 Years Ago
- New area 2 bug enemy - Sine wave movement
9 Years Ago
- Reduced Alarm Bot helath from 50 to 40
9 Years Ago
Area2-AlarmBot enemy
9 Years Ago
- Some spawner rework to make them more flexible
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
- Added BD node to set laser lengths - Enemy wip
9 Years Ago
- Added new BD nodes for getting entity health percent and setting Rotate3D speed - More new enemy types WIP
9 Years Ago
- Laser Rays can now be set to start active - Placeholder moving quad laser enemy prefab
9 Years Ago
- New WIP area 2 enemy, vacuum launcher
9 Years Ago
- Added some randomness to bouncer charge - More work on area 2 enemy
9 Years Ago
- Booze Burner behaviour tree - Accelerate action node can now be set to accelerate away from target - Flamethrower script reworked to just be a toggle and damage logic, toggling moved to behaviour tree - Deleted some shit
9 Years Ago
Merged AI back to main
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
cheats work in build
9 Years Ago
- component fixes
9 Years Ago
- More tidy up and annotated Bouncer BT
9 Years Ago
- Bouncer now activates boost - EnemyAbilityBoost no longer controls activation/deactivation - Added ActivateBoost BD task node
9 Years Ago
- Removed debug nodes and trimmed some unneeded nodes from Bouncer BT
9 Years Ago
- Bouncer BT cleanup
9 Years Ago
- Bouncer progress - StopMovement BD node
9 Years Ago
- WIP cooldown ai stuff
9 Years Ago
- more bouncer ai tests
9 Years Ago
bit more AI
9 Years Ago
- Started new bouncer AI
9 Years Ago
- Accelerate and StopAccelerating action code
9 Years Ago
- Started coding some AI conditionals for behaviour trees, now that I kinda know what I'm doing
9 Years Ago
- Added Behaviour Designer - Reimported some old stuff to fix errors after adding BD
9 Years Ago
- More ice level testing stuff
9 Years Ago
- New enemy type now has 100% chance of teleport ability, shoots revenge mortars
9 Years Ago
- Any entity can now be launched as a mortar, and mortar script is addded at launch by the MortarLauncher - Removed specific mortar spikey prefab and replaced with an alternate, generic fast spikey prefab
9 Years Ago
- Mortar stuff refactoring - Ice level enemy trest
9 Years Ago
- Some asteroid room rough tests
9 Years Ago
- More
9 Years Ago
- Started Asteroid tileset / room / flow / archeteype / prefab setup stuff
9 Years Ago
- Reduced chance of bouncers spawning - WIP bouncer rework (bigger, faster and with charge attack (needs wind-up still) - Cocktail launcher now auto not single click
9 Years Ago
- Patchers now fire more aggresively - Reduced amount of cash dropped from crates, but increased chance of cash drops over items/abilities
9 Years Ago
- Bit of BaseProjectile cleanup. If anything goes wrong it's probably this commit. - Barrier/barricade ability now allows the player's projectiles to pass through
9 Years Ago
- Added WallHit delegate to BaseProjectile - Buzzsaw now starts returning when it hits a wall