11,458 Commits over 3,561 Days - 0.13cph!
PlayerDatabase now also keeps a list of players sorted by elo
PlayerRecord.AdjustMatchStats now updates player elo ratings
PlayerDatabase.Stats now shows elo ratings as well
Added eloRating to PlayerRecord protobuf
PlayerRecord entries are now created with default Elo.StartRating value
Static class for calculating match outcome Elo ratings (expeted and resulting)
Elo test script
Moved attack tile highlighting logic out of AttackState and into a function of TileHighlighter that takes a Unit param
Added a new greyed out version of the normal-mode cursor, switch to greyed out cursor during opponent's turns
Searching for an online game now auto starts an AI match if there's no one else queueing. Added checkbox to menu screen, to disable this, but defaults to ticked,
added a feedback button to global UI that brings up the F7 feedback form
...and now on the proper branch
ValidActionsAvailable now takes a teamID to check.
AI no longer sits and waits until the end of their turn when they have more command points available than actions
Tile highlighter fix for when BGQ interrupts a game
more BGQ game interrupt fixes
Tile parenting/positioning fix for BGQ games being interrupted by a matchmaking game
Server logging now shows team name next to connection ID for disconnects
Fixed grabber and charger not playing attack sound
AI should no longer consider 0 dmg attack targets
Fix for searching panel disappearing when starting an AI game
Increased round timers from 60 to 90 secs.
Disabled unity analytics which seemed to have enabled itself so I can hopefully load unity more than once every 10 attempts
added a 1.5 seconds delay to end of attack chain if it's the last command point
Fixed player platform glows
Deathmatch mode now flagged as available
Remade default squads with new squad version
"What's New" entry data file
set correct block values for Flipper now that the model has a visible orientation
Renamed Slasher unit, configs and assets to Flipper
Remade default squads
Moved some maps to out of rotation folder so there's only 3 active. 1 control and 2 DM
refactored player platform code and fixed it's bug with consecutive games and event listener
Removed some redundant Messenger code
tons more Cmd/Messenger/Network refactoring.
more logging stuff.
fixed (?) GameLogger file violation errors, caused by bad init order
Lots of Cmd and handling changes
host turn timeout handling reworked
changed format of game log header
GameLogger now includes the match start date and time when it builds the log filename